Although there is a huge gap in size between the two pairs of pupils.

But if the giant python has human intelligence, then it should also feel scared at this moment.

Because Chu Xun's right hand has already touched the handle of the knife.

what does this mean?

Knife drawing!

This unpretentious but powerful knife drawing technique directly shocked the entire forest.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Countless leaves fell.

Boom boom boom, many trees also collapsed.

I saw that Chu Xun's saber almost hit the giant python's body directly.

But even though the giant python escaped the fatal attack, the wild saber energy left the huge python with nowhere to hide.

The scales on his body fell off, and the giant python's body was already bleeding.

Although the puddles of blood on the ground appeared to be very oozing, Chu Xun knew that this did not cause fatal injuries to the giant python.

The giant python withdrew before turning around, tens of meters away.

Seeing it, Chu Xun knew it was afraid of pain, so he followed closely.

The buff on his body was still continuing, so Chu Xun took the opportunity to launch more attacks.

It bombarded the giant python again and again.

The giant python was attacked and roared again and again!

The frenzied twisting of the figure overwhelmed many trees, making the entire forest dusty.

Chu Xun hit more and more smoothly, and flew up directly to the top of the giant python.

Taking advantage of the moment when the giant python raised its head, Chu Xun wanted to put the knife drawing technique directly in the giant python's mouth.

But the next second.

What Chu Xun didn't expect was that the giant python spewed out venom from its mouth.

The venom sprayed out by the head, which is as big as a car, is naturally numerous.

Chu Xun was caught off guard, and his body was covered with venom.

The green venom that emitted bursts of poisonous smoke sizzled on Chu Xun's body.

Chu Xun quickly used a group of buffs, burning himself with fire.

"You monster seek death!"

With anger, Chu Xun gritted his teeth and went forward.

However, the situation reversed, and at this time the giant python monster had already gained a certain upper hand.

The huge mouth, the lower jaw kept opening and closing, and the red eyes wanted to bite Chu Xun down and swallow him.

Chu Xun took two steps back, then held the saber in both hands.

The sharp gold air, the howling wind, and two strengthening forces are blessed on the knife.

It's another knife-drawing technique!

In an instant, the light of the sword filled the sky, covering the entire jungle, and also covering all the escape routes of the giant python.

Facing the crisis of life and death, this giant python monster retreated instead of advancing.

Like a trapped beast still fighting, Chu Xun's murderous intent aroused his own ferocity.

The speed of the huge body is not weak, and its head rushed to Chu Xun's back in an instant, and then turned back, trying to entangle Chu Xun.

In terms of the body and terrifying strength of this giant python monster, once Chu Xun is entangled, Chu Xun will be in great danger.

Slash in the air!

At the critical moment, Chu Xun resorted to the Sky Rift Slash that he had obtained earlier.

Numerous crescent-shaped air blades surround the entire body of the giant python.

Puff puff puff puff puff!

The knife pierced into the flesh, although the wound was not big, but it made this giant python monster covered in wounds, roaring again and again.

Taking advantage of this critical moment, Chu Xun blesses the boss all over his body again, together with strengthening powers such as the sharp golden aura and the howling wind, he sends out an extremely powerful sword drawing technique.

Aim directly at the head of the giant python monster, and insert it straight down.


The entire giant python monster, with its huge body, crashed to the ground.

Chu Xun stood still and took a little breath.

"I didn't expect that there are quite a few monsters in this valley." Chu Xun thought to himself.

And this strength is not weak.

Seeing the huge monster's body in front of him, Chu Xun stepped forward to touch the corpse.

Although he didn't figure out the formula this time, it improved Chu Xun's cultivation a lot.

It made Chu Xun smile, and his heart was a little excited.

And at this moment, the group of people who were originally outside the valley also began to gradually enter the valley.

They don't want to wait any longer.

Youdao is to shoot the first bird, since there is someone like Chu Xun who can scout the way for them, then they are naturally willing to do so.

And when this group of people flew into the valley, they also encountered the same group of strange birds that Chu Xun had encountered before.

But they didn't have Chu Xun's strength.

Facing the flock of strange birds that obscured the sky and sun, they suffered heavy losses.

Chu Xun has been walking all the way for so long, fighting again and again.

He is also a little tired.

Originally, Chu Xun just planned to rest in place.

But he didn't expect to meet this group of people who caught up later.

This group of people who were afraid to come in outside the valley originally surrounded them, but now facing Chu Xun, they bared their teeth and claws, vicious and vicious.

They thought that they were attacked by a flock of strange birds as soon as they entered the valley, and it was all because of Chu Xun, who deliberately set up an ambush.

Therefore, Chu Xun, who was resting, was ruined by someone.

Facing the people who had drawn out their weapons and drew their sabers, Chu Xun turned his head and stared.

The murderous aura scattered all over his body, directly frightening everyone.

"You, is it you!"

A person who was slightly stunned by Chu Xun said to Chu Xun, "I guess you set an ambush for us."

"Everyone said, why did he come in first? He was fine, but we were attacked by monsters later!"

The provocative meaning in this man's words was obvious, and he obviously wanted to take the anger he suffered from the monster just now on Chu Xun.

Chu Xun looked at everyone's eyes and changed again and again. It was obvious that they had a lot of opinions on Chu Xun.

Chu Xun knew that if he didn't do something, his desire to rest would definitely be destroyed by them.

Immediately, Chu Xun stood up lightly, waved his hand casually, and drew his sword to slash.

A huge blade slashed behind the person who spoke just now, and the giant tree collapsed.

A loud bang.

With the collapse of the giant tree, people also realized Chu Xun's strength, and retreated in shock.

The person who was provocative just now is also stuttering with his mouth open at this moment.

"You you you..." He pointed at Chu Xun tremblingly.

"What are you?" Chu Xun said coldly.

Kneeling down with a plop, the man who was still arrogant just now said directly with a cry: "Boss, I was wrong!"


Chu Xun couldn't help laughing.

This man is really flexible.

Waving his hands helplessly, Chu Xun said, "Are you still going?"

Everyone heard the words, as if they had been pardoned, they retreated one after another.

Facing such a group of people, Chu Xun didn't have the heart to do anything more.

He knew that these were just some young people.

The real big guy is yet to come.

One can gain a lot of benefits by practicing in this Thunder Valley.

Of course, crises are always there. If rewards can be easily obtained, then this area will already be crowded with people.

And the reason why such rookies appear now is because they want to come in and try their best to get ahead.

But luck is not so good.

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