The whole people invade the other world, I feel the corpse and become stronger

Chapter 316: Out of the valley to encircle and suppress!

The three members of Xuan Yuanzong stared fiercely at Chu Xun and said, "I didn't expect you to take the initiative to send it to your door!"

Chu Xun glanced at the positions of the three of them and smiled lightly.He didn't want to leave when he came, he came all the time, is it appropriate to leave without taking something?

Knife drawing!

A burst of sword light flashed.

Originally, the three members of Xuanyuanzong wanted to block Chu Xun's retreat, but they didn't expect to stand on a dead end.

Chu Xun, who is in the state of destiny plus body, is more than average in strength, and people with fourth-rank cultivation are much stronger.

However, the three Xuanyuanzong people in front of them wanted to deal with Chu Xun by relying on their superiority in numbers, which was simply a fool's dream.

Xuanyuanzong's sect occupies a very large area, and its disciples are also numerous.

When Chu Xun started the battle, the sound of the battle disturbed many sleeping people.

After hearing the sound, they picked up their weapons one after another, and rushed towards Chu Xun from left, right, front, back, and all directions.

Chu Xun focused his eyes, and used the D-level talent for visual enhancement and the C-level talent for super hearing. At this time, he was like a fish in water in the darkness, and his movements became smooth and unrestrained.

The battle in the dark is very fierce, and when accompanied by the screams of the crowd, it can even arouse the fear of the enemy.

Skyfire Burning Body combined with Wind and Remnant Clouds plus illusion technique is very useful on this night's battlefield.

Xuan Yuanzong's disciples screamed again and again, and Chu Xun directly killed a bloody path.

In the main hall of the sect, there are many disciples here, and most of the disciples of Xuanyuanzong gather here, trying to resist Chu Xun's entry.

However, crowds of people huddled together in the dark night brought advantages to Chu Xun. Chu Xun directly used the a-level talent picture scroll avatar.

All of a sudden, two figures rushed towards the crowd like a flood of beasts.

"Follow me, brothers, and swear to guard Xuanyuanzong to the death!" Someone in the crowd yelled, and the others wanted to rush forward after hearing this, but because of Chu Xun's power, they were timid and dared not go forward.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xun said, "Whoever blocks me will die."

The effect of this sentence is remarkable.

Under the circumstances that no one had the ability to intercept Chu Xun, and the three fourth-rank adults were all seriously injured, so Xuan Yuanzong's disciples had no choice but to give way.

However, there were also those who were not afraid of death, and insisted on rushing forward to stop Chu Xun, only to see Chu Xun cut them down easily one by one.

Just like that, Chu Xun put the saber on top of the disciples of Xuanyuanzong, and the invisible momentum oppressed everyone's minds. If it wasn't because there were so many fellow disciples around, someone would have knelt down for Chu Xun immediately.

Under the oppression of Chu Xun's tyrannical strength, Xuan Yuanzong's disciples had no choice but to offer their spiritual source, in order to ask Chu Xun's subordinates to show mercy.

At this time, Chu Xun had already confronted Xuan Yuanzong and other family forces.

In order to compete for the secret realm to divert the tiger away from the mountain, Chu Xun mercilessly washed Xuan Yuanzong with blood.

Early the next morning, the smell of blood wafting down from Xuan Yuanzong was discovered.

Someone bravely went up to check and found that Xuanyuanzong was already bleeding like a river. This person was so frightened that he peed his pants on the spot and fled down the mountain.

And when the news of Chu Xun's night attack on Xuanyuanzong spread, countless people were shocked.

"Where did this guy come from? Why is it so powerful?"

"Good fellow, this man is so courageous. I'm afraid Zhou Heng, the suzerain of the Xuanyuan Sect, has already lost his temper by now."

"If you offend Xuan Yuanzong in this way, he will definitely have no way out."

Some idlers were talking about Chu Xun's night attack on Xuanyuanzong.

Xuanyuanzong is powerful, and there must be many spiritual sources inside it, which makes some people very envious of Chu Xun's ability to obtain many spiritual sources after attacking Xuanyuanzong at night.

Chu Xun has indeed gained a lot at this time. He was once in a closed cave with spiritual resources in front of him.

Looking at the large number of spiritual sources in front of him, Chu Xun showed joy, grabbed a handful and began to practice cross-legged.

In order to be able to enter the secret realm to improve one's own strength, it is necessary to remove obstacles blocking the way, and Xuan Yuanzong and other family forces are bound to compete with Chu Xun in the end.

So Chu Xun seized the time to improve his own strength, and he could improve a little bit.

On the other side, the news of Chu Xun's attack on Xuanyuanzong at night finally reached the ears of Zhou Heng, the lord of Xuanyuanzong who was guarding the gate of Adversity.


Zhou Heng easily smashed a teacup.

At this moment, he was furious in his heart. When he learned that Chu Xun ransacked the towns under other forces, he didn't think much of it, but this time it was his turn, he really couldn't bear it.

Originally, Zhou Heng thought in his heart that Chu Xun knew a little bit about the seriousness, and he didn't dare to offend Xuan Yuanzong who had offended him to the death.

But now it seems that Chu Xun didn't dare, but he was very daring, and directly wiped out Xuanyuanzong from top to bottom.

For Zhou Heng, the entire foundation of Xuanyuanzong has been painstakingly for decades, but now it can be said that it has been destroyed once, which makes Zhou Heng's heart how can he not calm down.

Immediately convening everyone, Zhou Heng began to discuss countermeasures with others.

"I will kill such an arrogant person!" Zhou Heng said coldly, the murderous look in his eyes seemed to be overflowing.

Elder Lu on the side saw his suzerain so angry and thought that his property in Xuanyuanzong might have been lost, so he immediately echoed the suzerain's words and said: "Yes, yes, yes! I and that The thief is also at odds with each other!"

People from other forces and those powerful people of the fifth rank, seeing the people of Xuanyuanzong so annoyed, thought in their hearts that Xuanyuanzong was completely destroyed by Chu Xun, so they also felt that Zhou Heng's Getting angry is justified.

So the rest of the people also echoed Zhou Heng's words, expressing that they and Chu Xun were incompatible.

But now a problem before everyone is that some people want to continue guarding the gate of the secret realm to see if there is any opportunity to break into the secret realm and fight for it, while some people want to lead their troops back immediately. Surround Chu Xun to death.

One side is the treasure resources that may be obtained, and the other side is the own power that can be lost at any time.

This kind of dilemma makes people can't help but divide into two waves.

Seeing that his team was about to split up, Zhou Heng shouted at the crowd in a fit of anger, "Don't you guys know what is the priority? Today he dared to attack my Xuanyuanzong at night. Tomorrow he will dare to wipe out all your lairs. Don’t you think he doesn’t have the guts?”

Zhou Heng's words caused many waves in the hearts of everyone.

Everyone thinks about it, their own power is not as good as Xuanyuanzong, if Chu Xun dares to destroy Xuanyuanzong, then he must also dare to destroy their power.

So at this time, Chu Xun has become a serious problem in their hearts, a thorn in their eyes, a thorn in their flesh, and they have to get rid of it.

Ever since, everyone was ready to go.

These crowds with many fourth-rank strengths and several fifth-rank masters walked out of Leiling Valley with a bang under the leadership of Xuanyuanzong suzerain Zhou Heng.

And the performance of this group of people leaving the valley naturally attracted the attention of other people who failed to enter the valley of thunder.

It didn't take long for Xuanyuanzong suzerain Zhou Heng to lead many masters out of Thunder Valley to find Chu Xun, and the news spread all over the southeast, northwest, and all directions.

Chu Xun was still digesting the spiritual source in the cave at this time.

Chu Xun's combat power has steadily increased. Although there is still a certain distance from the strength of the fifth rank, at this time, Chu Xun is not afraid at all in a one-on-one situation with his own talent, magic arts, supernatural powers, and ancient martial arts. There are some enemies with ordinary fifth-rank strength.

After Chu Xun completely digested the spiritual source, he patted his clothes, stood up, and walked out of the cave where he was hiding.

Get out of the hole.

Chu Xun glanced at the sky and it was still early.

He flew up directly and went to the nearby town to inquire about the news.

The nearby town is called Linhai Town, and it is rumored that it was built by a strong man named Lin a long time ago.But these have nothing to do with Chu Xun, and he has no enmity with the owner of this town.

The reason for hiding in the caves around this town is because the sphere of influence of this town is not bordered by the sphere of influence of Xuanyuanzong Sect Master and the group of people he wins over.

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