A group of people led by Zhou Heng, the suzerain of Xuanyuanzong, began to search for Chu Xun's whereabouts with great fanfare.

This group of people is mighty, and under the leadership of Zhou Heng, they are divided into several small teams. Each team is composed of a master with fifth-rank strength and a few people with fourth-rank strength.

What Zhou Heng thought was that with such a combination of strengths, no matter which team encountered Chu Xun, they could contend against him, and at the worst, they could persist for a period of time without being instantly killed.

After Chu Xun heard the news, he felt a little helpless.

It is possible to destroy any one of the teams with his strength, but there is not enough time.

If he went out now, the rest of the team would have rushed to the rescue before he could kill one team.

"This matter has become a little tricky." Chu Xun thought so.

He just wanted to transfer these people away from the secret realm, and then went to the secret realm by himself after a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Although this group of people no longer guarded the gate of the secret realm, they completely blocked him.

Now, all these intersections are blocked by those people led by Xuanyuanzong suzerain Zhou Heng.

No matter which direction Chu Xun wanted to go to the secret realm of Leiling Valley, he would always meet those people.

It is difficult to think about it, each of them is led by a master with the strength of the fifth rank.

And the villagers of those ordinary towns whose intersections were blocked for no reason dared to be angry and dared not speak out, and dared not express any complaints.

On one side were the people of Xuanyuanzong, who wanted to catch Chu Xun as soon as possible, and on the other side were ordinary townspeople who were blocked by those Xuanzong people at the intersection, and they also wanted this matter to be settled quickly.

At this time, Chu Xun was using the concealment technique and the shadow formation.

Chu Xun, who has the skill of concealment, doesn't have to worry about the enemy discovering himself unless he is very close to the enemy.

Although he could hide for a while, he couldn't hide for a lifetime, but at this time Chu Xun had a good idea.

Chu Xun used his A-level talent clone picture scroll to create an identical self.

I always feel that the main body is hiding in the dark, and I used my mind to control the picture scroll of the avatar, so I went to the street openly.

At this time, the street was much more desolate than usual, most of the pedestrians were in a hurry, and generally did not stay on the street.

There are portraits posted all over the streets and alleys. It is the portrait of Chu Xun.

Not long after Chu Xun showed up, someone on the road discovered that Chu Xun was the one in the portrait that the Xuanyuan Sect Master and the others wanted to arrest.

It was like stabbing a hornet's nest all of a sudden. There were only a few pedestrians on the street, but at this moment they ran back home in a hurry.

Although no ordinary person dared to get involved in this matter, the people of Xuan Yuanzong were not idle, but were searching everywhere, so they soon found Chu Xun.

At this moment, the closest team to Chu Xun, led by a rank five expert, was Dong Tianning and his subordinates.

As a woman, Dong Tianning was about thirty years old, but her methods were very ruthless, and all the younger brothers under her command obeyed her orders and did not dare to disobey at all.

So when Dong Tianning heard the news of Chu Xun's appearance, he waved his hand and directly led the people under her command to rush to where Chu Xun was.

"You guys go over there, you guys go around and outflank." Dong Tianning pointed lightly, and sent out all his men.

All the way to attack from the front, all the way to outflank, and all the way to sneak attack from the side.

At the same time, Dong Tianning hastily passed the news of Chu Xun's appearance to others.

She is a very scheming woman, although she doesn't think she can lose to Chu Xun, after all, she is different from the big stupid Fang Yuanshan before.

But if you can save the power of your subordinates, why not do it?

In this way, Dong Tianning was the closest enemy to Chu Xun at this time, and other enemies were also coming.

If you look down from the sky, it looks like countless people formed a huge circular encirclement, enclosing Chu Xun's A-level talent avatar picture scroll.

But at this moment, Chu Xun's body was just hiding in the weak spot outside the encirclement.

If it wasn't for Chu Xun's fear of beating grass and scaring snakes, he would be able to let his own body map try to break through the encirclement right now.

The avatar that Chu Xun made with the avatar scroll stood in the middle of the street, looking calmly at Dong Tianning and the others rushing towards him.

When Dong Tianning saw Chu Xun, he was in a dangerous situation, but he was still calm, and immediately felt a little angry.


Dong Tianning threw out the long whip and hit Chu Xun's feet.

She wanted to frighten and frighten Chu Xun, but she dared to ignore her ignorantly.

But the sky doesn't follow people's wishes, and her ideas can't be fulfilled after all.

Chu Xun didn't even move his eyelids, and completely ignored her long whip.

Now Dong Tianning was really angry, and shouted at Chu Xun: "When death is imminent, how dare you put on a show!"

"Everyone give it to me!" Dong Tianning waved his hands and shouted.

Everyone under her command rushed towards Chu Xun in unison.

All of a sudden, the air exploded, and the sound of countless spell attacks rang out.

Magic spells such as flames, frost, sword qi, and poisonous qi exploded around Chu Xun brilliantly.

At this time, Chu Xun's main body controls the avatar picture scroll, and he is not to be outdone. If he can't let the avatar scroll hold on for a while, how can he attract more people and create favorable conditions for his own body?

So Chu Xun was concentrating on it, and in an instant he controlled the blood energy and fought bloodthirstyly.Heavenly Fire Clone, Divine Thunder Phantom and other buffs and Concealment Technique, Illusion Technique, and Shadow Array these concealment techniques, and then add sharp gold air, whistling wind, two strengthening forces, and strengthen the knife in your hand , and finally the destiny Jiashen used the infinitely powerful sword drawing technique.

I saw Chu Xun yell, "Draw the sword!"

In an instant, the light of the sword seemed to cover the sky and the sun, and there was an aura of supremacy that completely suppressed the spells played by other people.

Dong Tianning, who was standing in the distance and hadn't made a move yet, couldn't help raising his right hand to block it in front of his eyes when he saw this scene.

After a while, the light of the saber dissipated, and Chu Xun lay down with enemies all over his body.

These people are all subordinate to Dong Tianning, Chu Xun's move can be said to have greatly damaged Dong Tianning's power.

As if the heart of the most poisonous woman, Dong Tianning didn't care at all about the loss of his subordinates.

Interested gazes came from Dong Tianning's eyes. After seeing Chu Xun's strength with her own eyes, she had a thought in her heart.

I saw Dong Tianning swaying his body and swaying his hips two steps forward and said: "Brother, your strength is not bad."

Chu Xun looked at Dong Tianning scratching his head and posing, and there was no disturbance in his heart. After all, what he was present at this time was just a picture scroll of avatar.

Furthermore, even if the main body is present, it is impossible for Chu Xun to have any thoughts about this kind of woman who describes the poisonous scorpion.

Seeing that Chu Xun didn't respond, Dong Tianning immediately said, "If you're willing to join me, I'll keep you safe!"

Chu Xun looked at the brilliance in Dong Tianning's eyes, and he knew that Dong Tianning had no good intentions.

The two people present at this time knew each other's thoughts, but they were actually delaying time.

Dong Tianning didn't understand what Chu Xun was thinking, but Chu Xun knew that Dong Tianning was afraid of fighting with him alone.

"She wants to preserve her own strength." Chu Xun understood in his mind that this woman wanted to wait for other people to come and besiege her, and was unwilling to attack alone.

The two of them had their own ghosts, so they stood quietly on the street.

A moment later, when Chu Xun sensed the presence of others coming, the ancient martial art Tibetan knife was activated immediately.

An extremely bright and huge brilliance shot out from in front of Chu Xun, directly attacking Dong Tianning.

The reason why Chu Xun launched the attack at this time was to kill Dong Tianyu, a fifth-rank expert, in one fell swoop in front of everyone, so as to frighten others.

Dong Tianning is obviously not a woman to be messed with.

When she saw Chu Xun attacking suddenly, she hastily retreated, and at the same time shouted, "Are you all watching a show?"

Following Dong Tianning's yelling, Xuan Yuanzong's suzerain and other fifth-rank masters were about to rush to the scene.

They already harbored hatred towards Chu Xun, so after hearing Dong Tianning's shout, they directly launched an attack from a distance, trying to counteract Chu Xun's ancient martial art of Tibetan sword.

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