"Forget it, Li Hu."

Chu Xun waved his hand. He also knew that Li Hu was eager to make contributions, so he was a little anxious.

The reason why Chu Xun wanted to accept Li Hu as his subordinate was because of this, and he did a good job.

"Let me ask you." Chu Xun asked the restaurant owner.

He didn't want to order some new dishes, but he wanted to know who were the big and small forces in Fangqing Town.

Although it is possible to ask Li Hu directly about this kind of matter, Chu Xun is not at ease. It is okay for Li Hu to tell him to fight and kill, but it is not easy to ask him to do some minor things.

But the shopkeeper is different. As the shopkeeper of a restaurant, he must be slick in all directions to welcome and send people every day.

For this kind of person, he must know more details than a fool like Li Hu.

Sure enough, after Chu Xun asked in detail.

From the mouth of the shopkeeper, I learned the general situation of the many forces in Fangqing Town.

Although Fangqing Town is a small town, the management is extremely chaotic because Mr. Liu is an idiot here, and there are many forces, big and small.

These forces divided the 72 hutongs in the town's three streets and sixteen alleys into different territories, and each force had its own territory.

As a person with the strength of the fifth rank, Chu Xun was a bit out of place to deal with these small fish.

Therefore, Chu Xun explained the situation to Li Hu and asked Li Hu to let go.

"My lord, don't worry, I, Li Hu, will definitely clear the town for you within three days!"

Li Hu patted his chest to assure Chu Xun.

The younger brothers behind Li Hu also nodded one after another, saying that they must go all out.

Chu Xun was noncommittal and asked them to act first.

As night fell, the people in these family forces did not go to report to Chu Xun, but hid in their own homes to discuss the countermeasures.

Ji Hewen of the Ji family, he is the patriarch of the Ji family, and his family is also the closest force to the Liu family's house.

As the patriarch of the Ji family and the most powerful member of the Ji family, his strength is at least three ranks.

Of course, compared with Li Hu's strength, he is naturally inferior to him, but if all the members of his family are included, then Li Hu is enough to rival him.

Like the Yang family, their Ji family was the closest to the Liu family's house, and they had been bullied the most by Mr. Liu before.

That's why he remained silent after learning that Mr. Liu had been arrested.

But he would not dare to ask him to seek refuge with Chu Xun.

Although in terms of behavior, the decisions he made were similar to those of other families, but psychologically, other families wanted to wait for the opportunity to move, while he was content with the situation and did not have much desire to fight.

But the sky doesn't follow people's wishes, and the Ji family doesn't want to fight, but it loses the face of Li Hu and Chu Xun.

So after Li Hu got Chu Xun's order, the first family to have the surgery was the Ji family.


"Don't leave chickens and dogs!"

"Ah! Help!"

"Tell the patriarch to run!"

Hearing the chaotic shouts outside, Ji Hewen was stunned.

"What's going on here?" Ji Hewen casually grabbed a family member who was fleeing in confusion.

"Ah! Spare me!" the disciple yelled begging for mercy.


Ji Hewen slapped this family member's face, "You can see clearly that it's me!"

"Clan, patriarch!" The child immediately burst into tears when he saw the patriarch.

"It's Li Hu! Li Hu brought people in!"

"What? He dares!"

Ji Hewen, the head of the Ji family, was immediately furious when he heard this.

Thinking of him, the Ji family, who has always been safe and secure and did not dare to cause trouble, but now they are suffering from an indiscriminate disaster, what is the reason.

Fly up with a swipe!

The head of the Ji family, Ji Hewen, rushed to the front yard, and came to the place where Li Hu and his family members were fighting.

Relying on his strength as a master among the third ranks, Li Hu massacred members of the Ji family.

"Li Hu!!"

I saw Ji Hewen, his eyes were red, and the corners of his mouth trembled angrily, "Why did you do this!"

"Why do I?"

Li Hu slapped a member of the Ji family flying away, then looked at Ji Hewen and said, "Didn't I say that during the day today, don't wait for the time!"

"You! You!" Ji Hewen was in a hurry, and he laughed back in anger: "If you do this, how will your master Chu rule the entire Fangqing Town? Are you going to kill all the people in our family forces?" light?"

"Ha ha."

At this time, one of Li Hu's younger brothers laughed, "Don't you know about killing chickens to scare monkeys?"

Ji Hewen immediately stayed where he was, and he was deeply saddened, "It turns out that our Ji family is that chicken."

"Who made your home the closest to us?" Li Hu's younger brother just added.

These words made Ji Hewen even more uncomfortable.

He wanted to go with the crowd and not get beaten.

But he never thought about whether his position allowed him not to stand in line.

"Surrender, I surrender!"

Ji Hewen shouted: "I am willing to dedicate all my spiritual resources to Lord Chu. From now on, our Ji family will only follow Master Chu!"

Following Ji Hewen's words, Li Hu also gave orders.

"Everyone, all stop."

The battlefield gradually calmed down, only the wailing of the injured was faintly heard.

Li Hu left.

Taking the spiritual source as a filial piety to Chu Xun, Chu Xun rewarded the spiritual source casually.

"Brothers have worked hard."

The little brothers were overjoyed when they got the spiritual source.

When they were doing things for Mr. Liu before, Mr. Liu had never been so generous.

All of a sudden.

Chu Xun gained the loyalty of most of the young disciples.

Early the next morning.

What happened to Ji's family spread throughout the town.

Small and weak families sent people to give gifts to Li Hu one after another, hoping to use Li Hu's line to catch up with Chu Xun.

They are afraid!

The current situation of the Ji family, if not done well, will be their future.

For an instant.

With Li Hu's explanation, Chu Xun knew that he could still control a part of Fang Qingzhen's real power.

Under such strong repression.

Chu Xun's power was unmatched for a moment.

The ordinary people in the town were trembling.

Afraid that a Master Liu left, another Master Chu came.

They didn't know that Mr. Liu was still locked in the firewood room by Mr. Chu at this time.

Those who knew the news that Mr. Liu was trapped in the woodshed belonged to the family power.

Those slightly larger family forces are plotting together at this moment, thinking about how to rescue Mr. Liu.

When Mr. Liu was in power, although he was arrogant and domineering, he didn't take them seriously.

But Master Liu does not hold real power after all, nor does he interfere with their rights.

But Master Chu is different. It is obvious that he wants to completely control the real power of the whole town and make their big families completely surrender.

For some big families, this is something that cannot be tolerated at all.

So ever.

in a secret room.

The Yang family, Yang Chengdan.

The Li family, Li Shichuan.

Yan family, Yan Yun.


The patriarchs of these family forces are conspiring to arrange manpower, pick out their own powerful disciples, and join forces to rescue Master Liu.

With Mr. Liu in hand, they went to Mr. Liu's elder brother, Mr. Zunzun of Zhaoyuan County, to have something to say.

And they've figured it out too.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time in Fangqing Town, they will send several people to escort Master Liu to the next town.

In Xintai Town next door, the controller is a person who is at the peak of the third rank, who is only half a step away from entering the fourth rank.

Four grades!

In the eyes of them, the patriarchs of the Fangqing Town family, it is like a county magistrate, an existence that they need to look up to.

Since Chu Xun came to Fangqing Town, he has never fully demonstrated his strength.

That's why these family patriarchs made a misjudgment.

I thought that Chu Xun was also a person who was close to the peak strength of the third rank.

After all, if Chu Xun is a fourth rank, his status can be considered to be equal to that of Liu Tianyi, so why did he come to plot against Fangqing Town?

that's it.

People from other families quickly gathered more than a dozen people, including four third-rank people and nine second-rank people.

With such a luxurious lineup, it was enough to occupy a large territory in Fangqing Town in the past.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the group of people wore night clothes and set off secretly to the woodshed of Liu's mansion without disturbing a single person along the way.

In the woodshed of the Liu family, Mr. Liu was eating leftovers, looking extremely miserable.

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