Compared with Mr. Liu today, he is really a heaven and an earth.

Ever since Li Hu surrendered to Chu Xun, the servants of his Liu family did not dare to resist due to lack of strength.

As a result, Mr. Liu could only eat leftovers, and he was still not full.

At this time, he can be said to be disheartened. If he hadn't thought about his elder brother, he would probably come to save him soon.

I'm afraid Mr. Liu already wanted to die at this time.

A group of people quietly came to the firewood room where Master Liu was.

I saw several servants standing outside the firewood room.

These people knocked the servants out and dragged them aside.

Kuang Kuang, there was a knock on the door.

Mr. Liu, who was eating leftovers, was shocked all over.

Since he ate the leftovers, no one has come to see him.

At this time someone knocked on the door.

Could it be this?

The more Mr. Liu thought about it, the more frightened he became. He was afraid that he would die if he didn't persist until his elder brother arrived.

"Is Lord Liu in there?"

There was a small sound outside the door.

"Who, who is outside?" Master Liu was extremely nervous.

"Master Liu, we are people from various families who came together to save you."

"Are you here to save me?"

Master Liu was a little sad. The last time his new server Li Hu came to rescue him, but Chu Xun discovered him before he even left the house.

This time, people from these big families gathered together to rescue him again. Can he really escape?

Although Master Liu didn't dare to run around at this time.

But these people who came to save him were not his subordinates after all.

He didn't really obey his orders, rushed in, picked him up and ran away.

Master Liu wanted to shout but didn't dare to.

He was afraid that Chu Xun would find out that he was about to run away again, and he also looked forward to it, what if Chu Xun didn't find him?

In fact, Chu Xun really didn't care about him at this time.

Originally, he wanted to detain Master Liu to attract Master Liu's eldest brother, Liu Tianyi County Venerable.

But at this moment, it seems that this good-for-nothing Mr. Liu is not taken seriously by his brother.

If it had been taken seriously, Liu Tianyi would have arrived by now.

But these things don't matter to Chu Xun.

If Liu Tian doesn't come, it's the same if he finds it by himself.

Wait until a few more small towns are taken down, and then break through Zhaoyuan County in one fell swoop.

Relying on Zhaoyuan County, go to take down the entire Dahong City and become the lord of the city.

Mr. Liu was carried away by several people.

Soon he ran out of Liu's residence.

Along the way, the weather was calm and there was no danger for the time being.

This made Mr. Liu, who had been frightened all this time, heaved a sigh of relief.

On the other side, the plaque on the door of Liu's mansion has now been replaced by Chu's mansion.

Li Hu's younger brothers were busy with their work, decorating the Chu Mansion with lanterns and festoons.

Li Hu, who was supervising the work, suddenly heard a report from his servants that Mr. Liu had disappeared.

Anxious, Li Hu hurried to see Chu Xun.

"My lord! Liu has been missing for a long time!"

Li Hu clasped his fists and reported to Chu Xun respectfully.

After Chu Xun heard the news, he didn't take it seriously, but turned his back and waved at Li Hu and said, "Since you ran away, let's run away, it doesn't matter."


Li Hu wanted to say something, but was waved back by Chu Xun.

Chu Xun knew that Li Hu wanted to say that if he let Master Liu go, he would definitely come back to take revenge.

But for Chu Xun, this is what he wanted.

Wouldn't it be easier to sit and wait for the enemy to come to your door than to take the initiative to pick things up?

What's more, in order to act a little low-key.

If he wants to conquer other small towns, he always needs some excuses.

that's it.

Master Liu successfully came to Xintai Town under the escort of several big families.

Tai Lang, the leader of Xintai Town, heard that Mr. Liu came to his place, so he hurried out to greet him.

For Tai Lang, if he could curry favor with Liu Bantian, the younger brother of Lord Liu Tianyi, that would be a good thing.

The gap between the third rank and the fourth rank is like a vast sea of ​​smoke, which cannot be changed by manpower.

Not to mention that he is only at the peak of the third rank now, half a step up to the fourth rank.

Even if Tai Lang succeeds in entering the fourth rank, there is still a big gap between him and the county lord who possesses the power of destiny.

Therefore, Tai Lang attaches great importance to the younger brother of the county lord.

After welcoming Master Liu into the mansion, Tai Lang arranged for those men who escorted Master Liu to rest, and at the same time ordered his servants to prepare meals, and he had to entertain Master Liu well.

Master Liu was sitting on the main seat, eating delicious food and wine, almost couldn't help but burst into tears.

Thinking about the hardships I have endured in the past few days, Master Liu's hatred for Chu Xun can be described as monstrous.

"I've already sent someone to pass on the news to my brother. When my brother sends someone over, I will definitely smash that Chu Xun to ashes!"

Master Liu said harshly while drinking.

Tai Lang on the side, after hearing Master Liu's words, immediately slapped the table and stood up.


At this moment, Mr. Liu was shocked.

"Oh, take your time, my lord." Tai Lang smiled apologetically at Mr. Liu, and then continued: "Why do you need to let Mr. Xianzun take action, Mr. Liu, don't worry, this matter will be handled for you under the tree. "

While making promises, Tai Lang flattered Liu for a long time.

Regardless of strength, he and Liu Bantian are on the same level in terms of rank alone, but in order to curry favor with Liu Bantian's older brother, Lord Liu Tianyi, Tai Lang really didn't want any face.

the other side.

Fang Qing Town is here.

Ever since the head of the Ji family, Ji Hewen, led all his family forces to join Chu Xun.

The remaining forces in Fangqing Town either turned to Chu Xun one after another, or became low-key and hid themselves, not daring to provoke Chu Xun.

But Li Hu has a mission here.

He needs to completely control Fang Qingzhen, so that there is only one voice in Fangqing Town, and that is Chu Xun's.

So ever!

A conflict broke out between the low-key family power and Li Hu.

Night falls.

The Li family, family Li Shichuan is thinking about things in the study.

Outside the gate of the Li family, a fierce battle broke out.

Li Hu led the team, directly broke through the gate of Li's house, and rushed in.

Although Li Shichuan and Li Hu both have the surname Li, there is no deep blood relationship between them.

If there is a relationship, it can only be said that Li Hu and the Li family have a somewhat distant relationship.

After Li Shichuan heard the movement, he rushed out immediately.

"Li Hu! You are presumptuous!" Li Shichuan yelled, "Stop it!"

None of Li Hu's younger brothers listened to him.

This made Li Shichuan feel ashamed.


Li Shichuan made a bold move!

A boulder the size of a human body was knocked down from the rockery by Li Shichuan, and flew towards Li Hu's younger brothers.

Seeing this, Li Hu immediately flew forward, and the Zhanhu Fist was activated, and both fists were sent forward in unison.

With a loud bang, the boulder was smashed and scattered into rubble.

And this time.

The other members of the Li family also heard the movement and rushed out.

The Li family has a large number of people, and their strength is not too weak. They surrounded Li Hu and his younger brothers.

"Here, brother, what shall we do?"

Seeing that they were surrounded, the younger brothers looked anxiously at their elder brother.

Li Hu thought for a while, "Aren't your Li family's manpower weak?"

"Hehe, so-so." Li Shichuan sneered.

"let's go!"

With a big wave of Li Hu's hand, he was about to leave Li's house with his subordinates.

And those members of the Li family, upon seeing this situation, were about to step forward to stop them, wanting to keep Li Hu and others behind.

Li Hu and his little brothers were blocked from leaving.

The little brothers were extremely anxious, and they were deeply focused, for fear that they would be stabbed in the next second.

at this time.

The Patriarch of the Li Family, Li Shichuan said, "Let them go."

"Patriarch!" The clansmen looked at the Patriarch in unison, they were unwilling to let those who hurt their own family's children leave.

Li Shichuan spoke again, with a much louder voice, "I say! Let them go!"


Although reluctant, it was the Patriarch's order after all, and the family's children obeyed the order one after another, making way for Li Hu and his subordinates.

Li Hu didn't say much, and led the people away.

Stay away from home.

These younger brothers dared to speak one after another.

"Brother is amazing!"

"Yeah, have you seen the face of the Patriarch of the Li family turning into a pig's liver? Just like that, he doesn't dare to touch us!"

Everyone praised Brother Li Hu's power one after another.

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