"Everyone, kill!" Du Ning shouted.

"Kill!" Shouts resounded through the sky.

Just like that, Du Ning's army rushed towards the town.

"Everyone, be careful. The townspeople in this town are well-trained and have a lot of weapons. We must not be careless and deal with them carefully."


As soon as Du Ning finished speaking, rows of figures rushed out of the gate of the mayor's mansion, each wearing a black armor.

"Mayor, the townspeople are ready." A subordinate came over to report to the mayor, Li Daniuhui.

Li Daniu nodded, and then said: "Brothers, Du Ning's army has entered our Sunliu Town, and we must resist to the death!"

"Swear to resist!"

"Swear to resist!"

Inside the town, every soldier and general shouted loudly.

"Brothers, follow me to kill the enemy!" Li Daniu roared.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The [-] soldiers in the town raised their weapons high and followed the mayor Li Daniu to attack Du Ning's army.

The two sides criss-crossed under the city wall, intertwined on the ground, and fought in the sky. Flesh and flesh were flying, blood flowed into rivers, and screams and wailing were heard continuously.

Li Daniu looked at the scene in front of him, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up.

"Brothers, I know that you are all brave and fearless soldiers. Let me take you today to kill all the enemies who have invaded our town, so that you can see the true strength of the townspeople."



On the other side, Du Ning led an army of [-] troops to attack the town of Sunliu Town.

Along the way, blood stained their armor, their clothes, the weapons in their hands, and even the bluestone slabs under their feet, all turned scarlet.

They killed tirelessly, heads rolled down under their swords one by one, and pieces of corpses rolled down under their feet.

"Brothers, our goal is to kill the mayor! If we kill him, we will win, so everyone must work hard. I believe that you are all heroes, and you are all my pride. Kill!" Du Ning ordered Down.




The five thousand troops roared in unison, and the weapons in their hands kept beheading everything in front of them.

Although their numbers are smaller than the opponent's, their combat effectiveness is much stronger, and they only broke through Wenlong County not long ago, and their morale is high at this time.

The people in the town looked at the scene in front of them, and they were all stunned, and some of them were even frightened.

They were all ordinary people. They had never seen such a bloody scene before, and their faces were as pale as paper.

There were even some timid ones who peed their pants in fright, but they still gritted their teeth and persisted, waiting for the last moment to come.

Seeing this situation, Du Ning was immediately overjoyed, a smile appeared on his face, and he shouted: "Brothers, we are going to win, everyone stand up for me, we must kill the mayor! "


One roar after another resounded through the sky, and under the leadership of this atmosphere, 5000 troops launched another round of attacks again.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

There were bursts of huge explosions, and the ground trembled.

The 5000 men and horses rushed forward amidst the huge roar, constantly smashing everything in front of them and destroying everything around them with the weapons and arrows in their hands.

A strong smell of blood also wafted out, one piece after another of gravel splashed everywhere, and fresh blood was continuously sprayed into the air. Under the sunlight, it shone with dazzling golden light.

One figure after another fell down.

Du Ning and those subordinates screamed excitedly, their faces were flushed, and they were killing ferociously.

The several lieutenants beside Du Ning were also equally excited, with excited expressions on their faces, they kept pushing the mounts under their crotches, galloped non-stop on the battlefield, and kept making loud noises. roar of excitement.

It was also the first time for them to kill so many enemies, and they felt unprecedented excitement and excitement, as if they were doing something extremely refreshing.

Moreover, as they killed more and more enemies, the armor on their bodies became stronger, and the weapons in their hands became sharper and sharper.

The weapons in their hands, when killing people, will even burst out with dazzling sparks, and even produce violent shocks.



Their roars kept going, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, they were so excited, they started to kill one by one, and they wanted to keep killing them.

And the soldiers beside them were also extremely excited, waving their weapons incessantly, constantly killing the enemy.

Even sometimes, they couldn't help jumping up excitedly and punching the soldiers in front of them.


"Brothers, go ahead!"

"Go, go!"

"Kill! Kill, kill!"

Du Ning and his 5000 men ran wildly all the way, constantly killing the town.

The people in the town also crazily resisted one by one, killing them continuously.

All of a sudden, the two armies kept colliding, fighting, and fighting together. The numbers of both sides almost surpassed the 10,000+ army.

Moreover, at this time, neither of the two sides had any scruples, and they completely showed their ferocious and tyrannical side.

Although the number of people in the town is less than half of them, they are all energetic and fearless.

Their strength is as powerful as their courage.


With a roar, Du Ning jumped up, and slashed down with the big knife in his hand. Suddenly, a head flew up, and the blood instantly stained his armor.


Du Ning's soldiers also roared angrily, roaring continuously, one by one crazily rushing towards the town ahead.


With a slight muffled sound, a villager in the town was slashed by Du Ning's machete, his chest was split open immediately, and a stream of bright red blood gushed out from it.

Du Ning's body turned around, and the big knife in his hand slashed out, and another head flew up.

A series of killing sounds, accompanied by bursts of screams, echoed continuously in this small town.

At this moment, all the people in the town fell into panic. They were all terrified and looked at what happened in front of them in bewilderment.

They watched their compatriots being killed one by one, and watched their clansmen being killed continuously in front of their own eyes.

"Where's the mayor? Where's the mayor?" An older man suddenly yelled in horror. While yelling in horror, he searched for the mayor's trace.

"Find him quickly, let him find a way to resist the enemy army, and don't let him attack the town!" The younger man said quickly.

What they didn't know was that the mayor Li Daniu was also in crisis at this time.

In the chaotic battlefield, Du Ning found Li Daniu. He drew his long sword and prepared to kill him himself.

Li Daniu was covered in blood at this time, holding a long ax in his hand, looked at Du Ning opposite, and said viciously: "My surname is Du, how dare you invade our territory! I will kill you today!"

Du Ning looked at Li Daniu with disdain, and smiled lightly: "Okay, I will give you this chance to fight alone with me!"

"it is good!"

Li Daniu shouted violently, and slashed towards Du Ning with the long ax in his hand. Du Ning swung the long sword in his hand, blocking Li Daniu's attack.

With a sound of "Bang!", the long knife collided with the long sword, making a loud noise.

Li Daniu used his strength to step back, and at the same time stepped forward, hitting Du Ning directly with a heavy punch.

Du Ning snorted coldly, dodged Li Daniu's attack, and then kicked Li Daniu.

Li Daniu narrowed his eyes slightly, reacted quickly, and blocked with a long axe.

The weapons of the two collided, making a sound like metal collisions, and then quickly separated.

Du Ning saw that Li Daniu was defending so tightly, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "The defense is quite tight? Then try my swordsmanship!"

As soon as the words fell, there was only a burst of tinkling of metal and iron.

I saw a long sword in Du Ning's hand at some point, with a cold light shining on the long sword, and the point of the sword aimed at Li Daniu's chest and stabbed it.

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