A bitter breath came from the long sword, which made Li Daniu unable to bear the fear.

Li Daniu hastily resisted Du Ning's attack with a long axe, but was stabbed in the arm by Du Ning's sword, and the blood flowed suddenly.


Li Daniu roared, swung the long ax in his hand again, and threw it at Du Ning.

The sound of "dang, clang, clang" kept ringing.

Although Li Daniu defended very tightly, but Du Ning did not panic, and continued to stab Li Daniu with his sword, causing more and more wounds to Li Daniu.

In the end, Li Daniu couldn't stop Du Ning's attack at all. His arm had already been stabbed in more than a dozen places by Du Ning's long sword, and blood flowed out.

While resisting Du Ning's attack, Li Daniu cursed secretly: "Damn it, why did this Du Ning become so much stronger suddenly, I was almost killed by him with the one move just now!"

"No, I must not lose, I must win, I must not lose!"

Li Daniu kept cheering himself up. He knew that if he lost this time, it would mean that he lost Sun Liuzhen and even his life.

"Ahhh!" Li Daniu kept roaring, and the long ax swung faster and faster. Du Ning couldn't see Li Daniu's attack line at all.


Du Ning spat out a mouthful of blood, his body stepped back, and the long sword in his hand fell to the ground as she moved.

Seeing that he was about to lose, Du Ning hurriedly reached out his hand to stop Li Daniu, and said, "Okay, I admit defeat, and I will lead the army out of Sunliu Town immediately!"

Hearing this, Li Daniu's hands froze, thinking that as long as Du Ning withdrew his troops, everything would be fine.



Just as Li Daniu was about to speak, he saw a long sword piercing his chest, and the blood-stained tip of the sword emerged from his heart.

He turned his head, looked at the person behind him who was attacking him, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

When Du Ning saw that his lieutenant had killed Li Daniu, he stood up from the ground with a smile and kicked Li Daniu over.


Li Daniu's body fell to the ground, with lingering resentment in his eyes.

As soon as the mayor Li Daniu died, the soldiers in Sunliu Town lost their will to resist, put down their weapons one after another, and surrendered to Du Ning.

Du Ning was in a good mood. He finally captured Sunliu Town.

After Sunliu Town was conquered, all the properties in the town belonged to Du Ning, including Li Daniu's wives and concubines, and all the property in Sunliu Town, including some real estate.

Sunliu Town is a nice town, and there are many houses in the town.

But most of the buildings here have collapsed, and now there are only a few larger residential buildings left. Such rooms already belong to high-end residential areas.

There are a few large residential buildings here that belong to the town's gentry. These people are all veterans of the officialdom, and they can be regarded as prominent figures in the town. They usually come to the residential buildings to rest or drink tea.

Now that Du Ning has bought these residential buildings, they don't need to mention how depressed they are.

They were all dignified figures. Although Du Ning was their master now, in their eyes, Du Ning was just a guy who could only fight and kill.

Therefore, they didn't take Du Ning seriously, thinking that Du Ning's recovery of Sunliu Town this time was nothing worth mentioning.

Now Du Ning is only worried about whether the people in Sunliu Town will take revenge. After all, he has invaded their home, who knows if he will turn around and take revenge.

So Du Ning held a big banquet and invited several gentry from Sunliu Town to the banquet.

That night, these few gentry drank in duning's wine table, all of them were flushed and drunk.

Du Ning took the opportunity to ask these gentry about the current situation of Sunliu Town, and these gentry told Du Ning without hesitation that Sunliu Town is in a bad situation.

After hearing the words of these gentry, Du Ning finally gained confidence in his heart.

He believed that with his current strength, these native chickens and dogs in Sunliu Town could not help him.

Next, Du Ning ordered these gentry to be sent back to their residences. As for the other subordinates in Sunliu Town, he didn't plan to do anything.

After all, these people are unwilling to follow me, and I don't mind letting them continue to do the work they should do, and I don't want them to follow me, because their abilities are limited.

Du Ning also knew in his heart that these wealthy gentry and businessmen did not pose any threat to him at all.

Until now, Sun Liuzhen is now in Du Ning's pocket, and he can breathe a sigh of relief.

After returning to the government office, Du Ning immediately ordered people to redecorate all the houses in Sunliu Town.

Moreover, he also asked the people in Sunliu Town to leave here immediately and move to other places to live. At the same time, he also sent people to collect food outside the town.

After all these orders were issued, the aborigines in Sunliu town complained uncontrollably, but facing Du Ning, they had no choice but to allow themselves to be slaughtered.


In the trial ground of Thunder Valley.

At this time, Chu Xun was already covered in scars, and he couldn't remember how many waves of monsters he had been attacked by.

However, he managed it all.

Fortunately, he raised his realm to the fifth rank, otherwise, he also knew that he would not be able to persist until now.

"Hahaha, not bad, young man, I didn't expect you to last until this point."

Suddenly, a voice came.

Chu Xun was startled. Ever since he entered this trial ground, all he encountered were monsters that could only roar.

And now, he actually met a human being!

"Who are you?" Chu Xun raised his head, looking at an old man who appeared in front of him at an unknown time, and asked in surprise.

"Haha, young man, don't worry, I won't harm you, my name is Li Xuan, and I am the owner of this trial place." Li Xuan said with a smile.

"Oh? You are the master of this trial place, so you are the suzerain of Leiling Valley?" Chu Xun asked.

After seeing him, Chu Xun couldn't help being happy.

Because he knows that as long as he sees this person, it means that he has passed the test.

"That's right, young man, are you willing to join our Thunder Valley? If you want, I can give you a chance." Li Xuan asked with a smile.

"Chance? What chance?"

"Hehe, this is a cultivation method. If you cultivate to a high level, you will be able to travel through the cracks in space. What do you think?" Li Xuan asked with a smile.

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Chu Xun's heart was moved immediately.

Traveling through the cracks in space, this is definitely the top-level cultivation method.

But he still asked suspiciously: "Senior Li, why did you take me in?"

"I think you should know? Our goal is not just a Thunder Valley, we need a wider site to accommodate our disciples and subordinates."

Li Xuan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, you will definitely benefit from following me. I can also assure you that our sect will never treat any disciple badly."

Hearing this, Chu Xun also understood that he wanted to use his own power to expand Lei Linggu's territory.

However, Chu Xun still nodded. To be honest, he was indeed attracted by this mysterious sect.

Moreover, there are many powerful weapons and elixirs in this sect, and he also knows that he needs these things very much in his current situation.

"Well, if that's the case, then I promise you, from today onwards, I, Chu Xun, will be a member of your Leiling Valley." After being silent for a long time, Chu Xun finally made up his mind.

"Very good, Chu Xun, I hope you will not disappoint my expectations, and I hope you can quickly improve your strength." Li Xuan nodded and said to Chu Xun with a smile.

"You should go back to your original place now. I will send someone to pick you up in a short time, and then take you to where you should go."

"I see."

Chu Xun nodded, then turned into a stream of light, and then disappeared into the trial ground.

After Chu Xun left, Li Xuan looked at Chu Xun's leaving back, smiled slightly, and then disappeared in place.

He came to another cave, opened the cave, and a huge space passage appeared in front of him. This space passage was hundreds of meters long and more than [-] meters wide.

Li Xuan walked into it, and found that it was a very large palace, the whole was white, covered with patterns, it looked very gorgeous.

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