"That's right, it's me!" After seeing Chu Xun, Xue Sha knew that he couldn't hide anymore, so he stood up.

"You beasts of the Blood Demon Sect, today I will do justice for the heavens and kill you, the scourge!" Chu Xun said, and the long sword in his hand stabbed blood fiend fiercely.

And the other disciples of the Blood Demon Sect couldn't get away at this time, they were all besieged by Li Xuan's people.

So on this side, it was Chu Xun and Xue Sha fighting alone.

Seeing Chu Xun attacking him, Xue Sha hurriedly dodged, and at the same time swung the ice sword in his hand, trying to block Chu Xun's attack.


There was a sound of metal collision.

Chu Xun's long sword collided with Xue Sha's ice sword.

The two are deadlocked with each other.

When Xue Sha and Chu Xun were in a stalemate, Xue Sha suddenly felt a powerful force, and he hurriedly used body skills to avoid this force.

But just as he retreated, Chu Xun's long sword arrived again.

Xue Sha hurriedly waved the long sword in his hand, and attacked each other with Chu Xun's long sword, and the two started fighting like this.

Although Xue Fiend's kung fu is the most advanced martial arts of the Blood Demon Sect, he has not cultivated to the peak after all. Compared with Chu Xun, the gap is still a bit far, so he can't do anything to Chu Xun in a short time.

At this moment, Xue Sha saw a red light flying towards him.

At this moment, a warning sign rose in his heart.

After seeing the red light, Xue Sha hurriedly dodged, but unfortunately his reaction was slow and his arm was scratched by the red light.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a stream of blood flowing out of his arm, and he hurriedly reached out to touch it, and seeing the blood flowing out of his arm, he couldn't help being taken aback.

"what happened?"

Xue Sha was stunned, and hurriedly circulated the true energy in his body to gather the blood on his arm, but when the blood gathered on Xue Sha's arm, it disappeared and had no effect at all.

"Hehe, die!" Chu Xun mercilessly pierced Xue Sha's throat with his sword.

In an instant, the bloody corpse fell to the ground.


"The suzerain is dead!"

The other Blood Demon Sects panicked when they saw the Blood Fiend being killed.

Without a leader, they would have no desire to fight, and they knelt down and begged for mercy.

That's how the battle ended.

After killing Xue Sha, Chu Xun suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something on Xue Sha's body. He groped in his clothes curiously, and took out the thing.

"Hey, what is this?" After taking it out, Chu Xun found that it was something like a scroll.

"Forget it, let's go back and heal your wounds first." Chu Xun had a fight with Xue Fiend just now, and he also suffered some injuries, but fortunately, they were not serious.

After returning, Chu Xun rubbed some medicine and healed up quickly.

At this time, he took out the scroll again, looked at it carefully, and thought it should be a treasure map.

Looking at the treasure map in his hand, Chu Xun was a little unsure, so he went to find the suzerain Li Xuan, and wanted to hear his opinion.

At this time, Li Xuan was patrolling the Thunder Valley. As the suzerain of the Thunder Valley, he had to grasp the situation of all the disciples in the Thunder Valley, as well as everyone's behavior habits.

And the most important point is to beware of any sneak attacks by thieves.

If it hadn't been for Chu Xun's help last time, Lei Linggu might have been in danger.

As soon as he walked to Li Xuan's room, Chu Xun saw Li Xuan tidy up his clothes, and then flew out.


Afterwards, Chu Xun called him, but Li Xuan didn't seem to hear him, and quickly flew away.

Chu Xun hurriedly followed Li Xuan to the outside of Leiling Valley. At this time, Li Xuan did not fly directly to the outside of the valley, but sat cross-legged on a tree.

Chu Xun didn't dare to disturb Li Xuan's cultivation, so he stood quietly and waited, thinking about one thing in his heart, wondering why the suzerain came here to practice.

Seeing that Li Xuan was inconvenient now, Chu Xun also went back.

Anyway, I'm not in a hurry about the treasure map, and it's not too late to ask Li Xuan when I have time later.

After a while, Li Xuan finally opened his eyes, and he yelled softly at a place: "Come out, do you still want me to invite you out?"

As the voice fell, a white light flashed, and a young man in white came out. This man was the holy envoy in white.

"Meet the suzerain!" The envoy in white saluted respectfully, with a smile on his face.

Li Xuan nodded, and asked: "What are you doing in Leiling Valley, are you here to spy on me again?"

After listening to Li Xuan's words, the envoy in white immediately shook his head and denied: "No, suzerain, I am definitely not here to spy on you, I just came to find a friend, his name is Chu Xun!"

"Oh, you're here to find Chu Xun? What are you looking for Chu Xun for?" Li Xuan pretended to be stupefied and asked back.

"If I'm not wrong, Chu Xun is now in Leiling Valley, the suzerain should take me to meet him!" The envoy in white replied with a smile.

Li Xuan also showed a smile when he heard the words of the holy envoy in white: "As expected of a holy envoy, he is really smart. That's right, Chu Xun is in my Thunder Valley right now!"

"Okay, then suzerain take me to see him now!" Saying that, the envoy in white was about to get up.

"Wait a minute, I also have to ask Chu Xun's opinion, he is also my disciple of Lei Linggu now, I can't bring some dangerous people to him!"

Li Xuan also opened his mouth and said, in fact, he just wanted to see if the envoy in white had any unusual behavior.

The holy envoy in white became silent when he heard Li Xuan's words. He knew that no matter what he said, Li Xuan would not believe his words.

Seeing the doubts of the holy envoy in white, Li Xuan couldn't help but smiled, and then said: "Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you, I'll call him over right now."

"However, you hide first, don't let Chu Xun see you, I will ask Chu Xun a few questions first, and then you come out."

"Yes, suzerain!" The envoy in white lowered his head, expressing his obedience to Li Xuan's order, and then walked into the apse.

Li Xuan nodded in satisfaction, and then he shouted: "Come on, invite Chu Xun in!"

As soon as Li Xuan finished speaking, a guard ran out to convey Li Xuan's will.

Soon, Chu Xun hurriedly followed the guards to the inside of the main hall of Leiling Valley.

The moment he stepped into the hall, his whole body was shocked as if struck by lightning, and he was stunned. He never thought that this hall had such a powerful defensive circle.

Chu Xun looked around and found that no one was paying attention to him, so he hurriedly walked inside.

He is also very curious now, why there is such a large formation covering the hall, and it is such an extremely concealed and extremely powerful defensive formation.

Soon, Chu Xun came in front of Li Xuan, and he said respectfully: "Meet the suzerain!"

"Well, you don't need to be too polite, I asked you to come here to ask you a few words, just answer truthfully!" Li Xuan said with a smile.

Chu Xun nodded and replied, "Yes, suzerain, I know what to do!"

"Fine, then come with me!"

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he turned around and walked to the side. He wanted to see Chu Xun's reaction first.

Soon, Li Xuan came to the deepest part of the hall. There was an open space here, and there was no one else except Li Xuan and Chu Xun. Seeing this, Chu Xun asked:

"Sect Master, what did you ask me to do here?"

"Nothing, I just want to tell you one thing!"

"Oh? I wonder what the Sovereign wants to tell me?"

Li Xuan looked at Chu Xun and said slowly, "How's the environment here? What do you think?"

Chu Xun carefully observed the surrounding environment. He felt that although the place was empty, it was very safe without any danger, and the surrounding environment was very comfortable without any impurities.

This kind of environment is simply too wonderful for him, and this is simply the best place for cultivation.

Chu Xun thought in his heart, but he still didn't dare to say it, after all, he just came here, and he was not particularly clear about everything about Lei Linggu.

"How is it? You don't despise this place, do you?" Li Xuan asked.

"I think this place is very good!" Chu Xun nodded and said.

"That's good, let's talk about your origin first!" Li Xuan said slowly.

Chu Xun hesitated when he heard Li Xuan's words, he didn't want to talk about his identity with Li Xuan.

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