Seeing Chu Xun's hesitant appearance, Li Xuan frowned slightly: "What's wrong? Is there something unspeakable?"

Chu Xun saw that Li Xuan was a little confused, and hurriedly explained: "No, it's just that my identity is more sensitive, and I'm afraid the suzerain won't like it!"

He also knew that an expert like Li Xuan didn't like those people who fought and killed outside at all.

And Chu Xun himself happened to be this kind of person.

"Oh! Well then, since you don't want to say it, then I won't force you." After hearing this, Li Xuan continued.

Afterwards, he wanted to tell Chu Xun about the holy envoy in white, but before he could speak, Chu Xun said, "By the way, suzerain, I have something to ask you."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Li Xuan asked.

After finishing speaking, Chu Xun took out the treasure map and asked Li Xuan, "Sovereign, I want you to take a look for me. Is this a treasure map?"

Li Xuan took the scroll, opened it to have a look, then nodded and said, "That's right, this is exactly a treasure map."

"I don't know how many treasures the world's treasures have been looted by the suzerain of the Blood Demon Sect. It is estimated that he has hidden a lot of good things in this treasure map."

Hearing this answer, Chu Xun became excited. In order to break through the bottleneck of cultivation, he now needs a lot of spiritual sources.

And where the treasure map is located, there should be something you want.

"Why, do you want to go treasure hunting?" Li Xuan asked Chu Xun, looking at Chu Xun's expression.

Chu Xun nodded affirmatively, and said, "I'm planning to go there, and I'll be leaving right away!"

Li Xuan shrugged, but didn't say much.

Afterwards, Chu Xun exited Li Xuan's room.

Chu Xun took the treasure map alone, followed the route above, and set off when he was ready.

Soon, he came to a black mountain range.

This place is where the treasure marked in the treasure map is located.

The mountains stretch for hundreds of kilometers, and the foot of the mountains is full of endless grasslands and forests, and the deeper you go, the air is filled with rich aura.

At this time, Chu Xun was standing on a 30-meter-high giant peak, looking around. This was the first time he had come to such a mysterious land.

There was a look of determination on his face, and his eyes looked into the distance like lightning.

"Finally arrived at this ghostly place, where exactly is this place?" He murmured.

His body was trembling slightly, obviously he was still very nervous now, after all, this was the first time he came to such a magical place.

The appearance of this mountain range looks no different from other mountain ranges, but Chu Xun knows that this place is far less dangerous than the place he once stayed in.

Because the mountain range was so big that he was shocked by it. He spent two hours, but he still hadn't explored the entire mountain range.

"What is hidden in this place? Is there really a legendary treasure in this place?" He secretly guessed in his heart.

At this time, Chu Xun discovered that there were many corpses in this mountain range. It seemed that many people died here.

"It doesn't matter, let's try it first, this is related to whether I can enter the deepest part of this mountain range, and also related to whether I can find enough spiritual sources, so no matter how many dangers there are, I have to take the risk. This trip is dangerous."

Chu Xun thought in his heart.

After thinking of this, he walked towards the mountains, but just a few steps away, he suddenly heard a "crash", and he fell to the ground.

"What's going on?" Chu Xun's eyes opened suddenly, and he saw that his body was suspended in the air, with his limbs close together, as if he was accepting some kind of test.

"Could it be that there is something waiting for me in this mountain range?" Chu Xun secretly asked in his heart.


At this moment, a deafening thunder sounded beside him.

The sound shocked him, he quickly turned his head to where the sound came from, and suddenly he saw a long tail whizzing past him.

And this tail was rushing towards his position, so fast that he had no chance to dodge, not even time to dodge.

"Oops, what should I do?" He asked anxiously in his heart.

Seeing that tail was getting closer and closer to him, at the very moment, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind: I can catch this tail, if I catch it, then it should not dare to attack me up.

Thinking of this, he immediately acted, concentrated all his spiritual power on his right hand, and then ruthlessly grabbed the huge tail that was galloping towards him.

However, when his palm came into contact with the huge tail, it was flicked by the tail and bounced away. His chest was also hit hard, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Not only that, after his body rolled a few times in mid-air, he finally stopped.


A cry of pain came out of his mouth, and then his legs gave way and he fell to the ground.

At this moment, his whole body was in pain, and he even found it difficult to breathe. It was as if a ball of cotton was stuck in his chest, and even breathing became very difficult.

Chu Xun opened his eyes with difficulty, looked at the distant sky, the huge black shadow was faintly discernible, his heart was full of horror: Is this the legendary monster?terrible.


At this moment, Chu Xun spat out another mouthful of blood, and coughed violently.

"This place is simply horrible. No wonder so many people died here. It seems that I am really not suitable to stay in this place."

Chu Xun said inwardly, and at the same time, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

This is the first time I have encountered such a powerful monster. Although this monster can't kill me, its threat is endless. I can't stay in this dangerous place, otherwise I will definitely die.


The moment he hesitated, that huge tail rushed towards him again.

Seeing such a scene, he quickly got up from the ground, then raised his sword again, and swung away.

However, as soon as he swung his sword, he felt a strong force coming from his wrist, and then his body rushed forward, fell heavily on the ground, and then rolled a few times before stopping.

"It's so strong, I can't resist even one move." Chu Xun marveled in his heart.

He struggled to get up from the ground, and then looked at the monster in the distance, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, and he decided to fight desperately.

He raised his sword again and charged at the monster.

This time, he spared no effort to use all his spiritual power to raise his combat effectiveness to its peak state, and slashed at the monster with a single sword.

With a sound of "bang", his long sword slashed on the monster's scales, sparks splashed immediately, and his whole body was also repelled by this powerful force dozens of feet, hitting the mountain wall.

"Wow, what a great power." Chu Xun was secretly surprised in his heart.

He knew it was the monster defending him, because he felt the tail whipping him, and his body was shaken back again.

But this time he refused to admit defeat, he got up from the ground again, raised his sword again, and rushed towards the monster.

While attacking the monster, he was looking for an opportunity, hoping that he could take advantage of its inattention and kill this huge monster with one blow, so as to relieve his hatred in his heart.

However, his luck was very bad, his long sword couldn't cut through the scales of the monster, but was knocked back by the monster instead.

However, a piece of skin was scratched on the monster's body, but there was no bleeding on its skin, and it didn't seem to be affected much.

"Do you want to give up?" Chu Xun said with some disappointment.

"No, I must kill this monster!" Chu Xun said inwardly.


The monster rushed forward with a roar, as if it wanted to tear Chu Xun's body into pieces.

Chu Xun quickly waved the long sword in his hand and blocked it in front of him.

But his sword edge couldn't block the huge tail at all, it just barely offset the force of that blow, and then he was hit by the tail.

He was thrown out, and after tumbling dozens of times in the air, he fell heavily to the ground.

Chu Xun's body fell heavily into the valley.

The valley in this place was very deep, and he rolled and fell into a pile of rubble.

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