"Boom boom boom!"

The attacks of the flying sword and the giant dragon collided with each other, making an earth-shattering explosion.

Moreover, the spiritual energy on those flying swords actually cut the black dragon's scales.

But Chu Xun was not at all happy.

Because he clearly found that the black dragon's scales are too hard, even if the flying sword is sharper than ordinary swords, it is even better than ordinary magic weapons.

However, when facing the black dragon's scales, it still couldn't hurt it at all.

Not only that, the huge body of the black dragon was still crushing towards Chu Xun crazily, and Chu Xun felt a huge threat.

"Damn, what should I do?"

Seeing the black dragon getting closer and closer, Chu Xun gradually became flustered.


At this moment, a ray of light suddenly lit up beside Chu Xun, and immediately after, a phantom of a giant appeared in front of Chu Xun's eyes.

The giant clenched his palm, and a powerful aura emanated from his body.

Immediately afterwards, he lifted his foot violently, and stepped on the ground fiercely. Suddenly, the solid rock was cracked by his foot, and spread in all directions.

And then, the black dragon suffered a huge impact and was directly trampled hundreds of meters away.

Chu Xun pursued and punched the black dragon, but the black dragon's scales blocked the punch.

At this time, the black dragon rushed over again.

Chu Xun hurriedly dodged, but it was still useless, the black dragon threw Chu Xun down again.

This time, the black dragon opened its mouth and sprayed out a cloud of strong venom, submerging Chu Xun in it.


The venom fell on Chu Xun's body, causing him extreme pain.

"Damn it, my skin!"

The toxin was penetrating into Chu Xun's body along Chu Xun's pores, and began to corrode Chu Xun's skin.

Chu Xun's face was pale, but he still gritted his teeth and endured. He knew that if he couldn't bear it, he might be killed by the black dragon here.

"Get out of here!"

At this time, Chu Xun suddenly yelled violently, and then a dazzling radiance burst out of his body.


A shock wave of light suddenly spread away, knocking the black dragon into the air, and knocking the nearby mountain peaks down.


After the black dragon was knocked into the air, Chu Xun couldn't bear the severe pain and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Chu Xun struggled to stand up, but as soon as he stood up, he couldn't bear the severe pain again, and fell to his knees, twitching non-stop.

"damn it!"

The black dragon yelled angrily. It never expected that this tiny ant could beat it back in its heyday. Not only that, it also left a huge wound on its body.

"You stupid human being, wait for me! One day, I will come back and devour you!"

After speaking, the black dragon turned and fled.

However, Chu Xun would not let him go. With the power of destiny, Chu Xun punched him instantly.


Heilong received this punch, and immediately fell to the ground, and fell into the pit without moving.

Chu Xun couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief watching the black dragon fall, but he still didn't forget that he still had to continue fighting.

He hastily took out a bottle of healing elixir and took it, but it was useless and had little effect. He still felt weak all over, and he didn't look like he had practiced at all.

"Damn it, are you really going to die?"

Chu Xun was not reconciled, but at this moment, there was nothing he could do.

His strength is too weak. Although he has spiritual power to protect his body, he can't stop the spread of poisonous attack.

But just when Chu Xun was about to give up, he suddenly discovered that the aura in his body seemed a little abnormal!


Chu Xun froze for a moment, then observed carefully, and found that the aura in his body became more active.

Moreover, the aura is constantly circulating in the meridians, like small whirlpools, spinning crazily, and constantly absorbing the vitality of the surrounding world.

But at this moment, Chu Xun felt that the spiritual energy in his body that was about to be exhausted was slowly recovering at this moment.

Chu Xun was startled: "Could it be that my cultivation has broken through!?"

Although he thought so, he was not sure, so he continued to try to use the aura in his body, but the result was still the same.

Chu Xun knew that his guess should be right, so he quickly sat down cross-legged, performed exercises, and continued to absorb spiritual energy.

This time, the spiritual energy in Chu Xun's body unknowingly surged towards one place, and then merged into a vortex, which was constantly devouring the surrounding spiritual energy.

Chu Xun's cultivation has reached the middle stage of the fifth rank in a short period of time. This kind of cultivation speed is already astonishing.

When Chu Xun cultivated to the middle stage of the fifth rank, the aura of that vortex was finally exhausted, and Chu Xun slowly opened his eyes.

He found that his strength had improved a lot.

"I didn't expect that I would break through at this time. It seems that my strength will soon reach the peak of the fifth rank. I am only one step away from advancing to the early stage of the sixth rank!"

Chu Xun was extremely excited.

"This time, it's thanks to the black dragon's stinky snake. If it wasn't for it, I probably wouldn't be able to break through so easily!"

While thinking, Chu Xun looked at the black dragon not far away. At this moment, the black dragon was lying on the ground dying, and his life was already in danger.

"It seems that we can only kill it and take the Dragon Ball!"

Chu Xun gritted his teeth and walked towards the black dragon.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Several dragon balls flew out from the black dragon's body. Those dragon balls looked like children's toys in front of Chu Xun.

But these dragon balls all contain terrifying energy.


He gritted his teeth and decided to swallow the dragon ball first, and then slowly refine the spiritual power in the dragon ball, so that, perhaps, he could still survive.

Thinking, he stretched out his hand, grabbed one of the dragon balls, and stuffed it down his throat.


With a soft sound, the dragon ball entered Chu Xun's throat, and he immediately felt that the energy in the dragon ball was rapidly dissolving, and soon, these dragon balls became a wave of energy.

At this moment, Chu Xun immediately began to use the power of destiny and began to absorb this energy.

Chu Xun's physical body is rapidly transforming, and at the same time, his strength is also rapidly increasing.

"Hahaha, cool!"

Chu Xun laughed excitedly, and at the same time, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

This black dragon is indeed powerful, and the blood in his body is also extremely pure. If he can absorb the dragon ball of this black dragon, it will definitely be of great help.

"The dragon ball of this black dragon can nourish the blood. In this case, maybe my blood can break through the shackles!"

Chu Xun was extremely excited.

This black dragon is powerful, and there is unparalleled power in its blood. This is simply a great fortune.

And at this moment, suddenly, a powerful fluctuation of spiritual power came from a distance, and Chu Xun's pupils shrank.

"Oops, it seems that other monsters have come here. It seems that they have also sensed the changes in my body."

Chu Xun thought to himself.

Just when he was about to leave here, Chu Xun suddenly felt that the aura in his dantian was circulating rapidly.

A majestic energy filled Chu Xun's body, and Chu Xun was overjoyed.

"Could it be that because I absorbed this black dragon ball, my body became as strong as the aura of this world? If so, wouldn't I be able to break through again?"

A look of relief appeared on Chu Xun's face.

However, things seem to be a little different now, after all, I have just broken through to the middle stage of the fifth rank.

Although his strength has increased a lot, it would be a bit too risky for him to break through consecutively, right?

However, at this moment, Chu Xun suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his head, and then his consciousness fell into a coma.

"What's going on? What's wrong with me? Am I going to die?"

The moment his consciousness fell into a coma, Chu Xun knew his situation.

He is now trapped in a strange place, the surroundings are so dark that he can't see anything.

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