Chu Xun looked around and found that he had entered a mysterious dark space.

In this space, Chu Xun could not even feel the loss of time.

"Who sucked me into this chaotic space?" Chu Xun thought to himself, and then searched around.

In this space, Chu Xun only felt the boundless silence, not even any breath of life.

"Where is this place?" Chu Xun thought to himself.


Just as Chu Xun finished asking this question, suddenly a burst of intense flames exploded right above his body.

"What?" Chu Xun was shocked, and quickly raised his head to look towards the sky.

But there was nothing in the sky except for the dazzling fire.

"Is it an illusion?" Chu Xun murmured to himself.

Chu Xun was about to move on, but at this moment, a beam of white light shot out from the fire, and shot directly at Chu Xun's body, and the speed was extremely fast.

Chu Xun was terrified, and immediately circulated his true essence to protect his whole body, protecting himself firmly.

"Bang!", the white light hit Chu Xun's body directly.

Chu Xun felt as if he had been hit by something, and his body was in excruciating pain. A mouthful of blood spewed out immediately, and Chu Xun also fell down.

Chu Xun was very anxious, and quickly used lightness kung fu to draw an arc in the air to prevent himself from falling to the ground.

After his body drew a deep hole on the ground, he stopped.

Afterwards, Chu Xun slowly stood up and looked down.

I saw that there was a hole in the clothes on my left shoulder, and my arm became a scorched black piece at this time, and blood kept coming out of the wound.

"Amazing stuff."

Chu Xun secretly rejoiced that if he hadn't reacted in time, he might have been buried here. Although his physical body was very strong, he couldn't withstand the fierce attack of this thing.

Chu Xun knew that his strength was far inferior to the powerful existence just now, so he quickly used his body skills and escaped from here.


With a flash of Chu Xun's figure, he disappeared into the darkness, and soon came to another space, and then found a hidden place to hide.

Chu Xun's face was a little dignified. He knew that if he continued to stay here, he might encounter the dangerous attack just now.

Thinking of this, Chu Xun decided to retreat for a while, find other ways out first, and then find a way to get revenge.

After wandering around in this strange space for a few times, Chu Xun finally found a relatively spacious passage.

The length of this channel is about 300 meters, and it is very flat.

Chu Xun walked slowly along this passage, and after walking for almost a cup of tea, it suddenly became clear that this passage turned out to lead to an underground palace.

In this underground palace, there are many high steps, and a huge stone spans between each high step.

At the end of the high steps, there are many bottles and jars on a high altar, and on the top of the altar, there is a blue bead the size of a fist.

When Chu Xun saw the blue bead, his eyes lit up instantly, full of greed.

"Haha, there are simply too many treasures here, probably enough for me to practice for ten years, my luck is really great." Chu Xun said with a big laugh excitedly.

Then Chu Xun stopped hesitating and went straight to the altar.


Chu Xun stretched out a hand, trying to touch the blue bead.

But this time, Chu Xun did not directly take the blue beads away as he imagined.

A layer of light blue energy shield was placed on the surface of the blue beads, and Chu Xun tentatively reached out his hand and touched it.


The defensive cover of the blue bead burst suddenly, and Chu Xun's hand directly penetrated the blue sphere and grabbed the blue bead.

Chu Xun was overjoyed, and immediately grabbed the blue bead hard, wanting to take the blue bead back into his hand.

"Crack! Crack!"

Suddenly, there were more and more cracks on the blue bead, and in the process, a powerful suction force emanated from the blue sphere, pulling Chu Xun's entire arm in.

Moreover, the surface of the blue sphere also began to flood with traces of violent aura.

"How could it be like this? This thing is so strange." Chu Xun was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly activated his true essence, trying to get out of this blue bead, but he couldn't get out no matter what.

Moreover, in this bead, there is an irresistible devouring force.

Chu Xun tried for a long time, but he couldn't get out of the bead at all.

"How to do?"

Chu Xun fell into distress.

"What is inside this bead? Could this be the legendary roulette of life and death? Impossible, how could there be a roulette of life and death here? This is simply too exaggerated."

Chu Xun thought in his heart.

At this moment, Chu Xun suddenly felt as if he had fallen into a quagmire, and he couldn't struggle out no matter what, and this situation was still going on.

"Are you really going to be buried in this place?" Chu Xun was secretly worried, not knowing what to do.

At this time, Chu Xun suddenly heard a loud noise, and then felt the whole space shake, as if something was about to break.

At this time, Chu Xun suddenly realized that this place seemed to be collapsing.

So he quickly shrank his body to a corner, not daring to show his head, but pressed his head against the wall, for fear of being hit by the collapsed ground and then falling to his death.


The space began to vibrate, and then a muffled sound was heard, as if something was broken, and at this moment, Chu Xun finally escaped from this place.

As soon as he left this place, Chu Xun immediately used his body skills and ran down the mountain quickly.


Just when Chu Xun rushed out of the valley, a huge water column shot up from the sky, covering half of the sky.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Chu Xun panted heavily, looking like he was alive after a catastrophe.

"What a terrifying coercion." Chu Xun thought in his heart.

Chu Xun looked around and found that he was still on the outskirts of the valley, not far away from the valley, which made Chu Xun feel a little more relaxed.

Chu Xun quickly restrained his breath and continued walking in the direction indicated by the treasure map.

Just when Chu Xun had just left the valley, a huge figure quickly approached the valley from a distance.

"Roar! Roar!"

Chu Xun was taken aback for a moment, then quickly followed the sound and found that it was a huge green bull.

The body of this green bull was more than ten feet tall, and its body was covered with extremely hard scales, and it also had a blue orb on its forehead.

The blue orb was exactly the same as the one that Chu Xun had just obtained, which made Chu Xun feel very strange.

As soon as the green ox saw Chu Xun, it went mad and rushed towards Chu Xun frantically.

"Oh my God!"

When Chu Xun saw this huge monster, he was so frightened that he trembled all over, and hurriedly ran forward.

The strength of this green bull is too terrifying, Chu Xun has no confidence in fighting against it at all.

Chu Xun ran desperately in the forest, but this green bull seemed to have tracking ability.

No matter how far Chu Xun ran, he was able to accurately catch up with Chu Xun, and in the process of chasing, he kept making angry roars, which made the mountains tremble.

While running wildly, Chu Xun recalled what happened just now, feeling more and more desperate.

"What should I do? Am I really going to die in the mouth of this monster?" Chu Xun thought desperately.


At this time, Chu Xun heard a gust of wind, and then he found that his body had been suspended, and then flipped in mid-air, and a huge palm slapped him.


Chu Xun was immediately slapped away by the palm, and then fell heavily to the ground, mouth sweetened, and spit out another mouthful of blood.

"Damn it, why did this happen? How did my cultivation base be sealed? What's going on?" Chu Xun was anxious.

The place where this treasure is located is really dangerous!

Chu Xun quickly checked his dantian, but found that the dantian was empty, and even his soul was sealed, unable to mobilize his true essence.

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