In the face of absolute power, everything is false, Chu Xun believes that this move of his will definitely kill Shen Lang!

"go to hell!"

Chu Xun let out a roar, his figure, like a cannonball, soared into the sky, and once again slapped Shen Lang on the head!

However, this time, Shen Lang didn't choose to resist, Shen Lang's body swayed slightly, Chu Xun's punch missed, and Shen Lang's body disappeared!

"what happened?"

Chu Xun looked into his eyes, he couldn't understand how Shen Lang disappeared out of thin air!

Could it be that he is hiding his figure?

its not right!

Concealing the figure also requires the consumption of true energy. He clearly felt the fluctuation of Shen Lang's true energy just now, why did it suddenly disappear?

Chu Xun was stunned for a moment, and suddenly, a sharp sword glow struck from behind him!

"not good!"

Chu Xun's expression changed, and he quickly dodged to the side.


Slash through the air with one sword!

Shen Lang didn't succeed with one move, so he immediately changed direction, and stabbed Chu Xun's chest with his sword.


This sword pierced hard into Chu Xun's left shoulder.


Chu Xun let out a miserable howl, and with a wave of his right hand, an ice pick suddenly flew towards Shen Lang.


Chu Xun was hit by the ice cone, and then fell heavily on the ground!

Shen Lang sneered and walked towards Chu Xun step by step.

Chu Xun struggled to get up, he covered his pierced wound, looked at Shen Lang with resentment and said, "You dare to sneak attack me, you really want to die!"

"Hehe." Shen Lang said with a sneer: "You don't take a piss to look like yourself, are you worthy of my sneak attack? You are not afraid of my sword, just cut off your head?"

"It's up to you? How dare you!" Chu Xun glared at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang shrugged and said, "Why don't I dare?"

"Okay, okay, you wait!" After Chu Xun finished speaking, his figure flickered and he backed away.

"Don't run!"

Shen Lang snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, a water arrow shot out directly!

"call out!"

The water arrow, as if it had eyes, directly caught up with Chu Xun's body!

And Shi Han who was next to him also exclaimed when he saw this scene, but now that he was exhausted, he could hardly move, so he could only watch.


The water arrow sank into Chu Xun's body, and Chu Xun let out a painful roar!

Wisps of white smoke rose from the surface of Chu Xun's skin, and he felt that his muscles and bones were being torn apart by the water arrows.

This scene surprised Chu Xun.

He couldn't figure out, how did Shen Lang achieve such strength!

You know, after swallowing the blue gemstone, the toughness of the body increased exponentially, but Shen Lang easily broke the protective energy on Chu Xun's body.

It's unbelievable!

"It seems that I can't hold back anymore!" Seeing that Shen Lang was so difficult to deal with, Chu Xun showed a stern smile.

Immediately, he used the power of destiny to instantly increase his spiritual power several times.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Xun showed the Golden Dragon Sword again.

The sword body glowing with golden light was cold, Chu Xun jumped into the air, holding the sword with both hands, as if a god descended from the earth.

"Golden Dragon Slash!"

Chu Xun shouted loudly, and then used his most domineering move, Golden Dragon Slash.

The next moment, the golden light gushing out from the sword condensed into a golden dragon, roaring and blasting towards Shen Lang!

Shen Lang looked at the golden dragon, his pupils trembled, and at this moment, he finally felt fear.

Because he felt that Chu Xun was much stronger than before!

Chu Xun has now completely surpassed the strength of the seventh-rank peak realm, reaching an unimaginable level!

Shen Lang didn't dare to take it head-on, and immediately dodged it!

But behind Chu Xun, the golden dragon did not give up attacking, but continued to fly forward, as if to devour Shen Lang.

"Boom boom boom!" The golden dragon kept bombarding the ground, smashing dozens of deep pits in an instant, and the ground was also riddled with holes.


Chu Xun looked at Shen Lang fleeing in embarrassment, with a ferocious look on his face, and then shouted again: "Golden Dragon Slash!"

In an instant, another huge golden flood dragon burst out of the air, biting towards Shen Lang.

"call out!"

Jinlong Zhan was very fast, and he caught up with Shen Lang in the blink of an eye. Shen Lang couldn't dodge at all, so he had to turn around and punch him!


The golden dragon bit Shen Lang and tore Shen Lang apart in an instant.

Under the splash of blood, Shen Lang's body was torn into countless pieces.

Chu Xun looked at the minced meat and Shen Lang's corpse, and laughed loudly: "Shen Lang, Shen Lang, why don't you kneel down obediently and beg for mercy? How dare you compete with me like an ant?"

After killing Shen Lang, Chu Xun also felt a burst of collapse.

This battle can be said to be the most difficult battle Chu Xun has ever experienced.

At this time, Shi Han also came over, looked at Chu Xun, and said weakly, "Thank you, benefactor."

After speaking, he will kneel down.

Chu Xun stopped him, and said with a smile, "You're welcome, if you see injustices on the road, you should draw your sword to help, that's what you should do."

After finishing speaking, he asked Shi Han again: "How is your injury now? Do you need help?"

Shi Han shook his head and said, "It's much better already, it just needs a few days of cultivation."

Chu Xun nodded and said, "Okay, I'll leave first, you should cultivate yourself, and come to me after you recover."

After finishing speaking, Chu Xun walked outside.

As soon as he reached the door, Chu Xun heard Shi Han's voice behind him: "Grandfather, please wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, he took out a elixir from his bosom, handed it to Chu Xun, and said, "This is the holy medicine for healing, please accept it."

Chu Xun was slightly taken aback, then took the pill from Shi Han's hand with a smile, and said, "If that's the case, then I won't be polite."

After finishing speaking, he took the elixir, and soon the seriously damaged meridians and viscera in his body slowly healed.

Then, Chu Xun looked at Shi Han and said to him, "How about it, what are your plans for the future?"

Hearing this, Shi Han shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "Your benefactor doesn't know something. If you kill Shen Lang today, I will definitely have many enemies, and they are so powerful that I can't deal with them at all."

"So, I want to go back to my hometown now, let's take a step at a time."

"Engong, how about this, you keep a token by your side."

"In this way, I won't be unable to contact you, and it will be convenient for future difficulties, or if someone wants to bully you, I can rush there immediately."

Shi Han said.

Chu Xun nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Hahaha, why bother, why don't you follow me from now on."

After Shi Han heard it, he thought that since it was proposed by his benefactor, it would be difficult for him to refuse, so he nodded, agreeing.

After getting Shi Han, Chu Xun laughed happily, and then said: "Let's go to the mountains to hide first, otherwise we won't be able to resist when someone comes back later."

"En." Shi Han nodded.

Afterwards, the two walked into the depths of the forest together.

Chu Xun led the way, Shi Han followed behind, and the two shuttled through the forest, looking for food along the way.

Along the way, they often encountered some ferocious beasts attacking them, but Chu Xun kept beheading them with his sword. Although they encountered many dangers, they were generally safe.

The two of them had gone a long way before they knew it, and at this time, the ferocious beasts they encountered became more and more powerful, but with Chu Xun around, they survived unscathed.

Shi Han is so physically exhausted now that he has no combat power at all, so he can only rely on Chu Xun for everything.

Suddenly, they stopped, and Chu Xun said: "It seems that someone is chasing you, you wait here for a while, I will deal with them, be careful, don't be hurt by them."

Upon hearing this, Shi Han said, "Well, don't worry, benefactor, I will protect myself."

As soon as the words fell, he heard a loud roar from behind him. Chu Xun hurriedly turned his head, only to find that it was not pursuers, but a huge wild boar charging towards him.

"Beast, court death!"

Chu Xun cursed angrily, swung his long sword and slashed at the wild boar. Immediately, the wild boar was chopped off by him, and at this moment, the other three wild boars had already surrounded him.

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