Chu Xun yelled violently, swung his long sword and stabbed at the wild boar, a flash of sword light pierced the wild boar instantly.


A painful howl came from the pierced wild boar's mouth, and then it was seen that the wild boar slowly fell to the ground, blood gurgling out from the wound, and soon stained the surrounding soil red.

Looking at the wild boar lying on the ground, Chu Xun breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise he would definitely become food in their mouths.

Thinking of this, Chu Xun couldn't help laughing, but when he raised his head, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because, I saw four huge wild boars standing in front of him, and judging from the appearance of these wild boars, they should be the leaders of these wild boars.

"These monsters are really difficult enough."

Chu Xun couldn't help frowning and said, sighing in his heart that these monsters are too powerful.

At this moment, the four wild boars suddenly attacked at the same time, and their fangs glowed with coldness, and they rushed towards Chu Xun.

"Hmph, you bastard, you're courting death!"

Chu Xun snorted coldly, the long sword in his hand shook suddenly, and a burst of icy air shot out. At the same time, Chu Xun stomped his feet, and quickly jumped to the right to avoid the wild boar's attack.

Just as Chu Xun dodged the wild boar's second attack, a stench suddenly entered his nose.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of heat blew from the side, and Chu Xun quickly turned sideways to avoid the blow.

Immediately, he looked up, and saw a wild boar with a dark body, an ugly face, and full of sharp teeth appeared in his sight.

"Bastard, get out!"

Chu Xun yelled angrily, and swung the long sword in his hand again. Immediately, a flash of sword light flashed, cutting off the wild boar in front of him.

At this moment, there was a loud roar from the other side, and a golden light pierced the air, hitting Chu Xun directly.

Chu Xun hurriedly raised his long sword to resist, but he couldn't stop the attack of the golden light and shadow at all. In the end, the golden light and shadow hit Chu Xun's chest fiercely, and immediately sent Chu Xun flying.

"Cough cough!"

Chu Xun fell to the ground and couldn't help coughing violently, his chest hurt like a knife.

He struggled to stand up, but found that his chest seemed to have been hit hard by a hammer, and he couldn't stand up for a while.

Chu Xun endured the pain and got up, only to find that his left shoulder had been smashed by the golden light, and the blood was dripping continuously, obviously he was seriously injured.

If it wasn't for timely exercise and resistance, I'm afraid that this time I might really lose my arm.

"Bastard, let me die!"

At this time, four more wild boars approached Chu Xun, and it seemed that they were about to tear Chu Xun to pieces.

Chu Xun endured the injury and stood still, and suddenly swung the long sword at the four wild boars. Immediately, the four sword lights flickered, and the four heads rolled to the ground, blood gushing out, splashing dust all over the sky .

Withdrawing his sword posture, Chu Xun took a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the turbulent breath in his chest, and then simply treated his injury.

After doing this, he looked forward and saw that there was a road leading to the inside of the valley on the mountain wall where he attacked the wild boar just now.

"Is there any secret hidden here?"

Chu Xun murmured, full of doubts in his heart. It seems that this place really hides a lot of secrets!

However, now that both himself and Shi Han were seriously injured, they could no longer continue to take risks.

So Chu Xun went back and said to Shi Han: "Brother, you go to Wenyuan County first, find a man named Li Hu, and tell him that I asked you to go."

"At that time, they will take you in, it's safe there."

Hearing Chu Xun's words, Shi Han nodded, and then said, "What about you, benefactor, won't you go with me?"

Chu Xun shook his head and said, "I will continue to investigate here to find out the details of Yan Cang's family, so I can't leave for the time being."

"Alright then." Although Shi Han didn't know what Chu Xun wanted to do, but since he had said so, Shi Han didn't ask any more questions.

After Shi Han left, Chu Xun found a quiet place, prepared to heal his injuries first, and then entered the mysterious cave.

According to Chu Xun's observation, the cave seems to be a secret place or something, and there may be some adventures.

It took about a day and a half for Chu Xun to recover from his injuries.

Feeling that his body had recovered and his state had reached its peak, Chu Xun got up and went directly into the cave.

As soon as he entered, Chu Xun felt a chill rush over his face.

Chu Xun immediately became vigilant and looked around carefully. He found that at the moment he was in a space in the middle of a mountain, and in front of him, there were three forked roads.

Chu Xun immediately made a decision and chose the path on the right.

The road on the right is less dangerous, but it is an unknown space, so Chu Xun is more cautious and chooses the road on the far side.

At the end of the road was a hole. Seeing the hole, Chu Xun immediately jumped over excitedly, then squatted down beside the hole.

Chu Xun stared at the entrance of the cave, waiting for something. After a long time, he didn't see anything unusual. He wondered in his heart, could it be that he thought wrongly, there was nothing on the road here?

Chu Xun waited for a while, and after confirming that there was no danger, he prepared to get up and leave.

But at the moment when he was about to get up, suddenly, a black object flew out from the hole.

Chu Xun was startled and quickly avoided.


The black object hit the ground, exploded, and the sputtered gravel knocked Chu Xun to the ground.

"Oh! It hurts!"

Chu Xun wailed while lying on the ground, and then he stood up, ready to continue walking forward.

But just when Chu Xun was about to take a step, a stabbing pain came, and he couldn't help but let out a cry.

It turned out that Chu Xun's knee, which was hit by the gravel just now, has now turned purple, bleeding profusely. Chu Xun's legs have lost consciousness now, and even walking is a problem.

Chu Xun quickly stopped, took out the ointment, and wiped it on his knees. After the ointment was applied, the pain disappeared a lot, but Chu Xun still felt uncomfortable.

"It seems that this place is not allowed to wander indiscriminately."

Chu Xun was a little depressed. Why didn't he notice the danger just now, so he just rushed over?This is not courting death.

Chu Xun looked scared, if he was really buried in that cave just now, wouldn't he be finished?

Thinking of this, Chu Xun felt a little worried in his heart, but since he came, he was at ease, since they all came in, Chu Xun didn't plan to go out like this.

Chu Xun continued to move forward, this time he didn't dare to be too reckless, and walked carefully, for fear of touching something that shouldn't be touched.

After walking a distance of about 600 meters, Chu Xun found a fork in the road ahead. However, Chu Xun dared not move forward. If he encountered something dangerous, he would be miserable.

At this time, Chu Xun smelled a stench again, that smell was like rotten meat, it was disgusting to smell.

Chu Xun held back his nausea and continued walking forward.

Finally, Chu Xun came to a high wall. There was a door on top of the high wall. The door was tightly closed, and Chu Xun couldn't push it open.

"Is this a dead end?"

Seeing this scene, Chu Xun thought to himself.

Chu Xun was a little scared, he wanted to turn around and leave, but he was also worried that if he turned around and left, he would miss this opportunity, so he had to bite the bullet and walk forward.

Chu Xun's figure quickly disappeared in front of the door.

This blocked door was a huge iron gate. Chu Xun tried hard to push the iron gate open, but unfortunately he returned in vain.

Chu Xun tried to put his hands on the iron gate, trying to push it open, but unfortunately, the iron gate seemed to be made of steel and remained motionless.

"Damn it! It's really an evil door, and I don't know what's in it!"

Chu Xun was a little annoyed, he knew that there must be something weird about this place, so he had to find out what it was inside.

So, Chu Xun took out a talisman seal and stuck it on the gate.

But after a while, the talisman didn't respond, as if it didn't exist at all.

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