"No! This secret realm is too weird, I have to find a way to get out of here, otherwise, I will definitely be buried here."

Chu Xun was very anxious, but he had no choice but to stand up and run away.

After running for about a stick of incense, Chu Xun suddenly stopped and stared into the distance with wide eyes.

It turned out that he saw the black iron fence, as long as he broke the iron fence, he should be able to continue walking forward.

Excited in Chu Xun's heart, he immediately walked over, stretched out his right hand to hold the fence, and pulled it violently with all his strength!


The fence was torn off by him, revealing a door, and this door was the one he opened just now.

When Chu Xun saw the door, his face flushed with excitement, he quickly took big steps and rushed into the door quickly.

"Huh!! Finally escaped."

Chu Xun took a breath. He knew that this trip to the secret realm was definitely worthwhile.

Chu Xun looked around, only to see that the surroundings were empty and there was nothing.

There seems to be only one palace here, and the exterior of the palace is bronze-colored, and there are many complicated patterns carved on the bronze.

These patterns seem to have a mysterious feeling, which makes people feel awe when they look at them.

"Could it be that this is the legendary temple?"

This idea flashed in Chu Xun's mind.

"No matter where it is, I will go into the palace first to investigate. If I am sure that this is the legendary temple, maybe I can gain something."

Chu Xun decided to enter the palace to see what happened first, and then consider whether to exit the secret realm.

After all, I just escaped from that ghostly hellish Colosseum, and now I am still a little scared. If I encounter danger, it will not be worthwhile.

Chu Xun took big strides and walked quickly towards the palace, but after walking a certain distance, he found that the palace was not closed, and his steps stopped.

"Huh? Why didn't the door close? Why didn't the palace close?"

Chu Xun frowned and looked at the palace. The more he thought about it, the more strange he felt. Logically speaking, it was absolutely impossible for the palace to not be closed, and it was impossible for him to break in without hearing any sound.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but wonder whether it was the restriction of this place, or something hidden in it, and no one was allowed to enter without authorization.

However, after observing carefully for a long time, he did not find any problems.

Chu Xun wondered, could it be that this place is really like the legend, is there really some treasure hidden in it?

"Since you're all here, let's go in and have a look first. If there are really any treasures inside, then it's not in vain for me to risk my life."

Chu Xun gritted his teeth, and finally stepped into the palace.

The situation in the palace was similar to what Chu Xun had seen before. It was still made of bronze, and there was a table right in front of the bronze palace.

There was a sword on the table, Chu Xun looked at the sword a little surprised.

"Huh? It's actually a sword? Could it be that something powerful is sealed on the sword?"

Thinking of this possibility, Chu Xun couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and his heart beat a few beats faster.

"This is good stuff!"

Chu Xun looked at the long sword, with a greedy light in his eyes, thinking about how to get the sword.

He knew that the power of that sword must be extraordinary.

"If I can get this sword, I will be able to own a top-grade fairy weapon. At that time, I won't be afraid even if I meet the pursuers sent by Shen Lang!"

Thinking of this, Chu Xun couldn't help being excited.

"Although this sword is powerful, it is not easy to tame it. There is a piece of jade beside the sword. Maybe that jade can help me suppress the momentum of the sword!"

Thinking of this idea, Chu Xun was very excited.

However, just as he was about to look for the piece of jade, he suddenly saw a box next to the sword.

Chu Xun walked up to the box, stretched out his hand to open the lid, and when the lid was opened, a refreshing fragrance came to his nostrils, and he couldn't help being intoxicated after smelling it.

"What's in this box? It exudes such a fragrance? Could it be some kind of panacea?"

Chu Xun looked at the elixir in the box, and his heart was full of longing, wishing to eat the elixir immediately.


When Chu Xun was about to open the box, he suddenly saw a black thing inside the box, and it was still trembling.

"What is this dark bead?"

Chu Xun was puzzled, reached out to pick it up, and looked at it carefully.

"What is this……?"

Chu Xun held the bead up in front of him, and looked at it carefully, but the bead was really dark, it looked like an ordinary bead, and there was no way to tell what it was.

"What is this?"

Chu Xun was a little puzzled, he didn't know what it was, why it was emitting a dark light, and it was still trembling.

"This...what the hell is this? How can it be so dark? Can it still move?"

Chu Xun was puzzled, but he couldn't guess what this dark bead was.

At this moment, Chu Xun heard a buzzing sound coming from the dark bead, the sound seemed to be crying or begging for mercy.

"Is this... a cry?"

When Chu Xun heard this voice, a look of astonishment appeared on his face. He didn't expect that he could hear the voice.

He quickly moved his ear to the black bead and listened carefully, but there was no sound in the black bead except for the humming sound.

"This voice seems to come from the black crystal?"

Chu Xun looked at the dark beads, and his face suddenly showed shock.

He really couldn't figure it out, how could there be such a voice coming from the black crystal?

Moreover, the voice seemed painful, depressing, and helpless, as if something terrible had happened.

Chu Xun shook his head in disbelief, but the black bead was right in front of his eyes, and he couldn't move it, so he had no choice but to look at the bead, guessing in his heart what kind of terrifying existence was hidden in the bead. .

And at this moment, the voice in the black crystal sounded again: "Don't hurt him, don't hurt him... woo woo woo!"

At this time, the voice inside the black crystal seemed even more depressing and depressing.

When Chu Xun heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and horror was written all over his face.

He really didn't expect that there would be a person begging for mercy inside the black crystal?

Moreover, listening to this voice, it seems that this person is very young, and, besides, is a woman, a young woman.

"Woman? Could it be that there is a woman imprisoned in this black crystal?"

Chu Xun couldn't help but gasped, looking at the black crystal, he felt an inexplicable fear in his heart.

He really couldn't imagine what kind of person was imprisoned in this black bead, and he would be locked in this black bead, which made Chu Xun shudder.

Chu Xun looked at the black crystal with curiosity.

It seems that this black crystal bead is more rare than that sword.

"Who is imprisoned in this black crystal, and how can they be trapped in it? Could it be that there is a ghost in this black crystal?"

Chu Xun couldn't help guessing.

"No, no matter who is inside the black crystal, I absolutely cannot let this black crystal stand in front of me, otherwise, wouldn't I suffer?"

Thinking of this, Chu Xun cried inwardly.

He quickly took out a talisman seal, sealed the black crystal bead, put the bead back into the box, closed the box again, and put it back in its original place.

However, as soon as he put down the bead, suddenly, a strong aura erupted from within the bead, forcing Chu Xun to take several steps back.

After he summoned his spiritual power to resist, he looked at the black bead again and was immediately stunned.

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