Seeing this, Chu Xun was startled, and only then did he realize that he had met a real master.

"Who are you? Don't you even dare to tell me your name?" He said coldly.

The young man smiled disdainfully, and said, "Why don't you dare, then I'll make you understand!"

"Listen well, I am the head of the Shen family of the Yan Cang family, Shen Lang!"

What?The head of the Shen family?

Chu Xun was slightly taken aback, unexpectedly, this guy, at such a young age, is already the head of the family, it seems that he really cannot be underestimated.

So, Chu Xun stopped being careless, and directly showed the Golden Dragon Sword, and then used his spiritual power to stab Shen Lang majesticly.

Holding a dagger in his hand, Shen Lang went straight to meet him.

In an instant, the two were fighting together.

Shen Lang's realm has already reached the ninth rank, but Chu Xun's strength is not inferior to him.

At this time, Chu Xun held his breath and concentrated, and the Golden Dragon Sword brought an incomparably violent aura, stabbing at Shen Lang one after another.

Shen Lang was unhurried, holding a dagger in his hand, constantly dodging, and from time to time, he used a relaxed and comfortable posture to deal with Chu Xun.

"Hahaha!" Shen Lang laughed suddenly: "Boy, your moves are too monotonous, why don't you change them?"

"You're courting death!" Chu Xun was furious, and the Golden Dragon Sword in his hand attacked Shen Lang even more fiercely.

At this moment, Shen Lang's speed suddenly increased a lot, and with a flick of the dagger in his hand, he went straight to Chu Xun's heart.

"Hmph! Don't even think about hurting me!" Chu Xun snorted coldly, shaking the Golden Dragon Sword in his hand, and went straight to Shen Lang's chest, obviously to stop Shen Lang's plan to sneak attack on him.

A cold light flashed in Shen Lang's eyes, and the dagger in his hand suddenly changed direction and stabbed directly at Chu Xun's throat.

Chu Xun was taken aback when he saw this, and quickly blocked Shen Lang's attack with the Golden Dragon Sword in his hand.

With a loud bang, the two golden dragon swords collided fiercely, splashing out dazzling sparks.

Chu Xun only felt a shock all over his body, and his palms trembled slightly.

And Shen Lang was bounced away by this counter-shock force more than ten meters away.

Shen Lang's face was a little pale, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

He consumed a lot of internal energy. After all, Chu Xun's cultivation was much higher than his. In addition, Chu Xun's Golden Dragon Sword was extraordinary and powerful. Such a reckless effort would definitely not work.

But he couldn't back down, because if he backed down, he wouldn't be able to kill Chu Xun at all, but would put himself in danger.

He knew that he had to hold onto Chu Xun and talk to find a way to kill him.

After thinking about it, Shen Lang suddenly rushed over.

This time Chu Xun did not resist, but dodged.

Shen Lang flipped his wrist, and the dagger turned half a circle in an instant, and then stabbed at Chu Xun's throat again.

With a wave of the Golden Dragon Sword, Chu Xun directly blocked the dagger in Shen Lang's hand, and then swung his arm, heading straight for Shen Lang's neck.

The two shot, both wanting to take the other's life.

Shen Lang tilted his wrist slightly, narrowly dodging Chu Xun's attack.

"It's dangerous!" Shen Lang exhaled secretly.

If his movements were half a beat slower just now, I'm afraid this time it would be really dangerous. Chu Xun's golden dragon sword could directly penetrate his head.

"Hey!" Chu Xun sneered twice, then picked up the Golden Dragon Sword in his hand, and suddenly, the golden light flourished.

Shen Lang's pupils shrank for a while. At this moment, he knew that his opponent was an absolutely powerful existence, and he must not take it lightly.

With a slight kick of his right foot, he rushed towards Chu Xun like a cannonball.

Chu Xun's Golden Dragon Sword pointed directly at Shen Lang's face. It seemed that as long as Shen Lang took a step forward, his sword would pierce into Shen Lang's chest, piercing Shen Lang's heart.

Shen Lang flipped his wrist, and a purple light shot out from it, it was the Purple Emperor Needle.

call out!

The purple light shot at Chu Xun's chest at an extremely fast speed.

Chu Xun's reaction speed was extremely fast, but he still couldn't resist the attack. He only heard a crisp sound, and the golden dragon sword in Chu Xun's hand fell off.

Immediately afterwards, the Purple Emperor Needle rubbed against Chu Xun's chest and flew towards it!


Chu Xun took a deep breath, looked down, and suddenly found that his chest was completely dark, and he was actually poisoned!

"Damn it, how could this kid's poison needle be so overbearing!" Chu Xun gritted his teeth with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Hey, this is not an ordinary poison, but the Purple Emperor Poison Needle. This poison needle contains a strong and highly poisonous poison. If you get even a trace of it, you will die immediately!"

Shen Lang sneered twice, then shook his right hand, and two Purple Emperor Needles appeared between his fingers.

There was a fierce look in Chu Xun's eyes, staring at Shen Lang, wishing to cut him into pieces!

"Hmph, do you think I'm that weak?"

Chu Xun snorted coldly, stretched out his left hand suddenly, and pressed down on his abdomen. Afterwards, all the true energy in his body exploded, rushing towards his dantian.


Chu Xun couldn't help screaming, his whole face became extremely distorted, as if he had been tortured by something very painful.

This scene surprised Shen Lang.

What is going on with this Chu Xun?

Could it be that he also took some panacea?

But then, Shen Lang shook his head again, feeling that he was worrying too much.

Because the fluctuations emanating from Chu Xun's body didn't seem to be taking any elixir at all, but more like absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, and then refining the aura of heaven and earth.

"So that's how it is." Shen Lang was stunned.

But afterward, Shen Lang frowned. In this way, it would be difficult for him to defeat him. After all, Chu Xun's strength was too strong, far surpassing him.

Shen Lang's frown became tighter and tighter, and his heart became more and more anxious.

"No, you have to think of a perfect solution." Shen Lang thought to himself.

"Boy, stop delusional, it is impossible for you to win me." Chu Xun made a strange voice, as if mocking Shen Lang's overreaching.

"Hmph, it's still unknown who will win the battle!" Shen Lang said calmly.

Afterwards, Shen Lang rushed towards Chu Xun again.

The two fought fiercely again.

Although Shen Lang's cultivation was not as good as Chu Xun's, but with his strange steps and flexible body skills, he was still barely entangled with Chu Xun.

However, Shen Lang gradually felt a little bad, because he found that Chu Xun's true energy was very abundant, more abundant than any opponent he encountered at the beginning.

If this continues, sooner or later he will lose to this Chu Xun.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what the price is, I will never let him kill me!"

Thinking of this, Shen Lang once again displayed the ghostly body technique, and rushed towards Chu Xun.

And Chu Xun was also slightly surprised when he saw Shen Lang once again displaying the ghostly movement technique.

The ghost's movement skills are indeed powerful, and it is rare for Shen Lang to display such fast footwork.

However, Chu Xun also had some reservations. After all, Shen Lang's movement skills were so strange that he could even dodge his attacks.

Moreover, Chu Xun also discovered a secret of Shen Lang.

The moving speed of Shen Lang's figure is not slower than him, and his figure is not purely based on speed, there is also a strange energy attached to his legs, which makes him move faster than he imagined. Much faster!

This point made Chu Xun very shocked, thinking that Shen Lang really has a unique identity and background, and he actually possesses such a strange agility.

The battle between Shen Lang and Chu Xun became more and more fierce and crazy!

Both of them were very fast, and almost every time they punched was a punch, there was a muffled thunder-like sound in the air, which made people's ears hurt.

Not everyone can observe this level of battle.

As the battle progressed, Chu Xun was caught on the shoulder by Shen Lang's iron claw, bleeding profusely.

And Shen Lang suffered more serious injuries than Chu Xun.

Chu Xun's body jumped back and jumped out of the battle.

"Hahaha... boy, didn't you expect that? You are not my opponent!" Chu Xun said with a laugh while wiping the wound on his shoulder, his expression was full of arrogance and complacency.

"Hmph, don't be too happy!" Shen Lang snorted coldly, and rushed towards Chu Xun again.

"Okay, okay, let's continue!" Chu Xun's face showed a look of excitement, and he rushed towards Shen Lang again.

The two figures flashed out at the same time, and they fought together again.

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