"Boom! Boom!"

Every time Shen Lang punched, he swept towards Chu Xun with a majestic aura, which made Chu Xun dare not neglect.

In a duel of this level, Chu Xun asked himself, even in his prime, he would not be able to defeat Shen Lang in a short period of time.

After this confrontation, both Shen Lang and Chu Xun felt sore and weak, they kept panting heavily, and the sweat dripped down from their foreheads, obviously both were seriously injured.

"My boy, you are so strong that you can withstand so many punches from me!" Chu Xun said while wiping the sweat off his face, staring at Shen Lang without blinking.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, you are not my opponent, quickly admit defeat, or I will make you go all the way!" Shen Lang shouted coldly.

"Haha, can't eat and walk around? Such an arrogant tone, I want to see what you can do!"

Chu Xun laughed out loud.

In the next second, he used his power violently and punched out with a punch!


Chu Xun's punch hit Shen Lang's body fiercely, knocking Shen Lang away, spitting blood, and falling hundreds of meters away.

Chu Xun laughed, and rushed over again. He grabbed the void with his right hand, and a black spear appeared in his hand, and then he stabbed out!

There was a silver light shining on the tip of the gun, obviously the power of this gun was also very terrifying.

"What a fast speed!" Shen Lang narrowed his eyes, and retreated back again.

Chu Xun's long spear pierced out like a bamboo, with a speed as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, he caught up with Shen Lang, and then stabbed fiercely at Shen Lang's body.


Shen Lang once again avoided Chu Xun's deadly stab, but he was also shocked by Chu Xun's spear so that he vomited blood, fell to the ground, and passed out.

"Hahaha..." Chu Xun raised his head to the sky and screamed, "Little bastard, your movement skills are indeed good, but in front of me, it's not enough to look at!"

Chu Xun laughed and rushed towards Shen Lang.

At this moment, a loud roar came from the side, and accompanied by the sound, there was a vast aura, and he slapped Chu Xun with his palm!

"Looking for death!" Chu Xun abruptly withdrew his steps, then raised his head and looked gloomyly at the figure behind a huge boulder in the distance, and shouted coldly: "Get out, don't hide your head and show your tail!"

Following Chu Xun's words, an old man in a gray robe stepped out from behind the boulder in the distance.

After Chu Xun saw clearly the appearance of the gray-robed old man, a strange look appeared on his face!

"Who are you?" Chu Xun asked coldly.

The old man in gray came out slowly, and said in a deep voice: "Old Patriarch of the Shen family, Shen Jingdong!"

After saying that, the old man in gray appeared like a ghost, and punched Chu Xun.

There was a cold snort, Chu Xun also dodged, and then punched Shen Jingdong.


The fists of the two collided with each other and made a muffled sound, and their bodies were thrown several meters away at the same time, and then they both fell to the ground with blood dripping from the corners of their mouths!

"As expected of Chu Xun, he's really amazing!" Shen Jingdong stabilized his body, then stood up from the ground.

He looked at the palm of his right hand with surprise in his eyes.

What's going on here, how could the opponent's strength be stronger than mine?Am I being too careless?

Shen Jingdong was full of doubts.

Chu Xun wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and with a sneer on his face, he said, "Hehe, old man, you are not my opponent!"

A look of doubt appeared on Shen Jingdong's face, and then he laughed loudly: "Boy, you don't really think how strong you are, do you? I will definitely teach you a lesson today!"

After hearing Shen Jingdong's sarcasm, Chu Xun's face became extremely ugly, which was simply provoking his authority.

"Shen Jingdong, you are looking for death!" Chu Xun roared angrily, and rushed towards Shen Jingdong.

Shen Jingdong laughed loudly and said, "I'm looking for death? Hahaha... Aren't you just a junior? Why? Don't you know your own strength enough?"

The muscles on Chu Xun's face trembled violently, the veins on his forehead popped up, and anger filled his mind.

"Looking for death!" Chu Xun roared angrily, turned into a black dragon, and rushed towards Shen Jingdong with lightning speed!

Shen Jingdong also roared, crossed his arms to cover his chest, and a golden light burst out from his body.

The golden light collided with the black light and there was a violent roar, and a powerful air wave spread out, shaking the surrounding trees to pieces.

Shen Jingdong and Chu Xun stared at each other, and then shouted at the same time, more terrifying energy fluctuations erupted from each of them, and then they bombarded together fiercely again.

This time the bombardment, both of them used their full strength, but they still couldn't tell the winner, which made them both frown.

"Chu Xun, you are indeed capable, but it is not so easy to kill me!" Shen Jingdong looked at Chu Xun in front of him, snorted coldly, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

While Shen Jingdong was speaking, a gust of wind suddenly burst out from his body, instantly covering the surrounding space.

Moreover, where the strong wind passed, the surrounding air seemed to be squeezed into fine sand, rushing towards Chu Xun.

Feeling this breath, Chu Xun's face changed slightly. The violent energy in this gust of wind was too fierce, and even he felt a sense of depression.

Chu Xun didn't hesitate anymore, he waved his palms hastily, and set up a defensive shield around him to block the attack of these strong winds.

Shen Jingdong looked at Chu Xun's actions, with a trace of cold murderous intent flashing in his eyes, while crazily transporting violent energy to attack Chu Xun, at the same time his figure flickered and disappeared in place again!

The defensive cover that Chu Xun set up couldn't resist Shen Jingdong's powerful attack at all, and it shattered in an instant. Chu Xun was beaten so badly by the violent energy that he vomited blood!

Shen Jingdong's speed was so fast that Chu Xun had already been wounded by one move before he could even react, which shows how powerful Shen Jingdong is!

"Pfft!" Chu Xun couldn't help but spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face became even paler. It was obvious that Shen Jingdong's blow had caused him great damage.

Chu Xun's eyes shone coldly, he took a step forward and attacked Shen Jingdong again.

"Children of the Chu family, you're only mediocre!" Shen Jingdong greeted him again with a sneer, and then fought with Chu Xun!

The two fought in the air, and the sky was dim for a while, and the sun and the moon were dark!

Chu Xun knew that this Shen family was the last powerful fighting force of the Yan Cang family, so as long as he defeated the Shen family, the Yan Cang family would basically be in his pocket.

Therefore, Chu Xun is also going all out at this moment!

"Old guy, today, even if I risk my life, I will definitely kill you!" Chu Xun's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Hmph, I was about to kill you too, but today I want to let you know that my strength, Shen Jingdong, is not as simple as it seems on the surface. I will let you see what despair is!"

Shen Jingdong had a cold expression on his face, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Really? Then I'll let you see and see, Shen Jingdong, let me see how you live this time!" Chu Xun sneered, and suddenly a heart-pounding aura erupted from his body.

Chu Xun's body began to swell rapidly, and it grew to about ten feet in a blink of an eye, and then grew rapidly. In a blink of an eye, Chu Xun reached the size of twenty feet, looking very hideous and terrifying.

"What? You actually comprehended the law of heaven and earth!" Sensing the change in Chu Xun's body, Shen Jingdong's pupils suddenly shrank, and the expression on his face instantly froze.

Fa Tian Xiang Di is an extremely miraculous cultivation method that few people in the whole world comprehend.

Shen Jingdong did not expect that the young man in front of him would actually comprehend such a miraculous skill.

"Hahaha, Shen Jingdong, now you know how powerful I am, and today I will let you see how powerful Fatianxiangdi is, and let you understand what is called the gap!"

Chu Xun laughed wildly, and a violent aura erupted from his body, rushing towards Shen Jingdong.

This time, Shen Jingdong was really afraid.

He originally thought that as the ancestor of the Shen family, almost no one could be more powerful than himself.

However, now he has begun to regret his arrogance.

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