[Super-speed self-healing: The body has super-fast self-healing speed, and the severed limbs are reborn! 】

After getting the talent, Chu Xun had a clear understanding of the cause of death that everyone was discussing.

It should have been hit in the brain, leading directly to death.

And the talent of super-speed self-healing is still working after the death of the deceased.

Therefore, it became what it is now, with no scars on its body, but the illusion of a strange death.

In this way, the red and white thing on its head can be explained.

Feng Qingjiang led the village cadres to search for the "venomous cat".

The purpose of this trip is to find out a safe range for spawning monsters.

Therefore, Feng Qingjiang had to go meet the venomous-toothed cat for a while to find out its truth.

Everyone was idle and bored, so they used local materials to build a stone grave for the corpse.

He even carved a stone monument for it - "Zheng Bufan's Tomb".

I don't know if the deceased is Zheng Bufan in the announcement...

"Look at the chat channel, the village is fighting!"

When everyone was waiting for Feng Qingjiang, bored, an exclamation made everyone stand on the spot in unison.

It's not that he was in a daze, but he opened the chat channel, and his eyes focused on the chat panel, which seemed to be in a daze.

Chu Xun also stopped cutting his hands with stone flakes, and opened the chat channel with the mentality of eating melons.

"What's the matter with the village chief and the others? After going out for so long, they won't be killed, right?"

"If you think about it, maybe the village chief himself upgraded quickly and forgot about us?"

"What are you trying to do to the village chief? Just look at the village cadres. There are no talented people below the A level! This is a small group and a concentration of power! Is it possible to be a dictatorship in the future? The old thing is very bad!"

"If you have the ability to stand up, don't think that you can slander here if you don't know each other!"

"That's right, although we don't know each other, the chat channels also have names. When the village chief comes back and registers one by one, we won't be able to run away from you!"

"Damn it, these few above are used to being slaves? Can't you just kneel down and recognize your father?"

"Oh, this is slavish thinking!"

"You guys, if you have the ability to stand up, speak in front of the village management!"

"That's right, what's the point of forcing Lai Lai in the chat channel?"

"Er Gouzi is barking happily. Your master hasn't come back yet. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?!"

"Yes, that little slave, didn't he look down on you, dare to stand up and pk with Grandpa?"

"Okay, okay! Fight, fight!"

"Yeah, I'm pointing and scolding, can I bear it? If it's a man, just do it!"

"Support real people PK, we can help hold down the village management!"

"Red rabbit horse! Afraid of an egg!"


"Village chief, come back quickly, someone is dead!"

"It's messed up, it's completely messed up! There's a gang fight!"

"The village manager killed someone! Village chief, come back quickly!"

"A lot of people died! Huh... Village Chief, where did you go?"

At the end, there was only one girl named "Sun Ning" who was still speaking in the chat channel, broadcasting the village's dynamics live.

Everyone in the expedition team looked at the chat records, and after knowing what happened, they couldn't help but look at each other.

The house is on fire!

Although everyone does not have a strong sense of belonging to this "home", it is still a safe haven after all.

Today, the harbor is in chaos...

"Pack up your things, the village chief is back!"

The only village cadre who stayed with everyone clapped his hands and began to mobilize everyone.

As soon as the words fell, Feng Qingjiang returned with a group of village cadres.

Many people carried one or two cat corpses like black charcoal in their hands.

It seems that they were all killed by Feng Qingjiang.

Feng Qingjiang said with a gloomy face, "Go back to the village!"

Everyone even vaguely saw the lightning in his eyes.

On the way home, Chu Xun found Guan Qingbei who had come back with Feng Qingjiang, and offered to help him share the cat's corpse.

[Successful collection!Obtained a level 1 skill - poisoning! 】

[Poison quenching: active skill, adding a level 1 toxin to the weapon, which can cause the target to be poisoned after blood contact. 】

Chu Xun's eyes lit up, the relic of the venomous cat turned out to be a skill!

"What's wrong with the village chief? Doesn't he look very happy?"

While Chu Xun knew the reason, he took the other cat corpse from Guan Qingbei's hand, and stuffed the cat corpse back into Guan Qingbei's hand.

[Successful collection!Obtained a level 1 skill - poisoning! 】

[Same skills are automatically stacked and upgraded!Your level 1 poisoning skill has been upgraded to level 2! 】


It can still be upgraded!

Merger of similar items?This talent is so awesome!

Guan Qingbei subconsciously took the cat corpse that Chu Xun handed over, and said in a low voice, "Didn't you watch the chat channel? The manager of the S-level talent in the village is dead!"

Chu Xun's eyes lit up, and he quickly opened the chat channel.

Sure enough, Sun Ning updated the news again.

Guan Qingbei approached a little closer, and said: "He is an S-level talent, and he has no combat power."

Chu Xun was stunned.

I thought to myself, it's not bad to develop classes.

"Brother, are you tired? I'll help you hold it for a while!"

Returning the cat corpse in his hand to Guan Qingbei, Chu Xun touched the cat corpse in the hands of another village manager like a cloud and flowing water.

He wanted to verify, if he picked up the same skill again, could he continue to upgrade?

Guan Qingbei looked down at the two cat corpses in his arms, which were mixed with the smell of meat and burnt, and looked at Chu Xun, who was enthusiastically carrying the cat corpse for others, with a little confusion on his face.

This cat only weighs ten catties?

What is there to be tired of?

[Same skills are automatically stacked and upgraded!Your level 2 poisoning skill has been upgraded to level 2 [50%]! 】

Does this mean that only one more can be upgraded?

Chu Xun hurriedly returned the cat corpse, and ran to manage another village.

"Brother, are you tired? I'll help you hold it for a while!"

In the returning team, there was another confused face staring blankly at the cat corpse in his arms.

The man looked at Guan Qingbei beside him in puzzlement, "What's the situation, my friend?"

Guan Qingbei pretended to be calm and replied: "He is warm-hearted and willing to help others!"

The man raised his eyebrows, becoming more and more confused.

Are you sure you're not out of your mind?

After touching the five cat corpses, Chu Xun's poisoning skill has been upgraded to "Level 3 [25%]".

If you touch it again, you will no longer be able to pick up the "relics".

The saber-toothed cat and the poisonous-toothed cat are both cats, but they can each be touched five times.

It seems that the unspoken rule of this talent should be that the "corpse with the same name" cannot be picked up more than five times.

And all the village managers are also familiar with Guan Qingbei's friends.

He is a person with a poor brain but a warm heart.

Chu Xun didn't care much about the reputation of his brain, and raised his eyebrows to call out the personal panel.

【Name】: Chu Xun

[race]: human

[Level]: Novice level 1 (20/100)

【Strength】: 7

[Agility]: 17

【Spirit】: 10

[Talent]: Relic collector [ur], super speed self-healing [a], scouting eye [c], bloodthirsty battle [d],

[Learned]: poisoning [level 3]

【Strength】: ★★★☆

After reading the data, Chu Xun was quite proud.

Three and a half stars!

Compared with the saber-tooth cat's combat power, it is almost doubled!

With Chu Xun's current strength, he can completely kill the saber-toothed cat by himself!

But he is not in a hurry to upgrade by brush alone...

Continue to make a fortune in silence!

Steady development is king!

In the village, but there is still an S...

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