Looking at the attribute panel, Chu Xun remembered that he still had an active talent.

Eye of scouting.

Chu Xun glanced at Guan Qingbei.

[race]: human

[Level]: Novice level 1


That's it?

Scout out a lonely!

Chu Xun couldn't help complaining that this c-level talent is a bit misleading.

However, it's not useless at all.

At least he knew that Guan Qingbei, who was talented at the A level, had the combat power of a saber-toothed cat.

When Chu Xun looked at everyone, he couldn't help but feel complacent.

There is only one person in the expedition team who is stronger than himself—Feng Qingjiang.

However, the long string of stars shocked Chu Xun for a long time.

Combat strength, nine and a half stars!

SS level talent is so awesome? !

Feng Qingjiang is already level 3.

After upgrading, all attributes will be improved, and attributes will directly affect combat power.

That being said...

But if he can instantly kill the saber-toothed cat at level 1, Feng Qingjiang's initial combat power is definitely not low!

SS-level talent, it's really a bit too strong...

The ability to control lightning is estimated to be a top-notch existence in the SS class.

Think about it, the ss level is already so awesome, what kind of pervert should sss be?

Chu Xun secretly clenched his fists, one day, he must touch the corpse of the sss talent!

The expedition team finally "killed" and returned to the village.

Along the way, Feng Qingjiang's electricity was fully turned on, and the saber-toothed cat blocked the road and died.

In front of the village, the whole team is on guard.

In the village, nothing happened...

It's a bit abnormal!

Because the title suffix of the chat channel will display the number of people online.

The current number of people online is 914, which means that there should be 2333 people alive in village 914.

Except for the 50-person expedition team and some lone rangers who ventured out of the village alone, there should be more than 800 people in the village.

However, at this time, the village was silent!

Certainly not normal!

As for Sun Ning's "dynamic live broadcast", it stopped half an hour ago.

Therefore, everyone knows nothing about the situation in the village.

The last message in the chat channel was left by a person named "Wang Cheng".

"Feng, I'll wait for you!"

Obviously, they are declaring war on Feng Qingjiang!

Think about the conflict in the chat channel before...

It seems that it has been planned for a long time.

Chu Xun felt tired.

The village of 2333 is full of 1000 people, why are there so many wily people?

In a small dilapidated village, Wolong and Phoenix are gathered together...

What an "honor"!

At the entrance of the village, Feng Qingjiang entered the protective cover first.

Six village cadres followed closely behind.

The rest are cautious and ready to support at any time.

Chu Xun drew his sword in his hand, and put on a show, but he was actually ready to run away at any time.

He has no intention of being tied to Feng Qingjiang.

Of course, it is even more impossible for him to go to Wang Cheng who has never met at the side.

With his three-and-a-half-star battle strength, he can completely test monsters by himself.

No need to seek asylum at all.

Therefore, no matter who is the village head, Chu Xun doesn't care.

If not...

For those talents...

I have long been "the sea is wide with fish, and the sky is high with birds"!

╮(?? ??)╭


Before Chu Xun could finish his imagination, Feng Qingjiang and the others came out.

In front of him stood a middle-aged man with a thin and short stature.

This man squinted a pair of triangular eyes, his eyes were dark, he didn't look like a good person.

Its position made everyone confused.

Feng Qingjiang actually stayed behind honestly, and willingly gave up the C position to the triangular-eyed.

It's obvious that he admits cowardice!

what's the situation?

It's over without even hearing a "boom"?


Looking at the constipated expressions of Feng Qingjiang, Guan Qingbei and the others, it seemed that they were reluctant, but they had no choice.

Chu Xun glanced at the triangular eyes.

[race]: human

[Level]: Novice level 3


With only one-and-a-half stars in combat strength, how could Feng Qingjiang and others be subdued?

Its ability should not be underestimated!

Halfway through Chu Xun's emotion, he couldn't help frowning.

Because it suddenly occurred to him...

This person's combat power is not high, he didn't even leave the village, but he was promoted to level 3!

The source of experience value is self-evident.

However, level 3 is only one-and-a-half star combat power, which doesn't seem to be very strong...

"Everyone, actually, I don't even want to fight for the position of village chief..."

"From the beginning, I just wanted to be a village manager, and I would be next to the big tree of Village Chief Feng, and take me to a higher level."

"However, our Village Chief Feng doesn't want to be talented unless he has strong talent. He has no choice but to make a small circle on the top of the mountain."

"Now, Village Chief Feng has promised to take me to upgrade, and my goal has been achieved. From now on, we will still follow the lead of Village Chief Feng!"

It seems that nothing happened.

The village is still the same village.

As if, it was an episode of a peaceful afternoon.


The corpses lying in a pool of blood in the village proved that a farce-like fight actually happened.

21 people died!

With conflicting feelings, Chu Xun volunteered to dispose of the corpse.

Seeing that he was active, Guan Qingbei applied to take charge of the matter.

However, apart from the two of them, no one is willing to take this bad luck.

You can see it, but you can't do it!

Chu Xun took the lead in choosing a corpse that was quite eye-catching.

A sword pierces through the chest.

It's a better look than death.

He is also a normal person, and he also feels disgusted by those who died in a miserable state.

[Successful collection!Obtained the D-level talent - Hearing Enhancement! 】

【Hearing Enhancement: You can hear farther and more clearly! 】

Suddenly, countless voices flooded into both ears.

Chu Xun even heard the contents of the discussion among those who were watching the corpse and whispering to each other.

Chu Xun picked out his ears, this ability is quite useful, but it is a bit uncomfortable.

Just as he was about to switch to another body, he saw that Guan Qingbei had already lifted the legs of the corpse.


"What's the matter? Why is Lao Feng so cowardly?"

As soon as he left the village, Chu Xun hurriedly asked out his doubts.

"Leave you alone, you're too cowardly!" Guan Qingbei rolled his eyes.

"What's the situation, tell me!"

Guan Qingbei pursed his lips and remained silent.

Reading books is the most annoying dog, and chatting is the most annoying!

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Chu Xun gritted his teeth and stopped asking!

Suppressing curiosity in her heart, she waited until Guan Qingbei couldn't bear it anymore and said it by herself.

The two of them didn't make a sound all the way, they lifted for about a hundred meters and encountered a small crater.

Glancing at each other, the two dropped their hands on the edge of the pit and let the corpse roll down.

Guan Qingbei exhaled slowly.

Just as he was about to take another deep breath, Chu Xun suddenly hooked his neck and choked, almost missing his breath.

"Cough cough cough... you want to strangle me?!"

Chu Xun couldn't hold back any longer, and ignored the other party's complaints, "Tell me, what happened!"

Guan Qingbei looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he tilted his head and said in a low voice: "Then Wang Cheng's talent can make people..."

Seemingly hard to say, Guan Qingbei showed embarrassment and paused for two breaths.

"It can make people shoot non-stop."

Chu Xun: "???"

Guan Qingbei looked at Chu Xun knowingly, "Yes, that's what you think."


Chu Xun gasped.

After that, he asked in confusion, "Can't you sneak attack him while he's not prepared?"

Guan Qingbei looked constipated, "As long as there are thoughts of attacking him in my mind, I will vent non-stop..."

Chu Xun was startled.

This talent is too incomprehensible!

Chu Xun suddenly thought of Uncle Da's classic plot in the classic movie of Master Xing, who was congenitally out of control-call him third uncle, all kinds of "sticky bada"!

After thinking about it again, replace the protagonist with Feng Qingjiang...


Lao Feng is also in his 60s!

How can I stand it!


Chu Xun raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to look at Guan Qingbei, "How do you know so clearly?"

Guan Qingbei waved his hands, and the back view of walking towards the village looked rather lonely.

The wind brought Guan Qingbei's murmurs to himself.

"The crotch is soaked, can I tell you?"

The corners of Chu Xun's mouth curled up, tsk!

This hearing enhancement is quite reliable!

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