Chu Xun moved swiftly to the fifth floor.

This mountain range is quite satisfactory, with gray-brown rocks everywhere.

Nor was there any lush vegetation, blazing heat, or the appearance of gold.

However, Chu Xun had already guessed the attributes of the boss in advance.

Take a look, does the appearance here have anything to do with the water element? ?

Obviously, the boss of this floor is the Guardian of the Earth!

His conjecture was quickly confirmed.

After climbing the stone steps to the top of the mountain, there is a small basin similar to an arena.

Chu Xun just stepped into it, less than half a second.

In an instant, the vast elemental power gathered together!

Countless sandstones gather and slowly take shape!

This time it was a clay giant!

The Pupil of True Sight thrown by Chu Xun also confirmed his previous conjecture.

【Name】: Guardian of the Earth

[Level]: Fan·2 level

【Strength】: 48★

——Leader-level monster, guardian of the earth formation!



The speed of this Guardian of Earth is even slower than that of the Guardian of Wood.

Every step is shaking, walking towards Chu Xun!

Stand firm and dignified!

Chu Xun, on the other hand, buffed himself unhurriedly.


The clay giant is approaching, with momentum like a rainbow!

stay in the air.

Clay giant, keep going, the ground under your feet has collapsed a bit!

Frost Halo!

The clay giant was instantly sluggish, almost unable to move!

However, it is still fearless!

Raise your fist!

Get ready to smash!

If this trick hits!

No one can escape from one——

To pieces! !

As for Chu Xun, he raised his wolf knife and silently activated his skill——[Duo Cui]

In an instant, dark green light surrounded his whole body.

He learned smart this time, since he estimated that the wood element's move is likely to restrain the guardian of the earth, then Chu Xun didn't ink it.

Just use it and you're done!

But at this time, the clay giant, with an indomitable momentum, turned around and ran away!

In the action, there is a huge instinctive fear and anxiety~!

However, it has been slowed down by the frost halo!

For a long time, I couldn't even take a step!

And Chu Xun sensed the acceleration effect of Yufeng, and smiled slightly.

"Within 1 minutes."

"Fix you."


However, it is different from Chu Xun's success.

At this time, outside the village of 2333, the atmosphere was a bit depressing and terrifying.

Ayina was still as normal as she was, quickly and precisely harvesting the seriously injured monsters that the whole village had prepared for her.

But the other villagers kept paying attention to the competition channel, and their faces became ugly one by one!

At this time, the competition had already started for three and a half hours.

And 10468 Village also broadcast live for nearly three hours!

2333 Village is very clear about the progress of Baba in the Curry Country.

But it is precisely because of the clarity that I feel extremely hopeless!

【Ha ha!Sick men of East Asia, Lord Baba just joined forces with us to kill a level [-] monster! 】

[Now we have found a group of monsters above level five, and we will soon advance to level seven! 】

[Yes, it only takes five hours!The competition is over!The idiots of Cathay!Wait for the property to be deducted! 】

Obviously, the arrogance of the Curry Kingdom is justified, their strongest Baba is indeed not far from the seventh level!

At this time, the villagers in 2333 village even in the competition channel have reduced the intensity and number of cursing back a lot.

Instead, it is a pessimistic discussion.

"Could it be that I'm really going to lose! Goddess Ayina's level-up speed can't compare to Ah San's!"

"It's over! This time the attribute will be deducted!"

Obviously, they feel that there is no hope for this competition!

That Baba's efficiency is too high!Coming soon to level seven!

Ayina can't keep up!

At this time, Feng Qingjiang and several village managers who were seriously injured and caught monsters were busy watching the content of the competition channel and the status of the villagers, and they were even more anxious!

"Village head? What should I do?"

"According to the current efficiency, it will take at least ten hours before Ayina can reach level seven..."

"There is almost no chance of competition!"

A somewhat young manager with an anxious tone.

The rest of the people also looked ugly.

"And the fighting spirit of many people has dropped a lot. We can't even maintain our current efficiency!"

"The speed of gaining experience points is simply too late!"

Apparently, the village managers managed to catch the monsters with swift movements.

But still lost confidence in victory.

Seeing this, Feng Qingjiang also frowned.

give up?

it's out of the question!

The punishment of deduction of all attributes, the village can't bear it at all!

But if you insist...

Is there a chance?

Feng Qingjiang thought for a while, but his expression became firm.

Do your best, listen to destiny.

It's too early to say defeat at this time!

he opened his mouth to speak.

"Ah San's live broadcast of her leveling progress."

"Surely you didn't mean to tell us about Baba's situation?"

"It's just a simple blow to our morale."

"They may not be able to upgrade within five hours!"

"But our side is gathering the strength of a village, and there is a lot of room for efficiency improvement."

"There is a chance!"

Seeing Feng Qingjiang's self-confidence, several village managers around him gradually became firmer.

They are quite convinced of the village chief!

The more I got in touch with, the more I realized that Feng Qingjiang might not be the strongest, but he was definitely the one who cared most about the development of the entire village!

He said that there is a chance, so it really is, there is still a chance!

"Well, you go to the competition channel and say that our progress is similar here, Ayina still needs six hours to upgrade!"

"If you work harder, there is still a chance of reversal!"

"Use this to encourage and motivate the villagers. How can we lose to those curry people?"

Feng Qingjiang gave instructions to the young manager who was the first to speak.

Six hours is important.

Just in time, there are some chances to win the chin, but if you don't work hard, you can only wait for death!

Perhaps, it can inspire a little more fighting spirit in the villagers!

"it is good!"

The young man nodded immediately and edited the information.


And Feng Qingjiang's lies really had a lot of effect for a while.

The people in 2333 Village are dissatisfied with Ayina, and they know the priorities, no one wants to be deprived of attributes!

The speed of moving and capturing monsters is much faster.

However, at this time, in a forest behind 2333 village.

Several young people looked at the captain of the leveling team they belonged to in confusion, with puzzled expressions.

"Boss, don't we hurry up?"

"Hurry up and help Aina to level up!"

"The gap of one hour, there is still a chance to smooth it out!"

The one they called the boss was a middle-aged man with a beard, and he just smiled coldly.

"Only an hour away?"

"Not only?"


Looking at the doubts of the other members of the team, the middle-aged man with a beard explained.

"I went to the warehouse to look at it earlier. There are not so many monster corpses brought over to store food!"

"Aina needs about 17000 experience points. Want to level up within six hours? At least one hour will bring back 200 monster corpses!"

"But I did the math, and within an hour of moving to the warehouse, there were only about a hundred corpses!"

He has a gloomy face, and some monster corpses are inedible, but only a few!

"If there are really more than 200 corpses and the whole village works hard, Ayina still has a chance to catch up!"

"However, with the current number of corpses, it will take at least 10 hours for the so-called goddess to upgrade!"

"No matter how hard we spend, we'll just make a wedding dress for Ayina!"

The middle-aged man with a beard is full of displeasure!

"Then let's ignore it..." A team member hesitated.

But in the next second, he was stunned and didn't finish his sentence!

Someone has already spoken in the competition channel!

"Don't be fooled by Feng Qingjiang and the others! At the current speed, it will take at least ten hours for Ayina to upgrade!"

After that, he continued to speak a few more words, which were completely consistent with the reasoning of the bearded middle-aged man!

In an instant, 2333 Village exploded!


"What's the situation! What Feng Qingjiang said is false!!!"

"We've all been scammed! If we can't win, we've already lost this competition!"

"Fuck! We're going to lose the co-authorship! And let us work for Aina Bai?"

"I quit! Anyone who likes to catch monsters can go! Waste your time!"

Players are outraged!

After feeling being cheated, they immediately put down their picks and quit!

However, after more people were angry, they were extremely confused and uneasy!

"Damn! What is this called!"

"After working for so long, I still failed!"

"Then it's better, let us practice leveling by ourselves, at least we can reduce a little loss! Now we are bloody!"

"I'm numb! Now Ayina can't count on her! I still have to watch Ah San triumphant!"

"How angry! I can't stand it!"

"Damn! That Baba's experience value has increased again! The more I look at it, the more my chest feels tight!"

Everyone in 2333 Village is stupid!

I have been busy for a long time!Still have to deduct attributes!

And what's even more painful is that he knows that he will lose without a doubt!I can only watch Ah San's Baba live broadcast step by step to level seven!

Bring the penalty of failure to 2333 village!

Who to change, is the mentality exploding!

The mentality of each player is extremely lost and depressed!

Looking at the competition channel, everyone in the Curry Kingdom made sarcasm, and even lost the mood to refute and scold!

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