At the same time, Feng Qingjiang and others outside the village frowned even more.

Because the teams that were going to capture the monsters also stopped one by one.

Knowing that they must lose, how could they still serve Ayina.

Even the people in these teams looked at the "goddess" who had harvested a lot of experience points from monsters with a random skill on the plain.

Even more annoying!

"Fuck! This is all right, all of us are busy in vain, everyone in the village will have their attributes deducted, and the loss will be heavy."

"Everyone? Ha ha! Look at how many free jobs this goddess asked us to give her! The large amount of experience points she gained this time is not a loss at all!"

"Damn! It's not that I haven't noticed yet! Everyone in the village has lost blood this time, but this goddess has won!"

"Damn, it's so annoying!"

"God Chu is still amazing! Last time, he easily crushed the sticks!"

"Hey! Last time we competed, we also relied on God Chu! This time without him, we can't do it right away!"

"It seems that there is really no chance! God Chu's ability is comparable to that of Ayina? Even the power of the whole village cannot support this goddess!"

"God Chu, can you make another shot this time!"

A large number of players in 2333 village are extremely annoyed!

They have been working here for Aina Bai for so long!

Still have to deduct attributes! !

The only good thing is that with the help of the whole village, Ayina has accumulated a lot of experience points!

Although she will also deduct attributes, at least she can make up for some losses!Much better than the average player!

Co-authored, the power of the whole village is to reduce the loss of Ayina's failure in the competition?

Such a comparison, who would accept it!

As the players watched, Ayina's eyes became more and more dissatisfied and disgusted!

And, more to this time.

They just remembered that God Chu is good.

Realize that the God of Turning the Tide is good!

They have saved the village from fire and water in the competition time and time again!

But she never asked the whole village to pay for herself like Ayina!

Even, just like that, it failed!You can't be promoted to the seventh level before the people on Ah San's side!

But God Chu, every time he has a big advantage, he wins directly!

At this time, the players inevitably missed Chu Xun one by one!

As for the current situation, almost everyone is extremely pessimistic and desperate, and the attribute deduction is almost certain!


However, just as everyone was discussing how to miss Chu Xun's last effort to turn the tide.

In the village of 2333, several players entered texts in the chat box with weird faces.

"Don't look for it, everyone! God Chu is busy!"

"We traded the corpse of the monster for a refined iron long sword in the trading house, and even chatted with God Chu. He didn't even mention this competition!"

"Chu God takes care of his consignment items, and has no time to take care of other things."

They are also a little puzzled.

God Chu's heart is too big!

Such a big matter, but still calmly busy in the trading house!

And after these few messages were sent out, many people became excited immediately!Speech like a cannonball!

"Since we have found the trace of God Chu, let him find a way! This competition requires his contribution!"

"That's right! God Chu should also take the overall situation into consideration! What kind of exchange is he in charge of at this time!"

"The competition is important! When will trading props not continue??"

"You still count on that Chu Xun?"

"People see that there is no chance in this competition, and they have ignored you for a long time!"

"It's in the channel of the trading bank, doing business happily!"

"This time, even if the game is lost! He is not at a loss!"

"Chu Xun only cares about himself! What contribution does this guy have to the competition?"

These people either simply asked Chu Xun to put down what he was doing and come to help the village win the competition!

Or, if you are more sober and see that the situation in 2333 village is over this time, you will even be angry!

Accused Chu Xun of being greedy for profit and only caring about himself!Obviously venting!

Immediately, new content appeared in the chat box, and countless players were outraged!

"Damn it! You still have the guts to kidnap Chu Shen! In this competition, his experience value is so different that he wouldn't be able to participate in the first place! It's none of your business to go to a trading house to do business?"

"Laughing to death! Why did God Chu contribute to the competition! Everyone was kicked out of the village? It would be the best of humanity not to come and disrupt the competition!"

"God Chu has already rescued us once! Are you still counting on him??"

The more rational players were not dissatisfied with Chu Xun's busy work in the exchange.


God Chu, who was kicked out of the village, still has the obligation to save the village indefinitely? ?

I was saved once, but I was also raped, how shameless I am?

Even, God Chu didn't even have the right to go to the trading house?

Well, how shameless to think like this? ?


At this time, in the competition channel, the players in Village 10468 were already doing their best to ridicule!

Ah San is not stupid either!

Look, the people in 2333 village are getting weaker and weaker in their anti-spraying momentum. Don't you know that the upgrade progress of the Zhendan people is not ideal?

So everyone was very excited and opened the mic with passion.

"Haha, the sick men of East Asia really have nothing to say, they were still talking hard before!"

"This is the racial gap, how could you have won the warriors who were nurtured under the holy water of the Ganges!"

"Wait for the attributes to be deducted. Our village is really lucky to be able to match you."

"Garbage is garbage. I was so happy before! Now I dare not speak."

The people of these curry countries are full of ambitions!

Inside and outside the words, we can see the weakness in 2333 village at this time.

I feel like I've won here!

They mocked arrogantly, doing their best to insult and sarcasm!

Even, far outside the village of 10468, in the bottom of a valley.

Babadu temporarily stopped his actions of spawning monsters.

He looked at his experience value.

A full, [-] points!

Even, you can reach level seven in less than five hours!

It is estimated that no matter how hard those Aurora wastes try, they will never be able to catch up with me!

Baba even clicked on the competition channel and watched the people in the village mocking him.

The more you look, the happier you feel!

When he got excited, he even edited the text in the competition channel himself.

"Hehe, didn't you Zhendan people gather the power of the whole village to help one person level up?"

"What's the result now? I'm still going to lose, so I dare not speak?"

"I now understand why you are preaching that unity is strength!"

"Because you bunch of trash, if you don't stick together, you will only die worse!"

"The people of your village can't win against me together!"

"It can only be said that you are a bunch of complete garbage!"

He severely mocked the competition strategy of 233 Village.

No one in the village can compare to myself alone!

Waste to the extreme!

Baba's tone was full of contempt and disdain!

Then, with a malicious and disdainful smile, he clicked send!

However, in the next second, a lot of information was refreshed in the competition channel.

[Village 2333, player Chu Xun, promoted to level seven! 】

[Congratulations to Village 2333, who finally won this competition! 】

Originally, the players in 10468 Village and the strongest Baba were instantly dumbfounded!

It feels like the content of the previous mockery is like a joke!

The face is burning hot, burning pain!

On the other side, in 2333 Village, the people who were originally desperate and thought they would lose this time...

Also confused!

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