At this time, the players in Village No. 2333 did not have such a good attitude as Chu Xun. ,

It was only a few seconds after the system prompt sounded.

The players started talking.

Originally, they were not so afraid of the competition.

After all, they have won three sets in a row.

The attributes of monsters are almost exhausted!Resources are almost doubled!

Everyone has been promoted to more than 5 levels for nothing!

Moreover, the people in Xinshou Village No. 2333 have more and more trust in God Chu's ability!

After several competitions, many of them feel that they have almost understood the strength of God Chu!

Extremely powerful!

It's not even at the same level as ordinary players!

With him here, the competition must be won!

However, at this time, there are still countless messages refreshing in the chat box.

"Increased intensity? What's going on?"

"I have an ominous premonition!"

"Damn it! This system won't let us survive at all!"

"I also feel something is wrong! I'm so flustered!"

The players in village 2333 are all inexplicably uneasy!

At this time, the system issued a prompt again.

【Successful match! 】

[Match object: Xinshou Village No. 1122! 】

[Add competition channel!The two villages can have friendly exchanges on this channel! 】

[Random competition mode, please wait...]

Novice Village No. 1122, is this the opponent this time?

Quite a few players' speeches flooded into the competition channel as usual.

"The opposite village? It's an honor to fight with everyone!"

"We have actually won three games in a row, let's compete with each other this time!"

"Welcome players from Village No. 2333! We are all Japanese here, I don't know which country you are from?"

"Even if we have a competitive relationship, I hope everyone can communicate with each other friendly! After all, we were all from the same planet!"

It seems that the attitude is good!


The attitude of 2333 village is obviously a bit weird.

Wa country?

This and Huaxia still have some grudges!

Although, nowadays most young people hardly care much.

However, the current management of the village, Feng Qingjiang and the older generation, don't have a good impression of the Wa Kingdom.

Therefore, in the face of the friendliness of Xinshou Village No. 1122, there are very few respondents.

"Of course, friendship first, competition second."

"We have been on a winning streak! Everyone, let's have a good match!"

"Our side is a village of Huaxia people, and it is an honor to meet you."

"From Wa country? What do you have to say to these guys?"

"That's right, kill them and it's over!"

After all, this is not the first competition, and many people have actually noticed the harsh environment of Huaxia outside.

Although there are still a few hard-headed people in the village who have a good impression of the Japanese country, they speak up and report themselves.

But there are also many people who just started spraying!

Friendly competition?no need!

It's over if you abolish the Wa country!

And sure enough, Village No. 1122 on the other side also changed face instantly after learning that Village No. 2333 was composed of Chinese people!

"Hehe, it's Huaxia's village again! We're so lucky!"

"Laugh! A group of people from a weak country dare to say that they want to kill us?"

"You people of the useless nation, if you meet us, you are unlucky!"

Soon, the competition channel insulted each other and became a row!

And the prompt from the system directly pushed the atmosphere to the climax!

[Competition mode is randomly completed-invasion race! 】

【The two sides will compete with each other for invasion and defense!】

[Rule Explanation: Players on both sides can freely choose to become invaders or guardians, and this identity can be changed at any time]

[Intruder goal: Teleport to the vicinity of the enemy village and destroy the crystal generated in the center of the village]

[Defender's goal: to delay the actions of local invaders]

[Winning conditions: first break through the crystal square in the enemy's village and win the competition! 】

【Notice!Players who die during the competition will be resurrected after the competition ends! 】

【Notice!Players teleported to the enemy's village will return to the center of their own village after the competition, or turn into defenders at any time and teleport back to the village]

[Winner, all attributes of the whole village +20!Xinshou Village map resource +30%!The overall attribute of the trial monster is -15%! 】

[The loser, all attributes of the whole village -20!Novice Village Map Resources -30%!The overall attribute of the trial monster is +15%! 】

Then, the reminder was suspended for a second!

Then, in the field of vision of all players, bright red words appeared!

【warn!The intensity of the competition has been strengthened, and it has started! 】

[When the number of enemy defenders killed exceeds 90%, the winning reward is doubled!The penalty for the loser is doubled! 】

【warn!Additional mechanics have been added! 】

[Kill the enemy player to obtain the opponent's current level, and the experience value required for upgrading is 6%]

For a while, with the end of the system prompt, there was a brief silence in the competition channel!

Afterwards, almost all the players in the two villages fell into a state of extreme excitement!

"This is the intensity upgrade?? It means that the winner will gain more, and the loser will suffer heavy losses!"

"Fuck! The mechanism of this experience value is a bit fierce! Doesn't it mean that you can level up by killing [-] people and players of the same level as yourself!!!"

"The benefit of killing monsters is so much greater than killing monsters!!"

Countless people were amazed, the intensity escalated, so that's what it meant!

No wonder it is said to be speeding up the speed of training players!

After this competition, it is no exaggeration to say that the victor's entire village will have a huge increase in strength!The loser is likely to suffer heavy losses!Failed!

Of course, this also aroused the restlessness of the players on both sides!

The Wa people in Village No. 1122 seem to be extremely arrogant and start talking nonsense!

"Invasion Race! Great!"

"Huaxia people? Hehe, isn't this just right? Let us achieve the feats that our ancestors failed to accomplish back then!"

"Kill them all! Destroy the village of these weak chickens!"

"If you match this pattern, you are out of luck!"

"Sure enough, God bless us! This competition is lucky again!"

All of them are extremely arrogant!Even, I am extremely excited and excited about the mode of this invasion game!

Even, the feud between China and Japan has been mentioned!

Obviously, full of great malice!

The people in Village No. 1122 are not just ruthless!What's more, he showed off his village's combat power, so what!

Eighth-level people, a lot!

Won the rewards of three contests!

There are also several strong men with SS-level talents, and their combat effectiveness is amazing!

No matter how you look at it.

These Japanese people do have the confidence to be arrogant!

As for Village 2333...

In fact, it is more emboldened!

What eighth-level powerhouse?

What ss level talent?

Is it enough for the God of Chu?

Afraid of wool!

It's done!

Therefore, in the competition channel, the people of the Wa country are as powerful as a rainbow, and they are still overwhelmed in the battle of scolding!

"Wow! That's amazing! I hope that when you are instantly killed by God Chu, you will still be so proud!"

"Laughing to death! How dare you boast at such a level??"

"SS-level talent, hehe! Guaranteed that you will come and go!"

"Stop talking! Let's get started! I can't wait to invade!"

"This time, I have to kill a bloody river!"

The players in village 2333 are also full of confidence!

Even, many people recalled the grievances between the two countries back then, and couldn't wait to start the invasion!Let's vent!

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