Village No. 2333 feels that this competition must be won!

Intensity increase, it turned out to be such an increase method!

Then, stop talking!

Wait, God Chu can take you flying!

It's a win!

There are so many rewards!

However, they never expected it.

At this time, Chu Xun just glanced at the rules of the invasion game lightly, and pondered for a while.

"Forget it, let's wait a while and go to participate!"

The reason is simple, he saw the introduction that after the invasion is over, he will send himself back to 2333 village.

I'm a little unhappy!

Going back, it's easy to say.

But can I come again?

Maybe not!

Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, five badges have been inlaid on the top of the lonely peak.

Who knows, if Chu Xun goes there again, will he still be able to come to the ruins of the Spiritual God Sect?

"Let's keep searching to see if there are any props left over. The competition should...don't be in a hurry, right?"

He felt that there was nothing wrong with his thinking!

The people in Village 2333 swiped their screens in the chat box, although Chu Xun only glanced at them.

He found that these people are very confident, and they should be a little sure about winning the game!

Therefore, Chu Xun himself does not need to rush to participate in the invasion!

Wait for a while, and then choose to teleport to Village 1122. With my own strength, I won the first place in the contribution list, no problem!

After figuring it out, Chu Xun excitedly continued to wander around the palace, throwing out the pupils of true seeing one by one, trying to find something to gain.

On the way to explore, he found that the long sword he had put on the shelves had been sold out!

Chu Xun easily touched the corpse of the monster he got in exchange, and gained 15 points of strength.

and a small skill.

[Toughness [Level 2]: According to the strength attribute, the ability to resist slashing is increased. 】

Chu Xun "..."

Talk is better than nothing!

After all, he is a chivalrous knight with extremely high agility and elegance, and he will not be easily hit!

Although for Chu Xun, who has the talent of touching corpses and can continuously increase his strength, this trick has a good growth potential.

However, he is an extremely agile, elegant and unrestrained chivalrous man, so he is not easy to use!

So, average, is very average!

Afterwards, Chu Xun tempered ten long swords and hung them up in the trading house.

He is not ready to give up the long-term income.


Just when Chu Xun was busy!

However, Xinshou Village No. 2333 was in a daze!

After the competition started, Feng Qingjiang also made a little plan.

Aina's team went to invade, and she and the village management stayed behind.

Later, they contacted Chu Xun again, and although they didn't get a reply, most of them didn't think much about it.

God Chu is so cold!

When he makes a move is beyond his control!

So except for the top powerhouses, the players in the village went out in proportion to invade, and most of them were guards!

Village 2333's idea for this competition is very simple.

Ordinary players try their best, and then just wait for God Chu to exert his strength!

Not sure win?

As a result, Zuo waited for Chu God not to come.

Wait, God Chu still hasn't shown up!

The actions of our own invaders in Village 1122 were strictly guarded against, and the progress was extremely slow!

There is no hope at all!

Moreover, this competition still has a live broadcast function!

Looking at his own side, he was defeated after the start of the war, but the God of Chu never showed up!

In an instant, the morale of the players in Novice Village No. 2333 continued to drop!

"what's going on?"

"Where is God Chu? Is he delayed by something?"

"Don't, God Chu appear quickly! I'm so panicked that you're not here!"

All of them are quite disturbed!

However, the Japanese players in village 1122 launched an aggressive attack on village 2333!

Their goals and tactics are much clearer!

Soon, all the players outside the village were strangled!It directly caused Village 2333 to lose a lot of vitality!

However, there was still no trace of God Chu!

Soon, the players in village 2333 became more and more confused!

In the chat box, the invading team is getting "good news"!

"Not good! These bastards from the Wa Kingdom set up a trap in advance!"

"It's over! They seem to have participated in the invasion game before! They have much more experience than us!"

"Goddess Ayina can't break through the defense of the strong opponent on the opposite side!"

"Our invasion here is a blood loss! We didn't get a few heads at all!"

"These bastards from the Wa country are all hiding in the village!"

Obviously, the players who invaded, although they will not fail!

But when the players from the Japanese country in Novice Village No. 1122 have a leading experience advantage, they can't use their abilities at all!

I can only hold on in aggrieved stalemate!

If you want to break through the crystal in the center of the opponent's village, there is no hope in a short time!

However, the players in village 2333 who were defenders were even more desperate when they got this news!

Their situation is getting worse!

At this moment, the surrounding area of ​​Village No. 2333 was already in chaos!

One by one, players are holding various weapons and equipment, helping each other to enter the village!

And in front of them, a group of guys who obviously look like Japanese people are constantly attacking!

Want to kill a bloody road!

In the duel between the two sides, it is obvious that No. 1122 Village has the upper hand!

Many of the Japanese players who invaded were at the eighth level!

And most of the talents in Village No. 2333 barely rose to level 7!

Even, many talents are level 6!

The combat power is completely crushed!

At this time, many players in 2333 village who were previously disabled and low-level players who did not participate in the defense collapsed to the extreme!

Because what they saw was such a scene!

Everywhere the light of skill and talent shines.

The two sides are fighting extremely fiercely!

The sound of explosions keeps coming!

Even the light outside the village is distorted!Terrain is also destroyed!

One pit after another was blasted!

Fighting and fighting, the situation is getting worse and worse!

Huaxia's players are desperately displaying their talents and skills, and they are retreating steadily!

The Japanese invaders, from the beginning on the outskirts of the village, put away the siege net to encircle and suppress scattered players.

Afterwards, soldiers directly approached the city, and began to wreak havoc on the wall surrounding village No. 2333!

There are already many places on the walls outside the village, which were blown out by the magic of flames!Pierced by lightning!

And the guarding players are also miserable!

Under the gap in strength, they kept losing!

Some people were even beheaded directly!Corpse!

Even though it is known that the players will be resurrected after the competition, it still puts great psychological pressure on everyone in Village 2333!

At this time, the system even gave a direct prompt!

[Congratulations on the successful invasion of Village 1122!Break through the periphery of Village No. 2333! 】

This reminder almost collapsed the players in Village 2333, which had been struggling to support the extremely poor morale!

And the intruders from Village No. 1122 took advantage of this opportunity to approach again and destroy it!kill!

Several players, directly under the shock and anxiety, showed their flaws, and were controlled by the talents and skills thrown over them!

Then the Japanese invaders swarmed up!

Village No. 2333 lost a lot of combat effectiveness again!

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