Chu Xun's almost invincible posture has already completely stunned the players in the two villages!

At this time, countless people were watching on the live broadcast, and he walked towards the crystal in village 1122!

Because everything is less than 5 minutes away!

The villages in the Wa country basically no longer exist! Players are all wiped out!

It even makes people feel unreal!

In the competition channel!The players on both sides, including those who died waiting to be resurrected, were incomparably amazed!

"The power of the gods!"

"This is God!"

"It's terrible! Is it a punishment from heaven!"

"Damn it! God Chu didn't move at all last time!"

"It's too scary! God who can turn the tide!"

"We actually won just like that! God Chu 666!"

The players of the Japanese country are completely stupid!

Even began to deny reality!

Admit that the race is about to fail!But he regards Chu Xun as God's punishment!Rather than some inexplicably appearing Chinese powerhouse!

They were really scared out of their wits right now!

And everyone in Village No. 2333 is bragging about the name of the God of Turning the Tide!Extremely excited!

However, compared to those players in village 1122 who gave up completely.

On the edge of the crystal stronghold in Village No. 2333, the Japanese invasion players who are on the front line are still unwilling to give up!

After all, there was only one step away from victory!

Give up now?

Who can accept it!

What's more... the short young man who had been directing before shouted loudly at this time!

"There is still a chance! Don't give up!"

"The Chinese man called God Chu is just one person!"

"It may not be able to destroy the crystal quickly!"

As he spoke, a pained expression appeared on his face.

It seems that some cherished props have been used, and the body is full of light!

Afterwards, the strong man of the Japanese country cut the Chinese players who wanted to stop him in half with one knife!

Charge forward like a broken bamboo!

For a moment, no one can stop it!

"Relying on our superiority in numbers, it will be no problem to break the crystal of this inferior nation first!"

The short young man said, standing on top of a huge crystal with all his strength!

It is the crystal that 2333 Village wants to defend!

But now a crack has appeared on it!

This scene really played a lot of effects!

The Japanese people's morale has soared!

They suddenly thought of something!

Crystals are not fragile things!Last time, they participated in the invasion match, but more than a dozen players surrounded and attacked together!

that's all!It took nearly half an hour!

There is only one Chinese man who is called the God of Chu!

And good at group output, not a single outbreak!

In terms of efficiency, village 1122 still has a chance!

All the players who participated in the invasion of Village No. 1122 immediately howled!

"Yes! Now is not the time to give up!"

"If we lose now, we will receive double punishment!"

"Call me, at worst, you will die here!"

"Anyway, I can be resurrected, what are you afraid of!"

In this desperate situation, these Japanese people really showed a bit of blood and immortality!

Many people exchanged their lives directly with the players in Village 2333!

Rather, if you want to use your own life, you have to chop on the crystal!

However, what surprised them was that the players in Village No. 2333 who stayed behind at this time were not in a hurry at all, and just looked at them mockingly, showing a sneer!

Is Chu Shen's ability to kill a single target still questionable?

Suddenly, the short young man felt something was wrong.

Even though he was in the middle of the battle, he couldn't help but glance at the live broadcast on the competition channel from the corner of his eye.

moment!He looks dull!


The short young man saw that the Chinese man who was called the God of Chu waved his big hand, and the right hand was holding a jet-black long knife, and a strange golden aura was wrapped around it!

Then there is no fancy knife!

It's like dividing the world!

The crystal that would have taken the players to besiege for at least half an hour to break was split into two pieces!

"how can that be?"

The diminutive young man's eyes immediately went black!dizzy!

Totally unacceptable!

This weird Chinese man was called the God of Chu by Village No. 2333.

Not only can it instantly cause large-scale damage.

The attack power of a single target is even more terrifying!

The surrounding Japanese players also stopped attacking.

They knew - the invasion game was over.

But it wasn't because these people all glanced at the live broadcast on the competition channel.

But because...

The system's notification sound is as loud as a bell!

[Village No. 1122 crystal was broken!Source of damage: Chu Xun 100%]

[Congratulations to Village 2333, who finally won this competition! 】

In an instant, the faces of the Japanese players were ashamed!

They sat down on the ground one by one!

It just crashed!

"we lose……"

And the people in Village No. 2333 on the side were already extremely excited!

"Sure enough, God Chu has successfully turned the tide!"

"we won!"

Next, more prompts were refreshed.

【Detection! The number of defenders killed in 1122 village reached 90%!The competition intensity mechanism is triggered! 】

[For both villages, the rewards for winning are doubled!The penalty for the loser is doubled! 】

[Victory in No. 2333 village, all attributes of the whole village +40!Xinshou Village map resource +60%!The overall attribute of the trial monster -30%! 】

[Village No. 1122 failed, all attributes of the whole village -40!Novice Village Map Resources -60%!The overall attribute of the trial monster is +30%! 】

[In this competition, the victorious village 2333 has contributed the most——Chu Xun!You will be rewarded with [Equipment Blind Box·Gold] and [60 Free Attributes]! 】

At this time, the players who were killed before were also resurrected one after another.

In Village No. 1122, the clouds are gloomy!

After being resurrected, many people even knelt on the ground with blank faces!

Is this... still our previous village?

It's completely ruins and white land!

Many people even cried bitterly!

Although I didn't live for a long time, this is also my home!

However, this is actually an irrelevant point!

Soon, all the players in village 1122 felt their bodies sank and became extremely weak!

Double competition penalty, released!

40 full attributes!What a concept!

The top powerhouses are all injured!

Even, some players in the village who are less courageous and dare not go out to explore, and can only be reduced to slaves, have their direct attributes deducted to plural!

Death on the spot!

Then, there were countless howls from Village 1122!

"It's over! Our village is ruined!"

"After the attributes are deducted, most people have no fighting power!"

"We estimate that all our souls will invade another world! Damn it!"

"Damn! The luck is too bad! What is the difference between the God of Chu in the Chinese population and the gods!"

"God is going to kill us!"

"It's impossible for any village to match village 2333 to win!"

These Japanese players are extremely desperate!

Too many attribute deductions!Under the double punishment, they knew very well that the next match was a dead end!

The whole village is estimated to be devastated!

What made it even more difficult for the players in village 1122 to accept was——

They did nothing wrong this time!

Tactical suppression, strength suppression.

It was the God of Chu who was called by a Chinese person, a powerful and outrageous person, who defied the sky!

They really feel extremely unlucky!

No village would be able to defeat such a monster! ! !


There is one thing to say, the grievances of No. 1122 village are reasonable!

Chu Xun, the real strength is too exaggerated!All disadvantages in the competition can be completely ignored!

Destroy a village by one person!

However, soon, something even more desperate happened to them!

Chu Xun, at this time, he hasn't left yet!

At this moment, the player who had just won the game alone was thoughtful.

"Although the victory and defeat have been divided, there are still a few seconds before the end of the competition..."

"Then there should be a mechanism for rewarding experience points for killing players before!"

Chu Xun thought about it maliciously.

He thought about it, and even if he didn't have it, it wouldn't be a loss if he tried it himself!

Although, at this time, Nirvana's fire element bonus has dissipated.

But I still have a large range of terrifying moves...

In addition, these Japanese players have their attributes deducted, and it is estimated that they can lose many people in seconds...

The more Chu Xun thought about it, the more excited he became!I am only more than 1 experience points short, and I can be promoted to level ten!

So, he dodges and rushes to the players in village 1122 that has just been revived.

In the next second, the fifth-level skill!


In an instant, violent power surged out!

At least hundreds of players from village 1122 were overwhelmed!

The power of the earth element shines even more!Cause huge damage!

The Japanese players cried for their fathers and mothers!

But the people directly killed by this move are far inferior to Chu Xun's previous state of nirvana, the friction and fire under the blessing of the full-value fire element affinity!

But it doesn't matter--

Play it a few more times, it won't work!

And Chu Xun also got what he wanted.

There was another burst of system prompts in my ears!

[Congratulations on the kill... Trigger the buff... Gain 611 experience points]

【Congratulations on killing...】


"Sure enough, there are still experience points!"

Chu Xun's joy only lasted for a moment.

Afterwards, he found that his body was also flickering, as if he was about to be teleported away.

He immediately restrained his expression, and he hasn't reached the tenth level yet!

Hurry up, brush!

After passing this village, there is no such shop!

Anyway, these Japanese players can be resurrected if they die during the competition!

I just let them see the power of the top powerhouse!

The people in Village No. 1122 gained a broad vision and gained experience points.

That's right, a win-win situation!

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