Unlike, the gloomy clouds in Village No. 1122 are bleak.

The village of 2333 is already a sea of ​​cheers!

And those Japanese players who participated in the invasion also received a reminder, they can choose to automatically teleport back at the end of the competition, or choose to teleport back to the village manually now!

How could they have the courage to continue to stay? ?

Hurry up and choose to teleport away one by one, and run away!

But at this time, the people in 2333 Village didn't bother to talk to such a group of bereaved dogs!

Rather, I am extremely excited, and the rewards have been distributed at this time!

Everyone got 40 attributes!

It is directly equivalent to being promoted to eighth level!

This is outrageous!

Countless players felt the strength in their bodies skyrocket!

At this time, he shouted with incomparable excitement.

"God Chu, is our savior!"

"Once again turning the tide!"

"Thank you so much!"

"Yeah, fortunately there is God Chu in the village, otherwise we wouldn't have the chance to win four games in a row!"

"God Chu is awesome!"

"It feels like we are so lucky to be in Village 2333!"

"I'm about to cry! Thank you God Chu!"

On the one hand, the players felt that God Chu is indeed the God who turned the tide!

Save the village again!Very grateful!

At the same time, there is a great joy!

Fortunately, there is such a character as Chu Xun!

Let their 2333 village rise!

Huaxia players are ecstatic!

Afterwards, out of joy, the players in village 2333 even output a burst of output in the competition channel that is about to be closed!

Come to vent your previous dissatisfaction!

"Little devils! Now you know who is daddy?"

"Are you still calling? Congratulations on getting double punishment!"

"I don't know the attributes of those of you who are strong now. Can you still get to 10 digits after deducting?"

"Goodbye, the trash of Wa country!"

"Don't be angry! God Chu picked it alone, you whole village! It's useless to be angry!"

"I'm really laughing to death. I used to look like I thought I was going to win, but now I'm being beaten like this!"

The players in Village No. 2333 are beating the dogs in the water!

But at this time, after being so insulted.

No one from Novice Village 1122 answered!

Huaxia players are naturally complacent!

After thinking that the other party must have failed, they are shamelessly fighting for the advantage of tongues!

I feel extremely comfortable!

But only the players in village 1122 know it!

Why did they dare not respond during the competition after failing!

It's the crap of being chased and killed by Chu Xun alone!

No time to speak in the competition channel!

Worse than the players in village 2333 imagined!

[This competition is over, please look forward to the next match! 】

Following the complete closure of the competition channel, the players in village 2333 shut their mouths.

However, the flattery and praise for Chu Xun is far from over!

"God Chu, long live!"

"God Chu is awesome!

"The God of Turning the Tide!!!"

"I can see it clearly, there is no difficulty in our competition with God Chu in our game!"

"It's all about winning and winning!"

"That's right, I can't wait to match the next match immediately!"

"God Chu is the biggest advantage of our village!"

Everyone is crazy with excitement!

They feel that they have understood a truth!

With the God of Chu, the competition must be won!

Impossible to lose!

In addition to flattering Chu Xun, there are also people who are dissatisfied!

"Where are those bastards who kidnapped God Chu morally?"

"That's right! Why are you saying that God Chu is a traitor?"

"Can you accept the reward for winning the competition with peace of mind?"

"Get out of here! Apologize to God Chu!"

Almost all players were extremely excited!

After this competition, God Chu, it's really not an exaggerated title!

In the hearts of many people in No. 2333 Village, they really respect it like a god!

He was even more angry with those who insulted and attacked Chu Xun before!

Of course, those people are not stupid, they all choose to be turtles!

Also mixed in the crowd, singing loudly to Chu Xun.

However, this time, these people are out of luck!

In the last round of competition with Yingjiang Country, many people attacked Chu Xun frantically!I think he cheated the village, which may result in double punishment!

But in the end, when the competition was won, all these people hid one by one!I categorically deny the previous remarks!

In the absence of evidence, the original liquidation plan was lost!

But this time, they couldn't escape!

Village No. 2333, even led by the village management, is waiting to arrest those who attacked Chu Xun!

Soon, someone spoke in the chat box.

"We have recorded the names of those who attacked God Chu earlier!"

"Before, when we were waiting for the resurrection, we were not idle!"

"Tell me, God Chu is a traitor, so let's all die!"

After these few words appeared in the chat box.

In an instant, those who were morally kidnapped and cursed at Chu Xun were immediately dumbfounded!

In the extremely festive No. 2333 Novice Village.

The complexion of a group of people became extremely pale!

They feel that big things are not good!

Soon, the whole village was filled with shouts and shouts!

"It's her!"

"It was said before that God Chu didn't take part in the competition, so he didn't deserve to be a Chinese!"

A middle-aged woman was identified.

The woman stepped back quickly, yelling in horror.

"No, no, I didn't say such a thing!"

At this moment, she hurriedly lied!

But other players swear by it.

"How not?"

"Your name appeared several times in the competition channel before!"

"You are the worst insult to God Chu!"

Immediately, a group of people rushed up!

Directly subdued the middle-aged woman and tied her up.

Prepare to wait for a while and ask Chu Xun how to deal with this person!


"Don't come here!"

A young man shouted in despair, but was held down by the village management in the end!


"Fuck, that Chu Xun is so awesome! Helping us is what we should have done!"

A middle-aged man with a beard spoke profanity.

But in the end it was brought down directly!


Scenes like this keep happening in the village.

In an instant, dozens of people who had previously attacked Chu Xun madly were caught in Novice Village No. 2333!

The reason why there are not many people.

Because people who just simply complain about Chu Xun, why don't they make a move in the competition, won't be treated like this.

Those who were arrested were those who attacked Chu Xun continuously in the competition channel like mad dogs!

They are no longer unscrupulous under the huge desire to survive, but simply extremely selfish!

Seeing that Chu Xun is strong, he wants to force him to serve him and the village!

Players in village 2333 understand this kind of person, and they must be dealt with seriously!

What a cancer!

The players in Village No. 2333 clearly know one thing.

The subsequent competitions still depend on Chu God to perform!

These people don't dispose of them!

In case God of Chu is dissatisfied after that, the whole village will suffer!

At this time, in the chat box in the village, many people spoke excitedly.

"God Chu, don't worry, our village will never tolerate the existence of people who insult you!"

"God Chu, why don't you tell me how to deal with these people this time!"

"Yes, God Chu, you can say something casually!"

Although most people guessed Chu Xun.No, for the kind of personality who likes to show their faces in front of others, it is also very difficult to let the other party say something after the game.

But this time, after all, it involved a group of people who insulted Chu Xun.

Out of respect, I'd better ask the strongest person in the village for advice!

Besides, maybe this god-like figure will really take this opportunity to communicate with the villagers!

Many people are even more excited when they think about this!

The current situation is that the villagers in village No. 2333 are not only grateful to Chu Xun for their victories!

Many people have developed into complete brain-dead fans!

They stared at the chat box with great anticipation, hoping to see any speeches from Chu Xun!

However, at this time of great anticipation.

What the players in Village 2333 were waiting for was not Chu Xun's speech.

It is a system prompt.

[Congratulations to player Chu Xun, the first player to reach level 2333 in 10 village! 】

[Player Chu Xun, get the leaderboard reward: [Alien Identity Blind Box·Gold]! 】

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