In an instant, the entire No. 2333 village was stunned!

Level 10? ? ? ?

so fast!

Ayina is only level 8!

But think about it, the person who has reached level 10 is the God of Chu?

That's understandable!

Then the exclamation in Novice Village No. 2333 continued to come out!

"Fuck! God Chu is awesome, this is level 10!"

"Awesome! Kneel down!"

"This upgrade speed is amazing!"

"Worthy of being a god! Far surpassing us and other mortals!"

"Too strong! 666!"

after prompting.

All the villagers in No. 2333 village were quite sincere and flattered!

Feel the power of Chu Xun!

It is extremely shocking!

Be someone else instead.

The villagers of No. 2333 may still be sour!

Get the ranking reward for being the first to rise to level 1!But no small gain!

But after Chu Xun obtained the extremely precious alien identity blind box.

Xinshou Village No. 2333, the whole village only thinks it deserves its name! !

On the contrary, he became more and more flattered and excited!

Everyone was immersed in admiration and admiration for Chu Xun!

After all, with such a great god, the next competition must be won!

There is no reason to be unhappy!

But, next second!

Following a system prompt, the expressions of countless villagers in village 2333 froze!


[Congratulations to Chu Xun, player of Novice Village No. 2333, who was the first to accept the mission [Spiritual Sect's Counterattack], leaving the Novice Stage and leaving his village! 】

[Congratulations to Chu Xun, player of Novice Village No. 2333, who was the first to accept the mission [Spiritual Sect's Counterattack], leaving the Novice Stage and leaving his village! 】



It has been broadcast several times!

In theory, this broadcast is naturally good news.

Congratulations, Chu Xun in Village No. 2333 has successfully completed an achievement!

Among all the players who traveled across the planet, he was the first to reach the threshold of accepting the task of [Spiritual Sect's Counterattack]!

The other players in Village 2333 should also be honored!


The people in Village No. 2333 really feel that their faces are bright!

The problem is, what does the system prompt mean...

Could it be that God Chu is leaving Xinshou Village?

Who will lead them in the competition after that? ? ?

Countless people were dumbfounded in an instant!

Although the system said congratulations.

But every reminder is like a knife mark on their heart!

Then the whole village was in an uproar!

Many people shouted excitedly!

"No! Why is this!!!"

"It's clear that God Chu took the lead in breaking through level 10, and our village got double competition rewards. They are all good things. How do they add up? But it's such a hopeless situation!!"

"It's over, what about the next competition?!"

"God Chu left the village, no one will take us!"

"Isn't it? This is too bad, isn't there such a mechanism???"

Really not, the players in village 2333 only want to count on Chu Xun.

Except this one.

Embarrassment for others!

What about Ayina and Feng Qingjiang, excellence is excellence, but adding them together is not worth Chu Xun's value!

It's over!I'm afraid the next game is going to explode!

The players are emotional!

The performance is extremely flustered!

Without God Chu, what will happen to the next competition?

To know.In the first 4 competitions, they all relied on that one person to turn the tide!

And now it's only the fourth day of the novice trial time.

There are still days!

There must be a lot of competitions!

As soon as God Chu left, the whole village would explode!

The rewards you get now, after losing a few games, you will spit them all out!

The players in village 2333 are panicking at the moment!

Although there are some people desperately appealing in the chat box.

"God Chu has helped us a lot, everyone learn to be content!"

"Yeah, we can't rely on God Chu forever!"

"After the invasion of other worlds, people from the same village can't say for sure. You still have to rely on yourself!"

"God Chu was kicked out of the village, he helped us too much!"

"Now that we are free from God Chu's protection, we can truly grow!"

One by one is high-sounding.

The meaning is also very clear, relying on Chu God will not go far after all!

Only by working hard on your own can the villagers of No. 2333 Village have a bright future!

But the problem is that even the people who sent these messages are all devastated!

So much so that their remarks are not convincing!

yes!Exercise yourself and fight in the competition, you can grow!

Can God Chu fly with him!You can even get double competition rewards every time, isn't it growing faster! !

All of a sudden, the joyful atmosphere of village 2333's previous victory in the competition dissipated to nothing!

Everyone is in mourning!His face was extremely ugly!

They are really panicked!

God Chu, don't go!

without you!How do we live! ! !

Of course, except for Village No. 2333, who looked sad!

After more villages accepted the system's broadcast, they were full of curiosity.

They saw the name Chu Xun again!

As previously mentioned, it was this player who opened the passage to another world!

And now he was the first to reach level 1!

Accepted the task of [Spiritual Sect’s Counterattack]!

The strongest in countless villages talked about it.

"Who is this Chu Xun?"

"I've reached level 10 so quickly, it really is a master!"

"Very good! Is it Chu Xun? I remember, one day I will have a showdown with you!"

"Sure enough, I'm not strong enough! Chu Xun, we will have a battle!"

Many players focused their attention on Chu Xun!

In their opinion, this person must be the strongest genius among all mankind!

It is also the target for other lesser players to chase and defeat!

Almost everyone silently remembered the name Chu Xun firmly!


All of a sudden, Chu Xun didn't expect it at all.

The system gave him a wave of hatred!

The powerhouses in countless villages regarded this player who was the first to reach level 10 as their target and opponent!

If Chu Xun himself knew it, he would definitely collapse!

This also makes him keep a low profile!

All eyes are on him!

What, keep growing?

But fortunately...

Chu Xun really doesn't know.

So at this time, he still looked at the people in village 2333 cheerfully.

From the extreme excitement at the beginning to the grief of wanting to save myself.

Such emotional changes of great joy and great sorrow.

Especially fun.

"Oh, you all have to grow up independently!"

"You can't always rely on me for everything!"

He pretended to express a few words, the joy in his eyes couldn't be hidden!

I am obviously the most prestigious person in Village No. 2333!

If you want to leave the village, countless players will die or live!

This is the noodle!

Then, Chu Xun stood up.

He looked at the figure in front of him, but his expression became a bit dumbfounded again.

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