Dominate the world

Chapter 100 Shocked, showing favor

Jiang Xiaobai's actions surprised everyone, and everyone looked over instantly.

When they saw the materials on the table, they all showed surprised expressions.

A third-level monster, the blue-eyed jade wolf?

Could it be that this kid has completed the basic task of the wilderness trial?

The basic task of Qilu Martial Arts University is to kill three blue-eyed jade wolves, and one hundred credits can be obtained after killing them.

Three blue-eyed jade wolves, even a third-rank martial artist would have a headache.

Many sophomores or third-rank warriors will lose when they face the blue-eyed jade wolf for the first time.

Almost very few people can hunt and kill the green-eyed jade wolf for the first time, unless they are extremely talented.

And now what do they see?

Jiang Xiaobai actually placed the Spike on the table.

The number of these fangs far exceeds the three green-eyed jade wolves.

This, are these all Jiang Xiaobai's achievements?

Why is it so scary!

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the few people in front of him indifferently, with a calm expression on his face.

The more this happened, the more shocked everyone was.

This is not the performance of a rookie, even those warriors who have entered many times are not so strong.

"What? No charge?" Jiang Xiaobai asked coldly.

"No, no!" The man hastily put away the materials, with fear in his eyes.

The same goes for the other monks around, they were not stupid enough to question whether Jiang Xiaobai cheated in the wilderness trial.

This is undoubtedly the most stupid and brainless approach.

Unless it is some powerful family, they will hire some mercenaries as bodyguards, opportunistic, otherwise no one will cheat with you in the experience.

After all, this is related to their future prospects.

"Jiang Xiaobai, a freshman from the Martial Arts Academy, completed the basic tasks and received a credit reward of 100!" The man took Jiang Xiaobai's martial artist certificate and entered the information.

The whole process was like flowing clouds and flowing water. After finishing, the man returned the martial artist certificate to Jiang Xiaobai.

However, Jiang Xiaobai did not receive the martial artist certificate, and asked with a smile on his face: "If I exceed the part, can I also count it as the [-] credits of the three blue-eyed jade wolves?"


The excess part?

The person in charge of the registration trembled violently and almost fell to the ground.

Could it be that he killed more than one monster?

Thinking of this, that person immediately denied the idea.


Freshmen entered the wilderness area for trials, and being able to kill three blue-eyed jade wolves was already considered an amazing achievement.

Don't forget, Jiang Xiaobai is just a freshman.

Even those Tianjiao, at Jiang Xiaobai's age, are at most about the same as Jiang Xiaobai.

But now, Jiang Xiaobai said that there are other materials?

Probably not the blue-eyed jade wolf!

The man comforted himself secretly in his heart.

"That's right! But it must be the material of the Jade Wolf." The man nodded, emphasizing the point.

"En!" Jiang Xiaobai reached into the backpack and took out the material of the blue-eyed jade wolf again. "And these, let's exchange them for me!"

Jiang Xiaobai's actions immediately attracted the attention of others, even the surrounding martial artists from Qilu University showed shocking expressions in their eyes.

Everyone looked in disbelief at the little pile of fangs on the table.

This new student is so fierce!

There must be ten blue-eyed jade wolves!

"My dear, what is the origin of this guy?"

"At least ten fangs of the blue-eyed jade wolf, plus the previous three, this is against the sky!"

"Are the freshmen this year so fierce? As a sophomore warrior, I feel ashamed in front of my juniors..."

The warriors around couldn't help being amazed after seeing it.

The few of them never expected that the new warriors they looked down upon would have such impressive achievements.

"Here are seventeen blue-eyed jade wolves in total!" the man said sweating profusely after counting the number.

Seventeen blue-eyed jade wolves!

This result is not a particularly dazzling result in the trial site of Shanghe District.

However, if you think that the opponent is just a freshman warrior.

This is an achievement beyond the reach of everyone.

"Seventeen?" Jiang Xiaobai didn't count them himself, and he didn't expect that there would be seventeen blue-eyed jade wolves.

In addition to the six that were killed in Baiqiao Town, there were also more than a dozen blue-eyed jade wolves that were killed when they snatched the Yuan Linghua, adding up to about seventeen.

"I'm a first-year freshman. If I killed seventeen third-level monsters, how about giving me [-] credits?" Jiang Xiaobai tried to discuss.

Six hundred credits?

Adding the [-] credits just now, Jiang Xiaobai has reached [-] credits!

Nine hundred credits at a time?

Thinking of this, the warriors around couldn't help but gasp.

Among them are sophomores and juniors, and even juniors only have [-] credits in one session.

But Jiang Xiaobai can get so much at once?

Too fierce!

"What? Is it difficult?" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "I think if I go to my mentor, this shouldn't be a problem."

"This..." The man couldn't help but look at a middle-aged man next to him.

"Do you still need to ask me?" The middle-aged man put down his work, and then said, "Jiang Xiaobai's classmate has achieved such results as a freshman. As the responsible point of the supply station in Shanghe District, this support Can't you do it?"

If it was someone else, the middle-aged person might not agree, but Jiang Xiaobai is a freshman, it is extremely rare to be able to do this.

Even if he doesn't give it, Jiang Xiaobai's mentor will let him agree.

For a blue-eyed jade wolf, he missed the opportunity to meet a genius. This is definitely not a good deal.

Soon, the person re-entered the information and handed the martial artist certificate to Jiang Xiaobai with both hands.

A middle-aged man had already come to Jiang Xiaobai, and then loosened his business card.

"Student Jiang Xiaobai, I am Wang He, the person in charge of the supply station in Shanghe District. In the future, you can enjoy a [-]% discount on any purchases at the supply station in Shanghe District." Wang He said with a smile.

Although Jiang Xiaobai is just a freshman now, in Wang He's eyes, that is not the case.

To be a person, one must have a long-term vision. If you blindly only look at the short-term interests, you will only be confused by petty profits.

"Wanted by Wang He?"

"That's right! This Wang He is the person in charge of the supply station in Shanghe District. He is honest with everyone. Why did he change his face today?"

"I'm so envious, Jiang Xiaobai really impressed us."

"It's been a long time since Qilu Martial Arts University has produced any monsters. I'm afraid Jiang Xiaobai will dominate this time. We have to hurry up."

Sophomores and juniors all looked at Jiang Xiaobai enviously, and at the same time felt a sense of crisis.

The freshmen have such a sudden momentum, as seniors, they may never be surpassed in a long time.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai took the business card.

He would not refuse Wang He's overtures. After all, the other party was the person in charge of the supply station in Shanghe District.

[-]% off purchases doesn't sound like much, but it's a decent discount.

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