Dominate the world

Chapter 101 Lan Yingying's Shock

After exchanging the materials of the blue-eyed jade wolf into credits, Jiang Xiaobai left the supply station in Shanghe district.

Although it was only three days, it seemed as tiring as half a month to Jiang Xiaobai.

Especially when fighting against the wolf king, it consumes too much for him.

Although his strength had recovered, the exhaustion in his body made him need rest to relieve it.

Three days, two days of high-intensity fighting, it would be impossible for anyone, let alone the new student Jiang Xiaobai?

When Jiang Xiaobai left the supply station in Shanghe District, a black shadow also left.

After Jiang Xiaobai returned to Qilu Martial Arts University, he did not contact Lan Yingying directly, and the two made an appointment to meet at the Martial Arts Field.

At the supply station, Jiang Xiaobai just handed in the materials for the blue-eyed jade wolf.

But he didn't take out some of the gains of the wolf king, including Yuan Lingguo.

Taking those out may shock them and make them famous, but it is not necessary.

A tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. This is the experience and lessons summed up by the ancestors for thousands of years.

It's okay to pretend, but you can't pretend to be on the verge of death.

When Jiang Xiaobai came to the Martial Arts Field, he found that there was no one there.

Not only were Zhao Chong and Zhang Chulan not there, but even Liu Douer was missing.

Jiang Xiaobai is the only one here in the huge martial arts field.

Not long after, Lan Yingying's figure appeared in the Martial Arts Field.

Lan Yingying was a little surprised when she heard the news.

Jiang Xiaobai wanted to go to the wilderness to practice, and she also agreed with Jiang Xiaobai to go out and practice.

There are not a few talented youngsters like Jiang Xiaobai in Qilu Wuda University, but a large part of them have disappeared from everyone later.

It doesn't seem to be rising strongly according to the original trajectory.

According to Lan Yingying's intention, Jiang Xiaobai's trial in the wilderness area can let him know how cruel this world is and realize how small he is.

Only in this way will he have a clear understanding, at least he will not be complacent because of the improvement of his strength.

But when Lan Yingying saw Jiang Xiaobai, she found that Jiang Xiaobai was still the same as usual, without any discouragement or disappointment.

"Could it be that this guy is going well?" Lan Yingying thought with doubts on her face.

Probably not!

The first time a freshman enters the trial in the wilderness area, he will inevitably suffer setbacks.

"Sister Lan, are you here?" Jiang Xiaobai greeted Lan Yingying enthusiastically after seeing Lan Yingying.

"What do you want from me?" Lan Yingying came to Jiang Xiaobai and asked. "Why did you come back in just three days? Did you encounter danger in the Shanghe trial area?"

"There is no danger." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head.

"Then the task is not completed?" Lan Yingying comforted with a smile, "Actually, it's nothing, after all, it's your first time."

"It's normal to be nervous when entering the trial area for the first time, and failure is even more common, not to mention that you are only a second-rank warrior."

"Sister Lan, I'm already a third-rank martial artist." Jiang Xiaobai quickly stopped Lan Yingying's words.

Rank three martial artist?

Lan Yingying raised her head abruptly, staring at Jiang Xiaobai, feeling the breath of the other person.

"It's a bit like a third-rank martial artist. So, your mission is completed?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded seriously: "What's so difficult about the task?"

"I called Sister Lan here mainly to ask how much the materials of the fourth-grade monster beast, the Blue-eyed Jade Wolf King, are worth."

"Blue-eyed Jade Wolf King! This scorer, if it were you, would be worth [-] credits!" Lan Yingying subconsciously said.

Soon, she reacted.

"What? The ingredients for the Green Jade Wolf King? You killed the Green Jade Wolf King?" Lan Yingying couldn't help but widen her eyes, staring closely at Jiang Xiaobai.

The Blue Eyed Jade Wolf King is a level [-] monster, how could Jiang Xiaobai be able to handle it?

"Is there any problem?" Jiang Xiaobai asked back.

Jiang Xiaobai's rhetorical question made Lan Yingying slightly moved. Even if Jiang Xiaobai was promoted to a third-rank warrior, it would be impossible for him to deal with a fourth-rank monster.

The Blue-eyed Jade Wolf King is the leader of the Blue-eyed Jade Wolf near Baiqiao Town, and he can only be killed if three fourth-rank warriors arrive together.

However, fourth-rank warriors would not hunt and kill the Blue-eyed Jade Wolf King at all.

It's better to hunt other monsters to save everything.

"Are you sure you hunted it down?" Lan Yingying asked solemnly.

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai said, "You know me. I entered the trial area alone, and the only people I knew were Zhang Chulan and Zhao Chong. It was impossible for them to help me hunt down level four monsters. "

"If you analyze it like this, you can know that I hunted and killed this monster myself."

Lan Yingying nodded repeatedly. She knew Jiang Xiaobai's details very well, and no one else would help him.

There is only one possibility, the Jade Wolf King with Jade Eyes was killed by Jiang Xiaobai alone.

If this spreads, the entire Qiluwu Metropolis will probably be shocked.

A freshman entered the wilderness trial, and completing the task was already a remarkable achievement.

And what about Jiang Xiaobai?

Not only completed the task, but also beheaded the Green Jade Wolf King.

This kind of achievement is enough to make him the No. [-] pride of Qilu Wuda for a hundred years.

Lan Yingying herself wanted Jiang Xiaobai to practice for a while, endure some setbacks, and then devote herself to cultivation.

When he met Jiang Xiaobai, the other party was not even a warrior.

It has only been more than two months, and Jiang Xiaobai has become a third-rank martial artist.

This kind of cultivation speed is fast enough to break through the sky.

"Sister Lan, is the three hundred credits you just said true?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Lan Yingying who was stunned, and asked.

"Of course it's true!" Lan Yingying came back to her senses and looked at Jiang Xiaobai seriously.

The other party is just a young boy, but it contains amazing power.

"Alright then, Sister Lan, let me exchange it!" Jiang Xiaobai handed the materials to Lan Yingying.

Sure enough, it was the material of the Blue Eyed Jade Wolf King!

Lan Yingying recognized it at a glance.

"It's no problem." Lan Yingying agreed.

Jiang Xiaobai asked her to help, naturally because he didn't want others to know about it.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai doing this, Lan Yingying was quite relieved.

If he wanted to show off, he would probably go directly to Qiluwu University to exchange it by himself. In that case, other people would be amazed.

"Honestly, how many credits did you get this time?" Lan Yingying asked suddenly.

"With the addition of the Blue Eyed Jade Wolf King, it's a total of [-] credits." Jiang Xiaobai said after thinking for a while.

[-] credits?

Lan Yingying was even more surprised.

More than 1000 credits are nothing to other old students.

But among the freshmen of this class, they are definitely considered strong figures.

The other freshmen probably won't earn a thousand credits a year.

"Yes, not bad." Lan Yingying praised calmly.

"I also think it's not bad." Jiang Xiaobai chuckled.

"Although this is the case, I'm afraid it's not Zhang Yu's opponent." Lan Yingying reminded, "You and Zhang Yu still have four days left to fight. Unless you have cultivated to the peak of the third rank, there is no chance of winning."

"Is Zhang Yu really that strong? Why don't you see him beheading a level four monster?" Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently.

"I don't know what method you used to kill this fourth-level monster, but the battle between you and Zhang Yu will attract the attention of many people, even some instructors. You can suppress him with majestic strength." Lan Yingying explained patiently.

"You think I'm a level four monster killed by despicable means?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Lan Yingying helplessly.

Could it be that she is such a person in her heart?

"I don't need to know this, I just remind you to be careful when facing Zhang Yu." Lan Yingying shook her head and said lightly.

"I know that." Jiang Xiaobai didn't argue.

He didn't say anything about how he integrated the superficial and fleeting images.

It is true that there is a gap between Zhang Yu and Zhang Yu in hard power, but if he uses the superficial image by himself, Zhang Yu is not an opponent at all.

As a mere glimpse of the Bronze-level agility, very few people would choose it in Qilu Wuda.

From their point of view, body skills are different from combat techniques, and combat techniques can increase one's own strength and allow one's physical strength to be fully displayed.

But the body method is worse, it can't play any role at all.

Not only in Qilu Wuda, but in any Wuda.

The combat method is much more important than the body method. The combat method can perfectly display one's own strength, but the body method is of no use at all.

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