Dominate the world

Chapter 1000 Medicine Field

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Haotian and asked, "Haotian, isn't the injury serious?"

Haotian nodded and said: "It's good luck, I found a few healing pills in the storage ring, and I'll be fine after a few days of rest."

"That's good, your current strength is too weak, follow me to find some opportunities first." Jiang Xiaobai said bluntly.

The cheeks of the two blushed, and they said in unison: "Thank you Brother Jiang for taking care of me."

"By the way, Junior Sister Xuanxi, you were chased and killed because you picked a plant of medicine before?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, the plant that can produce the fruit of the Dao is by no means ordinary.

Xuan Xi quickly took out the herb and handed it to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Senior Brother Jiang, if it weren't for you, Senior Brother Haotian and I would be dead. You need this herb more than I do."

Jiang Xiaobai took the herb and explained: "The exercises I practice are amazing, and some special herbs are very helpful, so I really need this herb. Brother Haotian should know this, but of course I don't I will ask you, junior sister, for nothing. These are two drops of blood essence. You take them to strengthen your body, but don’t swallow them now. It’s enough to help you sanctify your flesh, if not, it’s about the same.”

"Physical sanctification?" Haotian was surprised. He naturally knew that Jiang Xiaobai had already achieved that realm, but that realm was really too difficult. Just a drop of blood?

He couldn't believe it at all.

Jiang Xiaobai took out a drop of blood, and in an instant, the two of them felt their souls shake a little, and the blood in their chest churned.

"Senior brother Jiang, put it away quickly." Xuan Xi called.

Jiang Xiaobai put away the essence and blood: "You see, let's go, let's find a safe place first."

Essence and blood are precious, and he only has four drops in total.Originally, he planned to leave it as a gift to Zhao Chong and others, but now he ran into Haotian, if he didn't help, once he left, the two of them would surely die, at worst, they would find other treasures later.

The three walked out of this area and chose a quiet and deep area, and Haotian's injuries were almost recovered.

Jiang Xiaobai helped them integrate the essence and blood into their bodies. After all, Haotian was seriously injured and missed the door, but he also had the confidence to take some body-enhancing pills, which would be enough to sanctify the body.

Xuan Xi was lucky. Although she was a girl, her grandfather was the grandson of Hong Ziwei's Great Elder, with a profound background. Relying on the huge energy of blood essence, she broke through the limit in one fell swoop, achieved sanctification of the body, and greatly increased her strength.

The two protected the law, and Jiang Xiaobai also began to absorb the unknown herb. He didn't know the correct usage. Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai learned the method of taking Shengxianhua and absorbed the essence of the herb.

Sure enough, the maturity of the avenue seeds increased by another 78%, reaching [-]%.

"Brother Jiang, is it possible that this is the fruit of the Great Dao that you mentioned before?" Haotian suddenly asked, Jiang Xiaobai had talked about the Fruit of the Great Dao with Ziwei Dongtian Supreme Elder and others before, and then Zhang Tianfeng also talked to the fruit of the Great Dao They mentioned it, and he knew it.

Seeing that Haotian knew, Jiang Xiaobai no longer concealed it: "Yes, once the fruit of the Dao in my body is catalyzed to mature, I can become a saint. Then I can leave the heart of the third-order earth forever, and our earth will become A new holy place for practice. There will be no upper limit for our practice.”

"If you put it that way, I do know a place." Haotian said, a look of pain flashed in his eyes, "Xuan Xi, you should have told Brother Jiang the reason why Brother Wuyou was beheaded?"

Xuan Xi nodded.

Jiang Xiaobai was surprised and said, "Could it be that there is something else hidden?"

Haotian half-guessed and half-certainly said: "Indeed, the greatest achievement of Brother Wuyou's life is not cultivation, and almost all the medicinal materials in the cave are taken care of by Brother Wuyou. The master said that Brother Wuyou There is an extraordinary talent in Spirit Grass. After we came in from the door, the senior brother led us to rush in a certain direction, but we saw people in front of us. Those people were powerful. When they saw us, they immediately attacked us. "

Xuan Xi reacted abruptly: "Senior brother Haotian, you mean that road leads to the flower garden and medicine garden?"

Haotian nodded: "I'm not sure. After all, we just chose a direction at random. But halfway through, Brother Wuyou suddenly started to give directions. Do you think it's because we discovered the existence of the nursery? Is that why those people are afraid?"

"Very likely?" Xuan Xi echoed.

Jiang Xiaobai said softly: "Not necessarily, maybe I just think you are in the way."

"That's too domineering, right?" Xuan Xi said angrily.

Haotian sneered and said: "Overbearing? Yes, if they have strength, why can't they be overbearing. If I have strength, I will kill them all."

He hated to the extreme in his heart, Ziwei Cave gave up half of the resources, and the master died because of it. The arrogance of the outer domain didn't regard them as Taoist friends at all, but a group of harvested pigs.

"But no matter what, it's worth taking a look. Do you still remember the way? Let's go and see. If those people are still there, it's okay to be tyrannical. If the strength is average, let's do them." Jiang Xiaobai Casually said.

"Okay!" Haotian and Xuanxi shouted in unison.

Immediately, the three of them packed up and quickly set out on the road.

They were walking towards the exit, and the further they moved forward, the more there were no one there, and some people who came later were scattered. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai and the other three, they hurriedly backed away, fearing that they would be ambushed by the three.

Haotian pointed the way ahead, and the three of them flew very fast, and they flew out for a long time, and finally came to the place where the three of them were before, and saw Wuyou's body, completely maimed.

The two put away Wuyou's body and prepared to take it back for burial.

The three continued to move forward, and encountered some dangers along the way, but with Jiang Xiaobai's strong output, the three of them easily waded through, watching Haotian and Xuan Xi secretly click their tongues, Jiang Xiaobai's strength is too strong .

Before arriving at a mountainous area, Jiang Xiaobai stopped in his tracks.

"Brother Jiang, is there a problem here?" Haotian asked.

Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice, "Yes, there is a problem with this place."

While speaking, Jiang Xiaobai said via voice transmission: "There is someone hiding in the dark, and they have seen our existence ahead of time."

Both of them were shocked, Haotian said via voice transmission: "How many people?"

He didn't notice it at all, but he didn't dare to send out his divine thoughts to test it, which would instead reveal that they knew the hidden people's first move.

Behind a hill, the five people hid carefully, and all five of them had a talisman on their bodies. It was this talisman that allowed them to easily blend into the surrounding environment without being noticed.

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