Dominate the world

Chapter 1001 Feng Tianzong

"Senior Brother Qi, have we been discovered?"

There were five people, four men and one woman. The person who asked the question was a middle-aged person, but the person being asked was much younger.

The latter shook his head: "That man is Jiang Xiaobai, with extraordinary strength. Maybe he discovered something wrong with this place like us. Of course, he may not have discovered the five of us."

"That's right, it's really not easy for this person to cut out the red-shirted woman from Yinjian Mountain with a single sword, but I believe that no matter how powerful he is, he will definitely not be a match for Senior Brother Qi." Said the woman among the five, she was not very old. Big, with pure eyes, eyes full of admiration looking at the elder brother.

Qi Chu shook his head: "Don't be careless. In my Feng Tian's eyes, this person is extremely dangerous. By the way, what are the identities of those two people? They look like they are bitter and bitter? Have you become enemies with him? "

"That's not true. Before you came, senior brother Qi, several senior sisters from Buried Flower Star gathered together and seemed to behead the two senior brothers. We also learned from their mouths that there seemed to be some secret medicine here. It’s from Tian Nursery. They didn’t find it, so they left without wasting time, so we sent a letter to you, brother.” Another brother said.

Qi Chu heaved a sigh of relief: "That's okay, I don't want to confront Jiang Xiaobai for the time being, my Fengtian eyes can't see through this person, which means that Jiang Xiaobai has top-level treasures on him, definitely among the treasures of geology. On. Of course, it may also be a problem with his martial arts and supernatural powers. By the way, don’t provoke him rashly, subpoena other people who sealed the sky, and don’t go against Jiang Xiaobai. I’ve heard that his physical body is extremely powerful. Strong, but what surprised me was that he finished forging the holy bone!"

Qi Chu's voice was full of amazement, he couldn't believe it, how could this be possible?He came from the Fengtian Sect, the largest sect of Cheng Zhou Xing, with unlimited resources, and he naturally entered the stage of forging holy bones, but it was only more than halfway through, and there was still a long way to go before the real mastery.

But Jiang Xiaobai did it!

His mind moved, maybe it was the opportunity he got in the forbidden area, except here, he really couldn't think of other possibilities.

"Yes!" The four of them responded in unison.

Jiang Xiaobai carefully sensed his surroundings, and what reassured him a little was that he didn't feel any killing intent.

"Senior Brother Jiang, could it be that the nursery is here?" Xuan Xi asked in a low voice.

Haotian took out the Haoyang shuttle and felt it, but found nothing.

Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while and said: "Friends who are hiding in the dark, come out. Since you don't have any killing intent, you might as well come out and have a chat, maybe you won't be able to cooperate."

In secret, several people asked in surprise: "Brother, is Jiang Xiaobai calling us? Did he find us?"

Not to mention a few people, even Qi Chu was a little shocked. They were all pasted with breath-suppressing charms made by the elders of the sect. Unless they were saints, they would never be seen.

"Oh, it seems that you guys are very confident in your breathing skills?" Jiang Xiaobai casually pointed to the place where Feng Tianzong and his party were hiding.

Xuan Xi and Hao Tian felt it with all their strength, but they didn't notice the slightest difference.

"This guy definitely has a treasure on him." Qi Chu said, he put away the breath-holding talisman, and stood up.

The other four also withdrew the breath-holding talisman, and followed Qi Chu out.

"Jiang Xiaobai deserves to be Jiang Xiaobai, I admire him." Qi Chu greeted politely and flew out.

Jiang Xiaobai's pupils shrank involuntarily, this man is so strong!

"Earth Jiang Xiaobai, I don't know how to call brother?" Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to be careless, and asked in a deep voice.

Qi Chu cupped his hands and said: "Cheng Zhouxing, Feng Tianzong, Qi Chu, these are my juniors and sisters, Han Ying, Lin Fei, Huang Guang, Xie Qingluan."

"Cheng Zhou Xing of the three major star fields? So that's the case, no wonder it's so powerful." Jiang Xiaobai said solemnly, giving Xuan Xi and Hao Tian a look, signaling them to be careful.

Qi Chu smiled slightly: "Brother Jiang, there is no need to worry. We have no malicious intentions. We just wanted to search for the nearby medicine fields, but unfortunately we couldn't find the entrance because we couldn't get through the formation. Hearing your voices, we believe that more things are worse than less things." Principle, so we avoid it for now."

Xuan Xi came back via voice transmission: "When the murder was done before, this Qi Chu was not there, and neither did the others. It was a few women and a few semi-sages who surrounded them."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded to express his understanding, maybe there must be a stop with this Zhou Xing Tianjiao, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't want it to be now.

"Brother Jiang has some way to break the ban. If it's useful, just tell me. By the way, maybe the fairies from the Flower Burial Star Fanhua Valley will come over soon. Those fairies who mess around are our Fengtianzong." It will be troublesome. If Brother Jiang has a way, please do it as soon as possible."

Qi Chu smiled so brightly that it was hard to feel disgusted.

Jiang Xiaobai was worried about this, but he was called out by Qi Chu, and he didn't delay any longer: "Okay, as Brother Qi Chu said, I do need a little help, how about we share the harvest equally?"

"Okay!" Qi Chu answered in one gulp.

Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the hill where Qi Chu was lurking, and said with a smile: "Actually, that hill should be where the medicine field is, but the seniors used extremely complicated and even tricky methods to cover up the traces of the medicine field." .”

The five members of Fengtianzong were a little dazed, where is the medicine field where they hide?

"Senior brother Jiang, are you saying that this hill is an illusion? But we have touched and felt it with our own hands, and it is completely real." Xie Qingluan asked arrogantly. It was because of Qi Chu's trust that she was so fond of Jiang Xiaobai. Looking at it differently, but also faintly unconvinced.

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled lightly and said, "If it's true or not, we'll know if we untie it and have a look. Brother Qi, help me?"

"Please say!"

Jiang Xiaobai said: "Okay, you stand at that position, and a certain brother of Feng Tianzong stands at that position, thus forming a golden triangle, when I count to three, everyone will move towards the center of the triangle together. Attack at that place. That is the formation point, and I believe that when the power of the three parties reaches the ultimate balance, the formation will naturally break."

"Of course, everyone, don't be stingy with your vitality, and launch the biggest attack. If you are not strong enough, add people immediately. Xuan Xi, you and Haotian are also standing there, ready to support at any time."

As soon as these words came out, Xuanxi and Haotian, who knew Jiang Xiaobai's strength, were fine, but the four of Fengtianzong were not satisfied.They knew that they were no match for Senior Brother Qi Chu, but they needed the combined efforts of the six of them to fight against the two of them. They felt that their self-esteem could not bear it.

"No, I'm enough alone." The older Han Ying said in a deep voice, his cheeks were a little dark, he decided to show his strength, and he couldn't be underestimated by Jiang Xiaobai.

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