The three of them settled down, and Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice, "One, two, three!"

When the count reached three, the three of them shot together, and Han Ying immediately used his most powerful move, bombarding the center of the triangle.

Jiang Xiaobai and Qi Chu each made a move. Judging by their understatement, they obviously didn't use their full strength.But even so, Han Ying's vitality was instantly defeated after encountering Jiang Xiaobai and Qi Chu's moves.

"Go up." Jiang Xiaobai had expected it a long time ago, and when he saw that the situation was not right, he hurriedly shouted.

Haotian rushed forward quickly, he was well prepared and knew that Han Ying couldn't stop him.He put one hand on Han Ying's back to help resist.Han Ying blushed, and quickly mobilized the vitality input by Haotian to resist the power of Jiang Xiaobai and Qi Chu.

Under deliberate control, the power of the three parties was soon balanced, and the intersection of the three strands of vitality was concentrated at the center of the triangle.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes glowed with golden light, he glanced around and said, "We're not strong enough, let's increase our strength slowly! If it's [-]% to [-]%, the two of you can't handle it, so help immediately."

Han Ying didn't hold back any more at the moment, and responded embarrassedly.

Jiang Xiaobai and Qi Chu began to increase the output of vitality, and Han Ying and Haotian quickly performed exercises to increase the intensity of the output of vitality.

"Not enough, add more people!" Seeing Han Ying's sweat rolling down, Qi Chu said, "Lin Fei, come on."

A few minutes later, Huang Guang also rushed up, and then both Xuan Xi and Xie Qingluan rushed over, adding strength, and finally formed a balance again.

To the astonishment of the six people, the hills really began to fluctuate, as if water patterns were shining, and the hills below began to become transparent, but Poland wrinkled for a while, and returned to the appearance of the hills.

"We are lagging behind!" Han Ying said with shame.

The others were even more ashamed and shocked. They were able to cultivate to the semi-saint level, and they thought they were geniuses. They didn't expect that compared with the real top geniuses, the gap was so big.

Han Ying is relatively old, and her mentality is still calm, while the others, including Haotian and Xuan Xi, are in a somewhat turbulent state of mind.

Qi Chu screamed fiercely, he had already used [-]% of his strength, but Jiang Xiaobai still took it as if nothing had happened.Jiang Xiaobai was also suspicious, this Qi Chu is really strong!

"Senior brother Jiang, is there no other way?" Xie Qingluan asked, she was completely convinced, no wonder the brother praised others, she was indeed watching the sky from the bottom of a well.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "You don't have to worry, I was just searching for the strength we need. Just the strength just now, and then we need to hit the strength instantly. I believe breaking the formation will not be a problem."

It's just that if this is the case, it will be much simpler, and everyone is relieved.

"Okay, let's start as soon as possible, I feel that someone is coming." Qi Chu suddenly looked back and looked into the distance, and said seriously.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Then let's start, one, two, three!"

At the count of three, the eight people worked together, and the three beams of light bombarded together, forming a dazzling beam of light, which precisely bombarded the center of the triangle.

The hill shook rapidly, and then turned transparent.

"Don't resist!" Jiang Xiaobai reminded.

The eight people suddenly felt light under their feet, and they fell down together.

The light flashed, then disappeared, and the green hills resumed again. The eight people found that they had landed on top of a medicine field.

The vitality here is extremely strong, and the air is lingering with a strong medicinal fragrance. The eight of them looked down, and there was a medicinal field with an area of ​​about three acres below. There were various herbs and medicinal materials that were known to be extraordinary at a glance.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at it casually, and found that he recognized a rising fairy flower, and the others did not recognize it at all.There was a herb that was very similar to the herb that Xuan Xi handed him before.

"Of course it's a medicine field, I don't think Brother Jiang's attainments in formations are so extraordinary." Qi Chu boasted.

Jiang Xiaobai said politely: "Then let's pick first?"

"Okay, according to the previous agreement, each of the two parties has half, this side belongs to you, and this side belongs to us. If we need to exchange for a while, how about it?" Qi Chu said.

Jiang Xiaobai said with satisfaction: "Brother Qi is generous, let's do it like this."

The two sides harvested separately, and quickly put away these medicinal materials.Jiang Xiaobai collected about a hundred plants here, and the other side is similar.

Xuanxi and Haotian didn't mean to keep it for themselves, but they just put away the medicinal materials and handed them over to Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai understood what the two of them were thinking, so he didn't say anything, and put them away for the time being.

The two sides simply exchanged a few plants, and Jiang Xiaobai also knew the names and usages of these herbs, and thanked them repeatedly.

Jiang Xiaobai divided Haotian and Xuanxi into five plants respectively, and the two refused in surprise. They knew very well that Jiang Xiaobai could still get it without them, but they just happened to meet a chance.

"Take it, because the others are still useful, so I'll be ashamed to share them with you."

Jiang Xiaobai was very satisfied with the reaction of the two of them. If they were not satisfied, he would just turn around and leave.

"Brother Jiang is an arrogant person, let's not be polite, Junior Sister Xuan Xi, just take it." The two of them also stopped being polite and collected the medicinal materials.

The medicinal materials were put away, and the restriction here was automatically loosened, revealing the space outside.

"By the way, the group of people from Fanhua Valley should have rushed to the front, and maybe they will come back soon. If I am Brother Jiang, I should leave quickly." Qi Chu sent a suggestion, and quickly left with his juniors and sisters. Disappear.

"Brother Jiang, are we not leaving?" Xuan Xi looked at Jiang Xiaobai curiously, it seemed that Jiang Xiaobai had no intention of leaving at all, instead he took out the medicinal materials on the spot and absorbed their essence.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered and said: "I have dealt with people from Fanhua Valley before, and I know their virtues. Fanhuagu is the culprit who killed your brother Wuyou, and now I met them, just to send them on their way."

Both Xuanxi and Haotian were startled, they naturally hoped to avenge their senior brother, but they were not strong enough, so they could only suppress the hatred in their hearts.

"You guys have a good feeling, after these medicinal materials were picked, what has changed in this medicinal field?"

It's better for Xuan Xi to be careful, she said in surprise: "Is there too much fog?"

"This is not fog, it has the effect of psychedelic mind, you are by my side, and you have medicine on your body, so you are not confused, but after those people from Fanhua Valley come, hehe, you may suffer a big loss, we are here Just wait here for them."

Haotian was overjoyed: "Thank you, Brother Jiang."

"You're welcome, we are all earthlings, so we naturally share the same hatred. If we don't kill the arrogance of these outlanders, the earth saints who enter here will be in danger."

Streams of light flashed past, and then a dozen figures appeared.

"It really is a medicine field!"

"Being caught first."


Seventeen figures jumped down, suspended in the air, men and women, surrounded Jiang Xiaobai and the three of them.

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