Dominate the world

Chapter 1003 Kill All

"Oh, so it's those two fish that slipped through the net?" A man with a somewhat feminine face said coldly.

He swung his hand with a sword, and he didn't care about the life and death of the two of them.

With a grasp of Jiang Xiaobaixu's hand, he grabbed the flying sword from the air.

"What kind of thing is this? The material is too rotten, and the refinement is even worse." Jiang Xiaobai said, his fingers were hard, and there was a creaking sound, and then a soft crackling sound, and the long sword shattered.

Jiang Xiaobai threw the fragments of the long sword on the ground casually, and said with a sneer, "I know it's not useful."

Pfft, the feminine man spat out a mouthful of blood. Although it wasn't his natal weapon, it had nourished him for several years and connected his mind.Now that the weapon has been destroyed, his mind has also been shaken.

Xuan Xi and Hao Tian's spirits shook, and they looked at Jiang Xiaobai gratefully, with pride in their chests. It was this man who used to force them to flee with one trick, but now seeing the latter vomit blood face to face, the two felt extremely happy .

On the side of Fanhua Valley, everyone stepped back half a step, and then unanimously erupted with strong power, staring at Jiang Xiaobai awe-inspiringly.

"Who is your Excellency? You want to be an enemy of my Fanhua Valley?" A cold and beautiful woman shouted sharply, sheathed her long sword and pointed it at Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but yelled: "Sure enough, you are very domineering. I don't know who it is, whether it has any kindness or grievance with you, and you all go down to kill! How dare you say that I want to be an enemy of you Fanhua Valley? This shameless appearance makes me admire all over."

The glamorous woman's cheeks flushed, and her murderous intent surged!

"You asked me if I wanted to be your enemy, hehe, yes, so what!" Jiang Xiaobai also drew his long sword, and he didn't intend to let these people go.

"Senior Sister Hongshang, he is Jiang Xiaobai." Behind the crowd, a timid voice sounded.

Jiang Xiaobai took a closer look, and it turned out to be the little girl from Fanhua Valley that he saw before the auction.

"Oh, that's Jiang Xiaobai, No.1 on this planet? Huh, he really has some skills, but it's a pity to sit in a well and watch the sky. I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. You can't afford to offend some forces, so kill him!" He Hongshang said proudly, her chin raised. When he got up, he didn't pay attention to Jiang Xiaobai at all.

In her opinion, a native is nothing more than a native, no matter how powerful this kid is in the rumors, but he is a native after all, without the guidance of the holy elders, how strong can he be?

"Yes!" The two women replied.

"Wait!" Two voices sounded, but it was two men.

The two looked at each other and laughed together, both of them understood each other's intentions.One person had a smug smile on his face and said with a chuckle: "Where are the two fairies making a move? Let me wait to make the first move. Don't dirty the hands of the fairies."

"Yes, let's go first." Another person echoed.

The two of them blocked the two fairies from Fanhua Valley and looked at Jiang Xiaobai as if they were doing justice for the heavens.

"Boy, be obedient and let him go, or the planet will be washed with blood."

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but startled, looked at the man who spoke, and then released a strong evil spirit, "Very good, very good, thank you for giving me a reason."

Suddenly, everyone present, including Haotian and Xuanxi, felt a chill go down their backs, and fear rose in their hearts.

"I wanted to wait for the poisonous mist to completely fill this space, and then clean up you, but I suddenly felt that it would be more enjoyable to kill."

Jiang Xiaobai's body flashed, and the next moment he appeared in front of the two men, a flash of sword light flashed, two heads flew high, and blood spattered three feet high.

When the blood touched the mist in the air, it made a sizzling sound and gave off a pungent breath.

"Toxic, withdraw!"

"I only want to leave now, it's too late."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't expect that after the blood was stained with the mist, it would actually increase the toxicity of the mist, and it would have a sudden benefit. He was more confident in keeping these people behind.

"Send you on your way." Jiang Xiaobai yelled, he took out the Tai Chi Star Sword and the Full Moon Scimitar, combined the swords and made the first move to punish the saint.

Now, his physical body is extremely tyrannical, which can fully support him to play such a domineering move.

With one move, the sword light shines, and the sword light leaves no trace!


On Fanhuagu's side, He Hongshang let out an exclamation and retreated quickly, instinctively allowing her to get out of the way at the first moment, instead of stepping forward to resist, she was horrified to find that this move had surpassed the power of the holy level.

He Hongshang's reminder was absolutely timely, but Jiang Xiaobai's move was so fast, especially now that his skill has improved again, his speed is faster, his moves are more sleek, and his power is stronger, He Hongshang can still escape by himself , but the others could not escape after hearing He Hongshang's order.

Except for one or two powerful ones who felt the intent to die and gave up resisting and retreated immediately, the others were all overwhelmed by the light of this move.

The light disappeared, leaving behind a dozen corpses.

In addition to He Hongshang, there was also a man and a woman who escaped the killing range of the Punisher's move by chance. The two were terrified, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with horror in their eyes.

"Let's go!" He Hongshang said coldly, she knew she had fallen, and completely underestimated Jiang Xiaobai's strength.

This is not an insignificant native, it is clearly a bloodthirsty wolf, and what is even more frightening is that this wolf has the combat power of a top sect's core disciple.

"I want to leave, it's too late." Haotian scolded, and together with Xuanxi, they blocked the three people's retreat.

Jiang Xiaobai exhaled lightly, feeling that at least half of the vitality remained in his body, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.You know, now he can already control the move of Holy Punishment, instead of using the latter as a big move, hurting the enemy by a thousand and hurting himself by eight hundred.

He Hongshang suddenly felt her vision flicker, and she said angrily, "Is it really poisonous?"


Jiang Xiaobai was too lazy to talk nonsense, and with one order, the three of them slashed at the three of Fanhua Valley together, exactly three against three, each facing one person.

Haotian and Xuanxi's strength has improved greatly, and the two people in Fanhua Valley have been poisoned by flowers, and their strength has plummeted. After resisting for a while, they fell into a disadvantage.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't give He Hongshang the slightest chance. When they ignored life on earth, Jiang Xiaobai had already sentenced them to death.

After all, he is the team leader of Fanhua Valley this year, and He Hongshang's strength is also extraordinary, but he is not Jiang Xiaobai's opponent at all, and he has been poisoned at this moment, and he has exerted less than [-]% of his strength.

After barely blocking Jiang Xiaobai's moves, Jiang Xiaobai sent her on the road.After spending some time, Haotian and Xuanxi also beheaded the other two. The two looked excited, and their strong bodies made them finally feel the pleasure of crushing the enemy.

"Brother Jiang, I don't thank you for your kindness, but thank you very much." Haotian said gratefully.

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