Dominate the world

Chapter 1004 Reunion in the restricted area

"It's over, we're all brothers." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and stepped forward to find out the storage rings and personal treasures of these people.

Haotian's cheeks were slightly red. After all, the people in Fanhua Valley are all women, but Jiang Xiaobai said calmly: "Why are you shy? You would be really stupid to let the treasures stay. What's more, where did their treasures come from?" of?"

As soon as these words came out, Xuan Xi followed. The resources of these people are the treasury accumulated by their cave secret realm for thousands of years, so of course they have to get them back.

"Let's go, the poison gas here is a bit heavy, maybe it will soon become a poisonous land." Jiang Xiaobai said, flying into the distance.

"Brother Jiang, where are we going now?" Haotian asked.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "Find Bai Yu and the others first, so they don't get hurt."

Haotian nodded and said yes, the strength of the Martial Arts Department is similar to theirs before, once they meet the half-sage from the outer domain, they will suffer a lot.

Except for a few well-meaning ones, most of the outlander half-holys are determined people, killing people and seizing treasures is almost their daily routine.

cooperate?That only exists under the condition of equal strength.

Jiang Xiaobai and Haotian sacrificed the Tianji Mirror and Haoyang Shuttle together, and the forbidden area was weird to conceal the heavenly secrets, but the seven artifacts belonged to the same family after all, and they all belonged to geographical treasures, and there was some mutual induction between them.

"Come on, let's go to the southeast."

The three identified their direction and flew towards the southeast.

Along the way, the three of them kept a steady pace, and if they had the chance, they would grab one. If they saw few half-saints from the outer domain, they would rush down to kill a wave, and improve their strength in the battle.

After a few days, the three of them gained a lot.

Haotian has finally achieved physical sanctification, and his strength has greatly increased. Relying on Haoyang Shuo's strength among all the semi-sages, it can be regarded as an upper-middle level.Xuan Xi was a little weaker, but it was only because he didn't have any geographical treasures. After several fights, Xuan Xi also quickly matured, with a strong evil spirit, and chased after Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai collected a lot of storage rings, which were filled with all kinds of Yuanjing and treasures. With the help of the Tai Chi disc and Yuanjing, he refined a lot of semi-holy weapons into semi-holy weapons.

Produced by Tai Chi Discs, they are absolutely high-quality products. Both Haotian and Xuanxi replaced the weapons provided by Jiang Xiaobai. Haotian chose a sword and named it Haotian Sword, and Xuanxi chose a crescent-shaped rotating **.Jiang Xiaobai casually called it a menstrual wheel, and Xuan Xi happily accepted it.

Along the way, Jiang Xiaobai also continued to absorb the essence of those herbs, quickly increasing the maturity rate of the Dao fruit.However, after increasing to 90%, it stopped moving.

Jiang Xiaobai was already pleasantly surprised. He felt that the fruit of the Dao had grown to the end, and if he wanted to grow further, no external force could intervene.

Three days later, the three of Jiang Xiaobai finally ran into Bai Yu's group.

Holding the Absolute Dao Ruler, Xue Ling'er had already felt the call of the Tianji Mirror, and was rushing towards them all the way. After going through some dangers, she finally met successfully.

Several newly-promoted half-saints died, but everyone looked down on this matter, and no one dared to expect to be able to walk out alive in peace.

Xue Ling'er rushed over excitedly, knowing that Jiang Xiaobai would be fine, but it still made her extremely worried.Bai Yu and Lan Yeqing walked over holding hands, Bai Yu chuckled, but Lan Yeqing looked shy.

"Oh, you two came together, congratulations."

Everyone also saluted one by one, and with Jiang Xiaobai's joining, they were assured.

Tong Fangyuan also heaved a sigh of relief, he is lazy in nature, his heart was more tired than his body if he was asked to take such a group of people on the road.Handing over this group of people directly to Jiang Xiaobai, he pulled Gongsunlong and prepared to leave to explore.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly grabbed the two of them and gave them the remaining two pieces of mysterious blood essence. After the two were sanctified physically, relying on their experience and wisdom, unless they were unlucky and encountered an irresistible natural or man-made disaster , almost no one can stop the two.

"Okay, this thing has to be accepted, Xiaobai will work hard, let's go." The two took the blood and ran away quickly.

Zhao Chong and the others rushed over, asking about what had happened before, and talking about the sudden retreat of those outlanders, the situation was really critical.

"Don't worry, it will be better in the future. Come, each person will get a weapon first." Jiang Xiaobai generously handed out a handful of semi-holy weapons, some of which were refined by Tai Chi discs, and some of those semi-holy weapons.

All the half-sages were overjoyed, all of them were holding ordinary imperial weapons, and some were even six or seven-level emperor soldiers, which were useless to people from the outer domain.

This way, if they hadn't been united by a large number of people, and everyone took a sigh of relief, they would have been wiped out by those foreign arrogances long ago.

"Let's go, let's find a place first, and then improve our strength a little bit. We are on our way."

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes swept over everyone, except Tong Fangyuan and Gongsun Long, there are 53 people here in total, it can be said that this is the entire strength of the Martial Arts Department.

Of course, with the explosion of vitality before, some families also possessed semi-saints, but except for those, most of them are the elders of the major families, they are getting old, and their minds are more on their families, not Budobushan.

These 53 people are the core force of the Martial Arts Department and the team of future Earth forces.In Jiang Xiaobai's heart, none of these people is missing.

But right now, the strength of these people is still weak.Except for Xie Guanying, Xibei Cangdi and a few others, everyone else has just entered the semi-sage, no matter in terms of experience, experience, skills, techniques, etc., they are still far behind.

Everyone came to a quiet place, Jiang Xiaobai set up a formation, and then took out a set of formations.

On the way, he thought about it, if these people want to survive in the forbidden area, what is the fastest way to improve them?


Therefore, after merging multiple sets of formations, Jiang Xiaobai used the Tai Chi disc to upgrade and selected an upgraded version of the Zhenwu formation.At least two people can set up an formation, double the combat power, and be strong against four people.Similarly, three people can form three talents, four people can form four elephants, and a maximum of 49 people can form an array, which is enough to resist hundreds of people.

Formation is not difficult, with their semi-holy realm and comprehension, they can learn it very quickly, the most important thing is to cooperate, the better the cooperation, the stronger the strength they can exert.

Afterwards, when he had to leave for something, these people were also capable of fighting, and they could also be used as surprise soldiers. The more they gathered, the greater the lethality, and they might even influence the situation of the battle.

For seven days in a row, Jiang Xiaobai taught everyone wholeheartedly, and only after they were fully proficient and had the power to protect themselves, Jiang Xiaobai left alone.

No one followed, they knew that following Jiang Xiaobai was just a drag.

The vast sky, a piece of blue, is much clearer than the outside world, surrounded by mountains and gurgling water, like a paradise, but Jiang Xiaobai has been trapped here for half a month.

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