Dominate the world

Chapter 1005 The Trapped Genius

He came here half a month ago, looking for a crane.There was an aura of Dao rhyme on the crane, it was the aura of Dao scriptures, so Jiang Xiaobai chased after it, and then entered here, trapped in this strange environment.

It was lunch time, Jiang Xiaobai casually hunted and killed a monster, and started grilling it.After half a month, his barbecue skills have greatly improved, and the wild game smells delicious.

"Hehe, brother Jiang is so kind, I'm here to eat again." Qi Chu's voice sounded from afar, and he came back quickly.

He grabbed a piece of roast meat familiarly, and started to eat it without any fear.

Behind him, a few more people flew over, glanced at Jiang Xiaobai's barbecue stall, walked to the side, and each ate their own food.

Seven days ago, Jiang Xiaobai found Qi Chu, and it turned out that Qi Chu was also trapped in this place.Like Jiang Xiaobai, Qi Chu came in after a four-legged snake.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobai met the top genius from Cheng Zhou Xingyan Tianzong, and Murong Feng, who was also known as the peerless double pride with Qi Chu.The three fairies from Feiyan Star, Ta Yue, Broken Star and She Sun, and the little monk Huicong and the little nun Gudeng from Changhong Star.

The other three were Xiao Luomu, a swordsman from Dark Night Xingyin Sword Mountain, Liuyue Fairy from Buried Flower Star Fanhua Valley, and a savage who looked [-]% like Shen Nong Ye, Shen Nong Cao.

Fairy Liuyue was the last one to come in, and no one came in after that.

After a few days, everyone is familiar with it, and most of them understand the weirdness of this place. If you are not a top genius, with extraordinary combat power, you will not be drawn in.

On the first day after their reunion, a monument appeared in the sky, and it turned out that they had cooperated to kill a Balrog who had become a quasi-stellar rank.

Kill the latter within seven days, they can enter the next level, otherwise they will be trapped here forever.

Geniuses are always proud, not to mention that many people know each other, and even have grievances against each other.Therefore, cooperation is naturally impossible, each conceitedly thinking that they can break through this place, and go to find a way by themselves.

Until tonight, after the early morning, the seven-day period expired, and everyone who was anxious in their hearts gradually rushed back.

"Everyone, we need to cooperate. I don't want to be trapped here forever." Qi Chu said seriously, looking at the other ten people.

He was the first to come in, and he stayed here for almost 20 days. Although he was full of vitality, which was of great help to his cultivation, he came here to grab the treasure, the heart of the third-order earth, not to practice.

He has met the Balrog, it is a sealed Balrog, its strength has dropped a lot, but it also looks like a planetary level six or seven, it is far from being able to compete with him, a semi-holy who is not even a planetary level of.

The only hope is to gather everyone and kill the Balrog together.

No one spoke, but no one walked away. They acquiesced to Qi Chu's words, and the Balrog must be dealt with.

Jiang Xiaobai felt a little pity, if it wasn't for the weird stele asking to solve the problem within seven days, he wouldn't mind practicing here forever.

The vitality here is extremely rich, but it is not as good as near the heart of the earth.But there is an extraordinary energy in this space, which can actually promote the ripening of the fruit of the Dao.

After these seven days of practice, the maturity of the Dao fruit has increased by 91%, reaching 90.00%, which is already quite fast.And to Jiang Xiaobai's surprise, perhaps because the maturity rate exceeded [-]%, the fruit of the avenue began to give back, and the fragrance emitted began to nourish his body.

Both the spiritual body and the vitality are rapidly improving, and there is a special power, which seems to be the power of merit said by the Holy Spirit Fairy. Although 99% of it is absorbed by the Tai Chi disc, a little bit of it is left behind. It also benefited Jiang Xiaobai a lot.

These seven days of practice are comparable to the previous three months.

There was a trace of satisfaction on Qi Chu's face, at least there was no objection.

"The problem is how we kill it. Our attack power may not be able to break through the latter's defense." Murong Feng questioned. Each despises the other.

Qi Chu smiled and said, "Of course I used formations."

Several people looked at Fairy Liuyue in unison. When it comes to formations, the Brahma Flower Formation in Fanhua Valley is naturally the strongest. It can convert the power of everyone into a single force and then output it. It is very powerful.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Fairy Liuyue in astonishment. This is a fairy who looks like a full moon and feels very blessed. When he saw Fairy Liuyue for the first time, Jiang Xiaobai was even a little surprised. It seems that there is really a trace of immortality flowing, and it is very convincing.

It's a pity that he had already beheaded everyone in Fanhua Valley, and Fairy Liuyue obviously got the message, and looked at him with killing intent in her eyes.

Fairy Liuyue nodded slightly: "Since everyone believes in me, I should contribute my own strength. However, the formation is dangerous and the Balrog is powerful. If there is a backlash, everyone, please be prepared."

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their heads to look at Jiang Xiaobai. When they first met, the two started fighting, and then they were pulled away by Qi Chu and the others. Everyone knew the hatred between them.

Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his nose and said, "Maybe, you can get rid of that Balrog without me."

"Go and see first." Qi Chu said.

A group of 11 people flew over and came to a crater where the Balrog lived and was trapped in it.

Eight transparent iron chains imprinted with runes trapped the Balrog. It is these chains that limit the strength of the Balrog. Otherwise, when they came to test it, they would have been killed by the Balrog .

The 11 people flew down slowly, the temperature below was getting hotter and hotter, and scarlet magma could already be seen puffing out black smoke.

The sound of ding ding bang bang sounded, and the Balrog also noticed 11 people, struggling hard, roaring, spewing out balls of flames, shooting at everyone.

The flame of the Balrog is different from magma, the temperature is extremely high, and it seems to have the effect of burning the soul, once it is contaminated, it will be extremely painful.

Jiang Xiaobai had tried it before, and he absolutely couldn't be sprayed. Once the time exceeded 1 minute, even his physical body began to collapse.

It is also fortunate that he has many secret techniques under his control, and he is protected by the Tai Chi disk, otherwise he would have been turned into a ball of coke in the previous temptation.

"Everyone, time is running out, do you really want to gamble on the authenticity of the Tianbei?" Qi Chu shouted, he looked up at the sky, the time left for them was running out.

"I heard that Mr. Jiang is known as the God of War, why don't you give us a head start?" Fairy Liuyue said coldly.

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