No one spoke, but he had already shown his attitude.

The head is naturally dangerous, important but more dangerous, especially if you need to face the Balrog head-on.Once the Balrog goes berserk, the first thing to suffer is naturally the head, and secondly, even if the Balrog can be suppressed, once the Balrog is stimulated and explodes or explodes with a big move, the unlucky one is the head.

Now that the situation is really related to their own interests, even their lives, everyone is a genius, so they naturally know how to make a choice, which is why Fairy Liuyue chose to attack at this time.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, as if he didn't understand the danger of occupying the representative in front of his head, so he agreed.He could see very clearly that if he didn't agree now, he would be enemies with the ten people, but if he agreed, the other nine people would also have to accept his love.

It may not be useful, but it does occupy morality in name.And for geniuses, reputation is absolutely important.

Fairy Liuyue snorted, she didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to agree so readily, making the series of methods she prepared later useless.

However, in her calculation, no matter whether she succeeds or fails, Jiang Xiaobai will definitely die, so she became happy again, and she randomly threw out a little formation, which is the reduced version of the Fanhua Valley's Fanhua formation.

They are all geniuses, and soon everyone grasped it. Several people exchanged glances. They are also geniuses of the formation. They faintly saw some problems with the formation, but no one pointed it out.

Jiang Xiaobai stood at the top with a carefree face, facing the Balrog.

The Balrog was also very familiar with the 11 people. In the past few days, he had come to attack him frequently. He roared loudly, breathed out flames, and kept bombarding Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai played a restraint, unleashed the attack of the Balrog, and everyone approached slowly with the formation.

"Pass the skills!" Fairy Liuyue standing at the end shouted, and transmitted the skills in her body to the front.

According to the formation, everyone blessed Jiang Xiaobai with their own strength.Jiang Xiaobai felt more and more true energy in his body, because there were too many, they all began to collide in his body.

Jiang Xiaobai practiced Taoist scriptures and Bajiu Xuangong, dazzling golden light bloomed all over his body, and little inscriptions flashed from the bones of his body.Inside, the vitality obtained from Taoist scriptures is moderate and peaceful, without any special attributes, but it can just accommodate the vitality of all attributes.

Under his vitality combing, the vitality of the ten people was continuously gathered and compressed, turning into a Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish, and his aura quickly became stronger.

The ten people were all dumbfounded. It stands to reason that Jiang Xiaobai should have pumped out the vitality long ago, otherwise his body would have been unable to bear it, and he would have blew himself up.

"Brother Jiang, follow the formation." Qi Chu shouted, he was also a little scared, and he and the Conghui little monk stood behind Jiang Xiaobai on the left and on the right.Once something unexpected happens to Jiang Xiaobai, it will be difficult for the two of them to escape.

At this moment, the aura erupting from Jiang Xiaobai's body, not to mention them, even the Balrog was a little overwhelmed.The aura of the human beings in front of him was still rising, and even suppressed him. If he hadn't been chained, he would have avoided it.

The Balrog roared angrily, his voice full of unwillingness.

"Not enough!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

The ten people were a little scared suddenly, but they found that their hands seemed to be sucked by Jiang Xiaobai, and they couldn't break free for a while.

"Teaching Gong!" Liu Yue roared, while she was surprised, she wanted to see what Jiang Xiaobai was up to.

Relying on the magic of Taoism, Jiang Xiaobai continued to compress his vitality, and he also felt that he was about to be unable to hold it down.

Finally, a ding sounded in his mind, which was the notification sound from the Tai Chi Yuanpan. Jiang Xiaobai heaved a sigh of relief while being happy in his heart.

Formation, plus the different kinds of vitality that entered the body, and even mixed as many as ten kinds, Jiang Xiaobai knew that the Tai Chi disc must be triggered.

It's just that he didn't expect it to be so difficult that he almost couldn't bear it.

This is his reliance, no matter what Liuyue wants to do, with the Tai Chi disc, he is already invincible.

Fortunately, he was right.

"Go!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled softly, knocking out all the vitality of everyone in his body.

Balrog, the essence of the fire element, does not have a real body, as long as there is pure flame, he is immortal.But at this moment, he turned into a cheek, growled ferociously, roared, and tried his best to resist Jiang Xiaobai's move.

There was a loud bang, and a dazzling white light shone.

Everyone felt that their arms were empty, and they were all blown to the rear.

Only Jiang Xiaobai stood still, and received the anger of the Balrog, the fruit of the Dao moved, absorbing all the fire breath of the Balrog, and the maturity rate reached 92%.

When the light dissipated and the flame disappeared, Jiang Xiaobai stood there calmly, looking completely harmless.

He originally wanted to pretend to be seriously injured, but after thinking about it, he didn't need to show weakness.If he wants to win the third-order Heart of the Earth, he will inevitably fight these arrogances. Showing weakness has never been in his character.

The ten people flew back, seeing Jiang Xiaobai's indifferent appearance, their hearts were shaken, and they secretly became a little more afraid of Jiang Xiaobai.

"Brother Jiang is really amazing." Qi Chu said with a smile.

Shen Nongcao laughed and said, "My brother is right, you are a man."

Fairy Liuyue snorted softly: "Since the Balrog is dead, there should be new reminders, let's go out and have a look."

She was the first to fly out of the crater, and the others quickly followed.

Sure enough, a sky monument appeared again in the sky, this time the request was to go to a water area and kill a water monster within three days.

Three days later, everyone worked together to kill the water demon, and then the sky tablet appeared again, killing an earth demon.


Half a month later, all the monsters of the Five Elements were beheaded. Facing the new task, the tacit understanding formed by everyone finally broke down completely, and there was a commotion.

During the whole process, Jiang Xiaobai didn't interfere with everyone's thoughts, but just complied with the task. Now the maturity of his Dao fruit has risen to 96%.

Jiang Xiaobai buried his surprise deeply in his heart. He felt more and more that this so-called predicament seemed to be set for him.

Although it didn't show up, judging from the faint feeling of alienation of several people, it seems that someone has already noticed it.

"Let's take a break and talk tomorrow." Qi Chu suppressed the quarrels and set the tone.

Jiang Xiaobai walked away alone and chose a secret place to continue his practice.

In the dark night, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the swordsman Xiao Luomu who quietly appeared in his phantom formation.

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