Dominate the world

Chapter 1009 The Altar

After flying for a few days, Jiang Xiaobai himself had doubts about his life.

Could it be that I went the wrong way?Otherwise, why didn't anyone see it!

But the sense of danger ahead was indeed increasing, so Jiang Xiaobai persuaded himself to move on.

He is now completely sure that this restricted area is so big that it has surpassed the earth, as if it is a parallel space, and it happens to have something in common with the earth in a certain place.

"Corpse?" A few days later, Jiang Xiaobai finally found the corpse on the ground. It was only half-holy, not turned into bones. It was obviously the half-holy who came in this time.

Jiang Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief, he finally saw someone, even though it was just a corpse.

He continued to move forward, and there were some broken weapons in front of him, and the number of corpses gradually increased, from a single one or two to a dozen, dozens, and even hundreds of them at the most. Jiang Xiaobai was a little shocked.

What the hell is going on here?

The semi-saints who came to Earth came to this huge star field, how big is it? I heard that it is at least a few million planets, but there are only tens of thousands of semi-saints here, and the number of hundreds is already a very large number. Terrible numbers.

Moving forward again, Jiang Xiaobai finally saw a huge altar, covered with blood stains and piled up with minced meat, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that it was a crushed corpse.

In the surrounding area, corpses appeared one after another in the shape of radiation. Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, and he flew towards a certain point with the altar as the center, making a circular motion.After a while, he returned to the altar, his face was pale, he was frightened, everything was as he guessed, this altar was like a centrifuge, throwing one after another from the altar.

The weaker the strength, the farther they are thrown, the higher the talent, the closer they stay, and the one on the altar is obviously the real arrogance.

Although he wished that all the talents from the Outer Territory would die in the restricted area, Jiang Xiaobai felt a chill down his back seeing such a tragic scene.This clearly means that someone is plotting against them, these semi-holy arrogances from Wanyu.

"Hey, there is still some residual energy here?" Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, it felt the fruit of the Dao oscillated slightly in his body, and a vague idea came out, there is energy of travel here, after refining, it is very pure .

Jiang Xiaobai landed on the altar again, waved his hand, and the remaining flesh and blood collapsed, revealing the true face of the altar.Hundreds of seemingly chaotic but inexplicable lines were drawn on the altar. These lines are a bit like circuit boards, but they are obviously carved runes.

Relying on the fruit of the avenue, Jiang Xiaobai clearly sensed that there are many different feelings on this altar. After a simple calculation, Jiang Xiaobai understood that this is clearly the golden section spiral with the center of the altar as the center.

He glanced at the last point of the altar mountain, punched it, a light curtain flickered, and turned into nothingness, and under the light curtain, a mass of black and white liquid was lightly doing Tai Chi yin and yang movements, very mysterious.

"Is this yin and yang?" Jiang Xiaobai exclaimed in surprise.

Now the fruit of the Dao has matured to 96%, the five elements have been completed, and only Yin and Yang, life and death are left, and there is residual energy on this altar?

Inexplicably, Jiang Xiaobai felt a tinge of horror in his heart. Is this a coincidence?Or is it deliberate?

But at this moment, a sense of joy and hope came from the fruit of the avenue, urging Jiang Xiaobai to absorb this energy.That power is so huge, just like the hunger he felt after swallowing a silver fish alive before, only hundreds of times stronger.

But instinctively, Jiang Xiaobai felt that this was a huge situation.

He took out the Taiji Star Sword and stabbed it into his thigh. Through the pain, he finally suppressed the hunger and quickly flew back.

"Excellent, as expected of Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang God of War, who can resist even such a temptation."

With a flash of light and shadow, seven figures emerged from the altar, and the seven people were stained with thick blood, even with their eyes closed, they seemed to be able to see the blood-red light emitting from the seven people, full of evil and strange emotions. breath.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes swept over the seven people, and he was startled suddenly, one of them was holding a sword.

"Brother Zhanjian, what's going on? Those people you sacrificed?" Jiang Xiaobai was a little unwilling to believe it.

Although the man holding the sword is extremely proud and pursues profit, Jiang Xiaobai really doesn't believe that the latter can do such a tragedy as sacrificing these people.

Holding the sword let out a miserable smile, his voice was full of hatred and sorrow: "What's going on, it's what you saw. Countless people were attracted to this altar, thinking that there was a treasure hidden here, but they did it in the end. The pigs and dogs sacrificed, we are powerful, so we are lucky to survive, but we have become blood slaves, hahahaha!"

"Whoever harmed you, we can be regarded as a friendship, and I do accept your love. If I have the ability in the future, maybe I can help you avenge." Jiang Xiaobai said sincerely, but the person who is so proud of the sword Become a slave, I am afraid that life is worse than death.

He was stunned for a moment with his sword, and suddenly laughed: "Thank you for avenging me, but it's a pity that the master is after you, and you can't escape, kill!"

There was blood in the eyes holding the sword, and then the seven of them rushed forward together, trying to kill Jiang Xiaobai, but they opened their doors wide, but they had no intention of defending at all.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to stay, and his strength with the sword was strong, the other six people would not be much behind him, maybe even above him.Once surrounded by these seven people, he will lose a layer of skin if he does not die.

He casually shot out a golden dragon sword energy and shot at one person, who had no intention of dodging at all.The Golden Dragon Sword Qi pierced the latter's body, and the latter just hecked, blood flashed from his body, and the wound healed automatically, without any delay in his movements.

"Hehe, we can't be killed, maybe we are already dead." He shouted with the sword, and the offensive was like a tide. Xiaobai was secretly startled.

Jiang Xiaobai's footsteps were nimble, he dodged again and again, and asked, "Where is Fairy Holy Spirit, where is Zhang Cheng, and where is your junior brother Zhibai?"

"They are all dead, except for Shen Nongye who left, everyone else died in the sacrifice, and I was left alone, hehe, haha..." The sword roared, the sword was full of blood, and the blood was blooming. The other five had to back off.

"Leaving the restricted area, this is a trap..." Zhan Jian said suddenly, but before he could finish his sentence, his body exploded.

"Jiangjian——" Jiang Xiaobai looked bitterly at the Zhangjian that had exploded into pieces. Apart from the sword intent still remaining in the space, there was no trace of existence.

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