Another burst of breath followed by explosions, Murong Feng, Sun Shooting Fairy, Xiao Luomu and others shouted in unison, they were sanctified.

Then came Baiyu, Haotian, Liuyue and so on.

Then the seven people holding the seven artifacts were sanctified one after another, and the heart of the earth flew to the top of the giant.

The giant roared helplessly: "I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled..."

But his body gradually became smaller, and then turned back into Huicong's corpse, lifeless.

Jiang Xiaobai sighed softly: "Who would have thought that the two people who died in the end would be the two outsiders."

Qi Chu stared at the heart of the earth fused in Jiang Xiaobai's hands, and finally sighed: "Out of sight, out of mind, that's all, at worst, go back and be punished, or you will regret it for the rest of your life."

He put Huicong's body in the storage ring, turned around and left.

Murong Feng snorted softly: "Come and become Zhou Xing when you have time, and then we will have a good fight with you to see who is the real pride of heaven."

Murong Feng flew to Qi Chu's side, and the two walked away side by side.

"We're leaving too, Jiang Xiaobai. It's a great honor to know you in this business. See you again." The three fairies of Feiyanxing also bid farewell and left.

Then Fairy Liuyue, Xiao Luomu, Shen Nongye, Shen Nongcao and others took their leave one after another and left.

Haotian reacted suddenly: "They didn't want any benefits?"

Bai Yu smiled and said: "These people are all good people. The biggest advantage now is to make friends with Xiaobai, and let Xiaobai owe them a favor. I'm a little embarrassed to export it."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "Every Tianjiao has his own pride, even Xiao Luomu, he disdains to be with us, but he still dares to assassinate giants on his own. This is their pride, so when they meet them, they recognize it in their hearts. People, benefits are nothing."

Bai Yu nodded again and again, Haotian suddenly realized, and said with a wry smile: "It seems that I am not as genius as I thought."

"You're okay. I won't have luck in the future. I'm afraid I won't be called a genius." Bai Yu smiled.

Jiang Xiaobai gave the two of them a blank look: "If neither of you can be called a genius, hmph, there are not many geniuses in this world, let's go."

Xue Ling'er and the others rushed over excitedly, Xue Ling'er was the happiest, she couldn't believe that she was actually sanctified, she jumped like a little rabbit with joy.

Gongsun Long and Tong Fang were full of joy, they were all ready to die.Cang Sheng Lao Dao secretly groaned ashamed, this time he completely took advantage of it.Xuan Xi and Fairy Luoying exchanged glances, and both of them sighed softly.

Some success, really just need to follow the right people.Their ancestors, whether it was Yangyang or Yaoguang, exhausted all their efforts, but ended up dead, and they just followed Jiang Xiaobai's actions, but they achieved what their ancestors infinitely hoped for.

Fairy Qianyue came over, and comforted softly: "From now on, practice hard, the era of the cave-heaven secret realm is indeed time to pass."

Jiang Xiaobai greeted everyone, holding the heart of the third-order earth, and everyone flew out of the restricted area together.

When they finally see the sun again, everyone has a feeling of surviving after a catastrophe.

The restricted area gradually became psychedelic, and then completely disappeared, and they reappeared in a vast ocean.

A different kind of power spread from the heart of the earth, Jiang Xiaobai casually threw the heart of the earth into the air, the latter flew up automatically, and then disappeared into the void.

"Xiaobai?" Bai Yu asked nervously.

Jiang Xiaobai comforted: "Don't worry, this is the most suitable place for the heart of the earth to search for it. Now it has integrated the fruit of the Dao, and it will not be robbed by others. Oh, it has been fixed. Don't Ask me, I don't know either, I just know it should be somewhere on Earth."

"Oh, the earth is going to get bigger again, and it will get better and better. There is no limit to sanctification. Where the limit will be in the future depends on our achievements."

Everyone is happy, they have worked so hard to this day, isn't it just for the present!

"Then you are the son of the stars of our earth now?" Zhao Chong rushed over and asked.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and Zhao Chong said shamelessly: "Then you can promote me to a saint, if you knew I would stay!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing, Lan Yingying grabbed Zhao Chong's ear and lifted him aside, "Don't be ashamed."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "I will first set up a connection channel between our earth and the exchange. After that, you will discuss a method. Of course, I will set it as a peaceful entry and cannot be attacked."

Jiang Xiaobai said, closing his eyes.For a moment, he felt that he was the sky, the Tao, controlling everything, and he couldn't help but feel a little drifting, wanting to see the distance, the whole universe.

"Ding!" Jiang Xiaobai woke up suddenly, rubbing his head, he was hit.

"The origin of the earth is limited, let you travel around, and the earth will be finished." A message came from the Tai Chi disc.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled wryly, but he was also a little scared.He quickly collected his mind, searched for the exchange, and then set up the passage.It was also out of his own selfishness that he set up the passage in the territory of Huaguo, but with such a passage, the future controller of the earth is destined to be the Huaguo Martial Arts Department.

By the way, Jiang Xiaobai grasped the palm, and Liu Douer's figure emerged.She was still a little confused, and then saw Jiang Xiaobai, and rushed over excitedly.

Liu Douer is actually in Penglai, and Sanxiandao said that he would send Liu Douer in, which is completely bullshit, but put her under house arrest and took her as a hostage to check and balance himself.

"Don't worry baby, no one will bully you in the future."

"Elder Jiang, please don't get me wrong!" A voice sounded from Liu Dou'er's neck, it was Dongfang Hong's voice, and there was a hint of urgency and fear in the voice.

It was a jade pendant, Liu Douer grabbed the jade pendant and wanted to throw it on the ground, but after thinking about it, she couldn't bear it, so she handed the jade pendant to Jiang Xiaobai.

The image of Dongfanghong emerged, with a bit of blush on his cheeks.

"Mrs. Dongfang, do you think you understand my identity at this moment?"

Dongfanghong smiled wryly and said, "I have seen the sage Jiang and the son of the earth."

"Sure enough, you all know everything, but you just don't do anything, very good, no need to explain, I don't bother to blame you. Aren't you willing to watch the show? Well, I will seal your three islands for 1000 years now, and wait 1000 years later Be born again, bye."

Jiang Xiaobai directly crushed the jade pendant.

On Penglai Xiandao, they suddenly discovered that a stream of light rose up from the island, surrounded them, and then sank directly to the bottom of the water.

Dongfanghong looked helplessly at the island owner Xu Rui: "It's all right now, you always wanted to play with fire because of your identities, and now you are playing with fire and set yourself on fire. Today's earth is a holy place for practice, but we have been completely sealed. In 1000 years, Hehe, then our Sanxian Island will only become a joke."

In the sea area, everyone laughed and shouted that Sanxian Island deserved it.

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