Dominate the world

Chapter 1029 Shangyang Star

"Where do you want to go back, I can take you back directly." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the crowd and said slowly.

"Let's go back to the Martial Arts Department." Everyone answered without thinking.

After all, the Martial Arts Department is the place they are most familiar with. Now that everything is over, they naturally want to return to the Martial Arts Department, there is no doubt about it.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobai had a thought in his heart, and everyone noticed that the surrounding light was sweeping, and the next moment they returned to the Martial Arts Department.

After everyone celebrated, Jiang Xiaobai thought about it and still didn't use his identity as the Son of the Stars to send all the talents of the Outer Domain to outer space.

Nowadays, there are many saints on the earth, most of them are from the Ministry of Martial Arts, or Qi Chu and others, they are all comrades who fight side by side, and they will not fight.

It can be said that the earth today is finally peaceful.

Although the earth is peaceful, his mind has gradually become active, and he wants to see beyond the earth more and more.

Jiang Xiaobai took Liu Dou'er back to Jiangnan Liu's house, celebrated with everyone again, and told what happened in the restricted area.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Xiaobai left a letter to relieve his pressure. The next moment, a light enveloped him, and Jiang Xiaobai disappeared.

In the capital city, Qilu University, and all over the country, countless people felt that wave of fluctuation at this moment.Many people know that Jiang Xiaobai was expelled by heaven and earth, and they don't know where he was thrown, and they don't know if he will be able to return in the future.

Jiang Xiaobai felt dizzy and dizzy. Anyway, he didn't know how far or how long he flew, but he kept teleporting.Finally, a bright light appeared in front of him, and Jiang Xiaobai was thrown out.

This is a hillside with green grass and pleasant spring breeze.

He fell all the way from the top of the mountain, and finally stopped when he rolled to the foot of the mountain.His head hit a hill, and the hill collapsed directly.

Jiang Xiaobai let out a foul breath and stood up.He flew into the sky, but what he saw was a mess of rocks, spreading far away.

Fortunately, the stones are covered with grass, which is unique and full of vitality.

Jiang Xiaobai experienced this planet for a while, and it is obvious that he has left the earth now.He felt that the air was about the same, and the gravity was about the same, maybe slightly heavier, but the vitality of the air was relatively richer, but not much richer.

It seems that it is a simple planet.

Jiang Xiaobai dissipated his spiritual thoughts, chose a direction, and flew in the direction of the red sun in the east.

The front is becoming more and more desolate, and there is no grass on the rocks, only bare stones are left.Jiang Xiaobai landed on a stone, stared at it for a long time, and suddenly took out a stone from the storage ring, which looked like the stones on this planet.

"Isn't this the Book of Heaven that who said it? Could it be that this is Luanshixing?" Jiang Xiaobai wondered, "By the way, Tai Chi Yuanpan said that my cultivation was not enough, and now I can solve the mystery."

Jiang Xiaobai contacted Taiji Yuanpan, and quickly deciphered the Book of Heaven.It turned out to be an astrolabe, and what was recorded in it was the map of the star field.

And there is also a passage: "Little sister is from Shangyang star. I want a brother who likes to listen, who can love me and take care of me."

Jiang Xiaobai was dumbfounded, what is this?Is it a meteorite biography?

What Jiang Xiaobai didn't know was that this kind of thing was the most common in the Book of Heaven.It is often some people who have nothing to do to seal their position in the stone, and here they make a book of heaven, and then throw it into space.

It's like drifting bottles one by one, but often some female fairies like to do this kind of thing, with a shy and rebellious pleasure.

The astrolabe is very easy to manipulate, Jiang Xiaobai just looked at it for a while and then understood the principle, all he needed to do was put his divine sense into it.The astrolabe will automatically flash the planet it is on, and if it is recorded, it will also display the name of the planet.

Sure enough, the astrolabe showed that this place was Luanshixing.

Jiang Xiaobai searched for Cheng Zhouxing, only to find out that the distance is so far, unless he takes the spaceship that Qi Chu and the others arrived, he will not be able to fly there in his lifetime.

And he knew that Feiyan, Changhong, Funeral Flower, Dark Night, etc. were all countless light-years away, but the legendary exchange was the closest.

Unfortunately, he hasn't found the earth yet, maybe the current earth is not online yet.

Jiang Xiaobai continued to search for the Heavenly Dao Books, smashing one stone after another, but found that most of them were from the astrolabe.He also gave up directly, and such a good thing as a pie in the sky really cannot be counted on.

After flying for several days, he finally came to the market. Now that he has so many crystals in his storage ring, if someone sees them, even the dead bones will be able to survive.

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai didn't know how many there were, anyway, he just recovered the storage rings of those dead monks.

Randomly spending dozens of Yuanjing, Jiang Xiaobai redressed up and completely integrated into the market.

This planet is a bit similar to the ancient earth. Jiang Xiaobai went to a restaurant, ordered some hearty dishes at random, and then started asking.

Xiao Er was very good at speaking, seeing Jiang Xiaobai's generous actions, he knew everything he could say, and told him everything he knew, especially what happened on that planet called Earth.

Xiaoer Ping'an was just talking nonsense, but Jiang Xiaobai already knew what he wanted to know, so he threw him ten Yuanjing and told him to leave.

Half a year has passed since the restricted area of ​​the earth, and the people from Luanshixing came back two months ago.Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help clicking his tongue secretly, the speed of this spaceship was actually faster than teleportation.

Here, there are teleportation arrays between some large planets. Luanshi Star is a satellite called Shangyang Star. It is famous for producing the Book of Heaven. There are teleportation arrays from other planets on Shangyang.

Jiang Xiaobai secretly laughed, isn't Shangyang star the planet where the girl is?Who knew it would have drifted directly to Luanshixing.

Jiang Xiaobai let go of his speed and arrived in front of the teleportation formation one day later. After paying [-] yuan crystals, he stepped onto the teleportation formation and came to Shangyang Star.

This is a planet that is obviously much bigger and full of vitality.Jiang Xiaobai stepped out of the teleportation array one step at a time, settled in an inn, and learned about the situation of the planet again, and one thing caught his attention.

This planet is about to go to war, and all the people are frantically trying to escape. Many people even fled to Chaos Stone, but they themselves fell into it.

Only then did Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realize that it was no wonder that the teleportation array had set up a rule that it would take at least one day to teleport again.He thought it was a rule, but it turned out that he was forced to stay.

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