Dominate the world

Chapter 1030 True Yang Marrow

The crisis came too fast, and only in the early morning of the second day, a voice resounded throughout the city.

"Please come out with planet-level masters."

There was a word of invitation in the words, but there was no sincerity in the tone of the invitation, only an undisguised shock.The voice was like fighting with swords, with a strong meaning of killing.

"The city lord is back." Several terrified voices sounded.

The next moment, figures flew out from various places, suspended in mid-air, and all looked at the proud figure high in the sky.

It was a figure like a god and demon, one foot tall, burly and heavy, with a suit of armor shining red in the sun, holding a long knife upside down, the knife was full of blood, releasing a strong murderous intent.

And behind him are two teams of well-dressed strong soldiers.They wear the same attire as the city lord, only one size smaller, and ride a mount, which looks very much like the legendary three-headed dog.

It is rumored that the three-headed dog is the most violent, but at this moment the eyes of these mounts are dark, but none of them roared, and the silence was terrifying.

Jiang Xiaobai just glanced at it, and then quickly withdrew his eyes. This person is definitely a master of star level or even higher, and the strength of these soldiers is definitely not bad.At this moment, like everyone else, he stood on the long street, quietly waiting for the city lord to speak.

But there are also those who are stubborn and unwilling to come out.

"Looking for death!" The city lord shouted loudly.He swung his saber to chop, and a flash of saber light slammed into a noble mansion.

With a bang, the mansion was shattered, and more than a dozen planet-level masters jumped out.

"Linghuxiao, you are so brave!" One of the old men shouted at the city lord, blowing his beard and jumping, feeling very funny.

The corner of the city lord Linghuxiao's mouth twitched, and there was a ferocious expression, which caused everyone's heart to be shocked.

"Shangyang star is in trouble, and everyone is responsible. Those who don't fight for Shangyang star are regarded as traitors. Old man Yang, are you going to be a traitor?"

Old man Yang snorted: "You still can't control our Yang family."

"In a word, to fight or not to fight?" Linghu Xiao shouted.

Old man Yang said proudly: "If you don't fight, what will you do to me?"

"Those who don't fight, kill!"

Linghu Xiao let out a roar, and slashed mercilessly with his saber.This cut was dazzling, and what was even more frightening was that it carried a strong vitality. The long knife lit up a knife gang that was tens of meters long, directly enveloping everyone in the Yang family.

"Linghuxiao, you..."

Only a horrifying scream still remained in the world, and all the thirteen planet-level powerhouses of the Yang family were beheaded and cut into two pieces.

"The Yang family is rebellious. They should be beheaded. Someone here will take these rebellious corpses out and feed them to the dogs."

At that moment, two semi-holy masters rushed out, packed up the body of the Yang family, and threw it into the mouths of some mounts. The mounts seemed to be used to this, they ate big mouthfuls, and their bones creaked.

Jiang Xiaobai was secretly startled, what a powerful monster, after all, it is a master of the holy level (planetary level), the holy bone is so hard, it was bitten to pieces by the monster.

In the darkness, some planet-level masters jumped out again.

"Each get thirty army sticks, and then come and listen to me." Linghu Xiao's tone was still domineering.

The new planet-level powerhouse flew out with a dark face, received thirty military sticks, and then hid in the crowd with his head down.

Linghu shouted loudly: "Fear war, avoid war, fear war, kill! Dare to fight, dare to fight, dare to die, reward!"

"I don't care if you are from the Shangyang star or not, and what you are doing here, but since you are here, you must fight for my Shangyang star. If you want to avoid the battle, you can exchange the heads of five planet-level powerhouses. Use the teleportation array to leave, and exchange ten human heads, if you want to get the true yang marrow, hey, fifty human heads."

Everyone was in an uproar, no one thought that Linghu Xiao would directly mark the price, everything was spoken in terms of a planetary head, simple and rude, but people had to abide by it.

"Now, let's go to outer space." Linghu Xiao shouted, the first to soar into the sky.

Following behind Linghu Xiao were his generals, followed by other planet-level masters, Jiang Xiaobai was naturally among them.

Speaking of which, Jiang Xiaobai was still a little curious, or rather hopeful, about the launch.Seeing the ground below getting smaller and smaller, their bodies flew higher and higher, and finally broke through a certain limit and came into space.

His body lightened suddenly, and he almost felt a little uncomfortable for a while.There was no air in his nose, and the surrounding area was empty. He didn't focus on it at all, but the vitality in his body started to work instinctively, helping him to control his body.

However, some acupoints around the body began to absorb the energy in the universe, mottled and impure, good and bad, but with the operation of the exercises, some harmful energies were automatically eliminated, and beneficial energies entered the body, but they were automatically transformed into Vitality that can be absorbed by his operation.

"Little brother's exercises are not simple." A thick voice sounded not far away.

It was a middle-aged man with a bit of wind and frost, a Chinese character face, slightly thick eyebrows, but his eyelids drooped slightly, which made him less heroic and more kind. At first glance, he made people feel good.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat, can sound be transmitted in the universe?

He also opened his mouth to say a few words, but found that even he heard what he said.

"Hahahaha, my little brother has reached the peak of the first-order planetary level, and he still doesn't understand the principle of sound transmission. It seems that this is the first time he has entered space? It's very simple, just bless your voice with vitality So, it’s completely up to you, you can spread the sound as far as you want, and you can spread it to whoever you want, of course, the more you spread, the faster you will consume your energy.”

"Thank you, brother, little brother Jiang Xiaobai, I don't know what to call my brother?" Jiang Xiaobai quickly mastered the method of vacuum sound transmission, and thanked him happily.

The middle-aged man smiled and cupped his hands: "Linghu Ao!"

Jiang Xiaobai's heart froze, but the middle-aged man smiled wryly and said, "That's right, I'm the younger brother of the city lord, a worthless guy."

Compared with the city lord Linghu Xiao who has at least a star-level cultivation, Linghu Ao is only at the beginning of the third-level planetary level, and there is indeed a huge gap.

"Brother, there is no need to feel sorry for yourself. I am born to be useful. We just need to live well ourselves."

Linghu Ao smiled: "What my brother said is that he has become indifferent over the years."

Their trip was to sneak attack a spaceship parked in the asteroid belt, and the spaceship could not be dispatched, so they needed to fly there.It will take another hour to arrive, and Jiang Xiaobai also took the opportunity to ask Linghu Ao some questions.

"Little friend asked what is true yang marrow? Hehe, then I will tell you about it." Linghu said proudly.

True Yang Marrow is a special product of Shangyang Star, and it is used to refine acupoints.After reaching the planetary level, in the vast universe, you can't absorb vitality, you can only absorb cosmic energy, rays, etc., and these are often harmful to the acupuncture points.

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