Dominate the world

Chapter 1031 Star Wars

The physical body is strong, the acupoints are naturally strong, the stronger the cosmic energy that can be absorbed, the faster the absorption is naturally, but it will be damaged after all, so it is necessary to strengthen the acupoints and refine the acupoints, and the true yang marrow is the most top-level The divine liquid.

There are also many kinds of true yang marrow. A drop of ordinary true yang marrow is worth more than a black crystal, but it has a price and no market. Often, it can only be exchanged for things, and the opportunity to exchange human heads is not like today. many.

As for the intermediate, advanced, and even top-level True Yang Marrow, the number is already astronomical.

People are born with nine orifices, but the acupoints used for practice are not the nine orifices, but the nine major acupoints of the human body, namely: Baihui, Yintang, Tanzhong, Shenque, Dazhui, Jingmen, Mingmen, Xuehai, and Yongquan. The nine acupoints cover a person from head to toe, chest, back, left and right sides.

Once the exercises are performed, the nine acupoints will begin to absorb cosmic energy and convert it into vitality that can be absorbed by human beings.In the beginning, it is naturally better and faster to practice on the planet, but as the cultivation level improves, unless it is some holy places of practice, no matter how much vitality the planet has, it is not enough for the monks to absorb, so they start to absorb the energy of the universe, which is endless of.

Therefore, whether the nine major acupoints are strong or not is extremely important, and therefore the true yang marrow is invaluable.And Shangyangxing can produce ordinary-grade True Yang Essence, which also led to Shangyangxing's military disasters.

The heads of fifty planetary level monks can be exchanged for a small bottle of true yang marrow, which contains ten drops, which means that the heads of ten planetary level monks are worth one drop of true yang marrow.

"Hehe, are you tempted? But there are very few that can be obtained. After all, it is easy to kill at the beginning, and there are many kills. Naturally, there will be masters coming to strangle them. It is luck to not die."

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes and asked, "Can I grab it?"

Linghu Ao laughed again: "It's useless if you grab it, every monk will leave his own mark, and others will see it at a glance. Moreover, my brother has always flaunted himself as an army, harming his colleagues. Saying that is a big taboo, not dozens of army sticks can be spared."

"Brother Linghu, thank you very much."

The planetary belt in front gradually grew larger, and everyone followed Linghu Xiao to a meteorite, and saw a slightly damaged spaceship ahead, and some monks were busy repairing it.

Linghu Xiao swung his long saber and charged forward first, followed by the crowd. Jiang Xiaobai was mixed in the crowd, neither leaning forward nor backward. He made up his mind to observe first before speaking.

This is also the first time for him to fight against a real planet-level master.

Linghu Xiao's speed was extremely fast, he slashed at the spaceship with his knife, cutting a big hole in the side of the spaceship.

Immediately, like a smashed hornet's nest, planet-level masters flew out of the spaceship, no fewer than three to five hundred people, brandishing swords and killing everyone.

There is no communication, just hand-to-hand combat.

This group of people is slightly inferior in cultivation, but there are more people, and they are the best prey.

Jiang Xiaobai saw the cultivator stretching his teeth and claws, rushing up with a ferocious face, bombarded with vitality and sword qi, but unfortunately he could only look at the picture, but could not speak, and the atmosphere was not good.

Jiang Xiaobai spread his spiritual thoughts around his body. This is the universe. The most convenient way is to sneak attack without hearing any sound.

Although Linghu Ao said that they are temporary comrades in arms and will not plot against each other, but be careful when sailing for ten thousand years, and believe that others are worse than relying on oneself after all.

Persimmons are naturally looking for soft ones, and Jiang Xiaobai, a little monk who is only a star-level first-ranker, is naturally regarded as a soft persimmon, and two people came to kill him at the same time.

The two of them, one at the middle stage of the second stage and the other at the late stage of the second stage, looked at Jiang Xiaobai with disdain in their eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to be careless, and swung the Tai Chi Star Sword and the Full Moon Scimitar at the same time, blocking their attacks.

His body trembled slightly, but both of them turned backwards together, and the mid-second-order cultivator even dropped all the weapons in his hands.

The two looked at Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, as if they saw a ghost!

Jiang Xiaobai was determined, it turned out to be this level, he took a step forward, used Chasing Stars to jump in front of the two, and slashed at the necks of the two with one sword and one sword.

The heads of the two people flew up together, and the two headless stones flew out backwards.

Jiang Xiaobai casually put away the heads of the two, which was too simple.

"Ding, the weapon is damaged and needs to be upgraded." Taiji Yuanpan suddenly issued a notification sound.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly looked at the Tai Chi Star Sword and the Full Moon Scimitar. Sure enough, the two blades had curled up a bit. They were not planetary-level weapons after all, but the opponent was an out-and-out planetary-level weapon. Master, bones are hard.

Although the heads of the two were beheaded, their own weapons were also damaged.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly put away the sword and grabbed the storage rings and weapons on the two corpses with his hands.The storage ring is naturally his harvest, and the weapons of the two of them just happened to be used.

Afterwards, it can also be used as materials and thrown to Taiji Yuanpan to help Taiji Star Sword and Full Moon Scimitar advance.

Jiang Xiaobai took care of the two of them with ease, which shocked many people. This little guy who knew the jerky at first glance was really cruel.

Jiang Xiaobai checked the contents of the storage ring, and almost drooled. He is indeed a planet-level master with a rich net worth. Killing people is indeed a way to get rich quickly!

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai's style changed, and he quickly rushed towards the opponent, criss-crossing the battlefield.He also has self-knowledge, he will not go to those masters, at most it is the late second-order planetary level.

On the battlefield, the low-level monks actually accounted for the majority. Jiang Xiaobai resorted to various means to kill, even if he intentionally restrained his strength and was careful not to attract the attention of others, after a few hours, he also killed After killing 12 people, you can leave Shangyang Star safely.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai became very anxious, he jumped forward without thinking, dodged left and right, and then turned around, only to see that he was a monk at the peak of the second-order planetary rank.

"Boy, you are looking for death." This is a gloomy young man with a weathered face and high browbones, giving people an extremely gloomy feeling.

He obviously noticed Jiang Xiaobai's tricks, and suddenly launched a sneak attack, but he didn't expect to be dodged by Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai felt the latter's tyrannical vitality, which was much stronger than those of the previous Tier [-] monks.

"Look at the gun!" The latter waved his hand and it was a vitality gun, shining with gorgeous golden light, and shot towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Although it is not a vacuum here, the obstacles in the air are extremely small, but in the blink of an eye, the Yuan Qi gun has shot in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

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