The golden light in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes was shining. A shot in the eyes of others, in his eyes, it was clearly dozens of shots, hundreds of shots, which completely enveloped him, and even the direction of his escape was completely covered. .


Jiang Xiaobai sighed secretly in his heart, combined his sword with both hands, and directly resorted to the move of punishing the saint.

He had two swords in his hands, but it was not a bad idea to use the swords as knives. The two swords crossed and pushed forward horizontally, resisting the spear stabbed by the opponent.

With a bang, the sharp edges of the weapons of both sides shattered, and the two took a step back.

Jiang Xiaobai turned around and ran away, the opponent's vitality spear turned out to be real, used as vitality, very insidious, and definitely a planetary grade treasure, high quality, but these two swords are very ordinary, Wrinkles appeared.

The young man gave a cold snort, and watched Jiang Xiaobai go away. He fought against another person who had sneaked up.

Jiang Xiaobai cursed secretly, and then carefully sprinted around, ready to pick up the leaks at any time, but he no longer took the initiative to attack and kill, and his current strength was still too weak.

With the fusion of the seeds of the avenue, Bai Yu was left with the secret mirror, but at this time he was not as strong as he was in the restricted area.

After beheading for a while, Shang Yangxing finally took advantage of it, and the opponent fled away in embarrassment, hiding in the chaotic planetary belt, and a group of people hurried back happily.

About one-fifth of the staff has been reduced here, nearly a hundred people have been killed or injured, and about one-third of the enemy has been killed or injured.It was also because Linghu Xiao was too brave, and his subordinates were even more fearless, otherwise it would never have been possible to make the enemy flee so quickly.

When they returned to Shangyang Star, Linghu clamored for celebration, and Jiang Xiaobai accepted Linghuao's invitation and moved into the City Lord's Mansion.

The vitality here is obviously more abundant, and the practice is faster. What's more, Jiang Xiaobai can see that this is Linghuxiao's invitation through his brother's mouth. Naturally, he will not toast or eat fine wine.

"You are Jiang Xiaobai? It's amazing, I offer you a toast." Linghu Xiao picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to be negligent, so he quickly paid for a cup, and there were not many news about the events on the other side of the earth.However, the natives of the earth won the third-order star heart and integrated the fruit of the avenue, so that the earth has the potential to become a holy place for practice. This kind of news is too important and they know too much, so naturally they will not spread it indiscriminately.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai's name resounded throughout the star field.

"No wonder the strength is extraordinary, but there is a lack of good weapons. I still have some good things in my house, and my brothers will go to use them later. But that kid Cai Yi has a bit of vision, otherwise I don't think even a third-level planet-level cultivator may be able to stop him hold you."

Linghu Xiao was very proud, but he was very polite to Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaobai was not a timid person, so he had a big drink with Linghu Xiao, chatted about the world, the past and the present, and made Linghu Xiao shout happily, without any hesitation. He casually pointed out some questions about Jiang Xiaobai's practice.

Afterwards, Linghu Xiao got drunk, Jiang Xiaobai followed Linghu Ao and retreated.

"Brother, it turns out that you are so powerful, I am disrespectful, let's go, brother will take you to choose some treasures."

Jiang Xiaobai was not too polite, Linghu Xiao was warlike, thinking about how many enemy weapons he had confiscated over the years, he was naturally very generous.

After opening the treasure house, Jiang Xiaobai walked in. Even though he was prepared, he was still taken aback. All kinds of materials filled a hall. It didn't look big from the outside, but it was hard to see the end inside.

These materials are not very good, but they are suitable for Jiang Xiaobai. Under the reminder of Tai Chi Yuanpan, Jiang Xiaobai chose some weapons with special materials, and some of them were damaged.

"It turns out that Brother Jiang is still a master craftsman."

Jiang Xiaobai hummed a few times, but he heard Linghu proudly say: "Brother, we have some materials here, but we don't know anything. Since you are a master craftsman, you might as well help us identify it."

"Of course there's no problem." Jiang Xiaobai agreed.

Linghu Ao called someone to whisper a few words, and a group of people ran out, and after a short while brought over thirty kinds of materials, and placed them one by one in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

"Brother, please, if you can identify five pieces, I will give you one piece, if you can identify all of them, I will give you ten pieces." Linghu Ao's voice was full of courage and wealth.

"Speaking of which, elder brother is warlike, so he snatched a lot of good things, while I am very curious. This is something that has been handed down from my sect for thousands of years, so I really want to know what these things are, I don't know Ah, I can’t sleep well now, haha, I’m an idiot when my elder brother laughs at me.”

Jiang Xiaobai said sternly: "Brother Ao is not an idiot. In my hometown, this is the appearance of being sensitive and eager to learn. The more you learn, the more you understand. Who can say that this is not your way, Brother Ao? In my humble opinion, Brother Ao perseveres, and his future achievements may not be inferior to Brother Xiao."

"It's too far, it's too far, but thank you for your good words, now you should identify these things first, my heart is already very itchy."

Jiang Xiaobai really wasn't talking nonsense, but seeing that Linghu Ao didn't care, he didn't say any more, and began to appraise it carefully.He just glanced at it and knew that he didn't know anything, but with the Tai Chi disc, this was his capital.

"Brother Pan, it's up to you."

"Ding, ding, ding..."

A series of dings made Jiang Xiaobai's eyes burst into laughter.

There are a total of 35 items here, and Tai Chi Yuanpan recognized 33 of them, which means that two of them are waste.

Jiang Xiaobai coughed lightly, and said with a smile, "Brother Ao, I really know a little bit."

"Wait a minute—" A drawn-out voice came from a distance, and then an old man rushed over quickly.A young fairy followed quickly, a little shyly.

The old man stretched out his hand to block Jiang Xiaobai: "Don't say anything!"

He stared at Linghu Ao again and shouted: "Boy, I've already told you, I will recognize these things, why don't you show them to others."

"Uncle Bai, Linghu Ao is being polite." Linghu Ao saluted first, and then said: "Uncle Bai, let others see it, these things..."

"That can't be done. If there are formation materials I need, materials for refining tools, and materials for alchemy, although your brothers have determined their ownership, they cannot be taken away by outsiders in vain." The old man is like a The old naughty boy blew his beard and stared.

At this time, Fairy Miaoling also flew over, and she saluted Linghu Ao: "Qinglian has met Master Ao, please take care of him, Grandpa heard that you brought someone to see the treasure, and he left the gate again gone."

Qinglian had a bitter face, with distress in her expression.

"Hmph, what do you mean I'm out of customs again? I just test you out, and you'll be exposed. I think you're just trying to sell your father!"

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