Dominate the world

Chapter 1033 Half a Year

"Boy, let's go, it's none of your business." The old man Bai shouted, pushing Jiang Xiaobai to let him go.

The old man's granddaughter hurriedly grabbed the old man, and apologized to Jiang Xiaobai: "Young master, please forgive me, grandpa is getting old, a little..."

"I'm fine!" the white old man shouted unconvinced.

"Uncle, Mr. Jiang can tell what these materials are." Only then did Linghu Ao have a chance to intervene.

The old man Bai was startled, looked at Jiang Xiaobai, pouted and said, "Impossible, this kid may have good talent, but he is too young to know him."

Linghu Ao cast a look, asking Jiang Xiaobai to take it easy.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "Senior came so decisively, I think he should know these objects, at least one of them, you might as well check with the boy, whether the boy can authenticate these treasures, doesn't it make sense? "

"Hey, the kid still has some brains, more useful than the two of you, okay, tell me what this is." The white old man pointed to a dark and shiny thing, but the whole body was full of holes.

"Of course, you can't simply say its name. Who knows that you didn't make it up, you have to tell its efficacy and properties." The old man added another sentence.

Jiang Xiaobai was amused in his heart, thinking that the old man must have experimented many times and found out the properties of this thing.

"This is carbon crystal, a very rare thing. It reminds me of the nearby Tiandao book. I think you should have taken it out from the Tiandao book. Its function is actually very simple, it is burning, so it can be used for refining , can be used to drive spaceships. The heat generated by such a large piece of carbon crystal is enough to refine a star-level weapon with fire attributes. If it is used to propel a spaceship, it is enough to run a small-scale planetary-level spaceship for a year .”

"Of course, it is very difficult to ignite. It needs to use the vitality of the yang attribute to ignite it. Therefore, it is used by some forces to test the yang attribute talent of the disciples. Because the yang attribute of the disciples is not enough to ignite the carbon crystal, but it can make the carbon crystal The crystal emits light, relying on the richness and heat of the light to distinguish the talents of the disciples. My words are finished."

The white old man swallowed and snorted.

Linghu Ao and Miss Qinglian knew that Jiang Xiaobai was right, and he knew more than old man Bai.

"Okay, you're right, what about this one?"

"This is Liuxianyu. This material is very magical. It can capture the wonderful mysteries of the world by itself. The more you accumulate, the more magical it will become. Once the time is almost up, you will show some extraordinary things in a natural way." The strange phenomena, even some mysterious exercises or original manifestations that have been lost in the past, are simply extraordinary. Brother Ao, this thing can be put away, it is for the benefit of all generations, so don't throw it away."

As Jiang Xiaobai said, he threw Liu Xianyu to Linghu Ao.

Linghu Ao quickly caught it and treasured it, this thing is indeed a treasure.

"what about this……"

Relying on the Tai Chi disc, Jiang Xiaobai explained more than a dozen kinds of materials, but behind him he deliberately hides his clumsiness and knows too much, which is always easy to lead to death.

Moreover, although these materials are numerous, he only needs two pieces, which is enough.

Keeping his promise, Linghuao took out Liuxianyu with heartache and let Jiang Xiaobai choose.Jiang Xiaobai naturally won't lose his eyes. He chose a piece of ore called Blood Tears Gold and a fossil of a bug, which happened to be added to the Tai Chi Star Sword and the Moon Scimitar.

"Xiaobai, you are a gentleman." Linghu Ao sincerely praised.

Jiang Xiaobai sighed in his heart, if he was a gentleman, the world would be full of gentlemen.

"Boy, do you understand formations?" the old man Bai called.

Linghu Ao suddenly interjected: "Xiao Bai is a master of crafting, so he naturally understands formations."

He blinked at Jiang Xiaobai, and said via voice transmission: "This is a good thing. My uncle is best at formations. You can ask for advice, which will be of great benefit."

"Okay, let me ask you, what is the secret of the formation? What is illusion, what is truth, when it is firm, when it is soft..." The old man said a lot.

Jiang Xiaobai understood, this old man is too good of face.He simply flattered a few words, and sure enough, the old man Bai became his confidant, and talked about it. Only then did Jiang Xiaobai realize that this old guy is really a master of formations, and his understanding of many formations made him suddenly enlightened. The comprehension of the law has improved a lot.

In the next few days, Jiang Xiaobai lived in the city lord's mansion, discussing the various exercises and formations with the old man Bai's grandson and Brother Linghu, and Jiang Xiaobai benefited a lot.

After a few days, the new Tai Chi Star Sword and the Full Moon Scimitar were also forged by the Tai Chi Disc again.Jiang Xiaobai specially showed it to the four people, who were amazed.

And Jiang Xiaobai's cultivation reached the second level of the planetary level like a broken bamboo.

Jiang Xiaobai stayed and learned a lot.

For example, Shangyang is only a second-level planet, and planet-level masters are not allowed to practice on the surface. If they want to practice, they need to go to a specific practice place, which is expensive.

So during the daytime, Jiang Xiaobai discussed with the others about cultivation formations and the like, and at night he rushed into space to practice with the help of cosmic energy.He also finally felt the influence of Jiuqiao.

Qinglian's cultivation level is about the same as his, and she is also at the second level of the planetary rank, but after three hours of cultivation, she needs to adjust her body, otherwise the nine orifices will be damaged.Unless you use the true yang marrow to cleanse the acupoints, or strengthen your physical body.

But Jiang Xiaobai has no such shackles at all. At least so far, he can practice continuously for twelve hours without any influence, but after three days of continuous practice, Jiang Xiaobai also had to stop. The orifice is a little sore and swollen.

But this has already made Qinglian very envious!

Time flies, Jiang Xiaobai stayed in Shangyang Star for half a year, and the frequency of foreign enemy invasions is getting faster and faster recently, Jiang Xiaobai will go to every battle, and now he only needs one head to exchange for the medicine bottle of true yang marrow.

Unknowingly, Jiang Xiaobai's cultivation base has also reached the late stage of the second level of planetary level, and he can be regarded as the number one person in the entire Shangyang star.

On this day, Linghu Ao arrived worriedly: "Brother Xiao still doesn't want to leave, I'm worried that he's determined to die in this battle."

Some time ago, there was news that Chao Yangxing, who is also the overlord of this star field, will send local forces to completely defeat Shangyangxing.Many people have already fled, and the resistance force is getting less and less, and now only they are left to guard the place where the true yang marrow is produced.

"Brother, these are two bottles of True Yang Essence, take them and leave quickly, or you won't be able to leave tomorrow." Linghu Ao revealed his real purpose, and left immediately after speaking.

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