After half a year, Jiang Xiaobai also understood the grievances between Chao Yangxing and Shang Yangxing, specifically, the grievances between Chao Yangxing and Shang Yangzong.

Due to the division of Chao Yangxing's power, Shang Yangzong gradually changed from a big and powerful sect that once dominated the planet to a small local sect, only relying on the true yang marrow to survive.

Chaoyang star belongs to the third-level planet, and its vitality is not enough. It also needs planet-level masters to absorb cosmic energy for cultivation, so the true yang marrow is extremely precious, and war is doomed to be inevitable.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two bottles of True Yang Essence in his hand, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. These days, he has received so many favors from Shangyang Sect. Comprehend, wait, did you go by yourself?

After thinking for half an hour, Jiang Xiaobai resolutely went to the City Lord's Mansion.If you don't leave and get involved in the war, you may lose your life, but if you leave here, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

The road was full of practitioners with their families, flying towards the teleportation array in a chaotic manner.The manor, which used to be bustling and noisy, was eerily quiet, and there was no one there.

When Jiang Xiaobai arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, he saw a scene that shocked him. Two soldiers were still standing guard.As before, his face is calm, his eyes are sharp, his body is steady, like a mountain like a mountain.

The city lord's mansion was full of excitement, many soldiers were practicing, their voices were neat, loud and full of killing spirit.

As if tomorrow is not the end, but just a normal day.

Jiang Xiaobai came to the door, bowed respectfully to the two soldiers, and then walked in. In the past six months, he has been in and out frequently, and the city lord does not need to notify him.

Linghu Xiao turned his head, saw Jiang Xiaobai, smiled slightly, and said nothing nonsense.Jiang Xiaobai also smiled slightly, but also didn't need a word.

The drill ended at night, Linghu Xiao came to the back hall, Jiang Xiaobai was drinking with Linghu Ao and old man Bai, while Miss Qinglian was pouring wine, arguing with each other from time to time, there was a warm feeling.

"Tonight, we went to break the Zhenyang Cave. Even if we don't get it, we will definitely not leave it to Chao Yangxing's people." Linghu Xiao said in a deep voice, looking at the four of them, his voice was decisive.

That night, under the leadership of Linghu Xiao, the five rushed into space, made a circle and then rushed into an ordinary small mountain range that spread for countless miles.

There are dense formations here, and Jiang Xiaobai can see clearly with his eyes.

The Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art itself has a great bonus for the eyes to break through the illusion, and Jiang Xiaobai absorbed the insights from the existence of the restricted area in the coffin of the restricted area, and his eyes are even more extraordinary.

If it wasn't for someone leading him, Jiang Xiaobai would have finished by himself, and he might not be able to come in in ten years.There are too many secret methods, and all kinds of illusions are full of traps.

Those who rush in rashly will definitely suffer a great loss, life and death are considered simple, fearing that their spirits will be suppressed, they will have to protect their secret realm for Shangyangzong from generation to generation.

"Brother Xiao, these formations are a bit broken." Jiang Xiaobai said through voice transmission, the further he went, he found that some formations gradually malfunctioned.

Linghu Xiao nodded slightly: "I know that the traitor should have sneaked in long ago, but it's all under my control. I knew this day would come, so I just let them break the formation, just waiting for me to kill Zhenyang in one fell swoop." The hole shattered."

Linghu Xiao's voice was calm, but Jiang Xiaobai could hear a sense of chill and grief.If he could keep it, he would definitely not do it, but he was powerless, so he could only make a mess.

After going around in circles, the five of them finally came to a cave, a very ordinary cave that couldn't hide anyone.

"Brother, is this the so-called Zhenyang Cave?" Linghu Ao called out in disbelief, and everyone was dumbfounded.

I don't know if it is a dragon's head or a jiao's head protruding from the stone wall, and then drops of blood drip from its opened mouth.There is a small jar below, accumulating liquid, and there is a seal on the jar, which can only accommodate liquid to enter, and discharge other sundries.

Linghuxiao played the spirit art continuously, it seemed very complicated, after hundreds of moves, finally the seal on the small jar disappeared, a faint fragrance soaked into the noses of everyone, but it gave people a sense of magnificence and vastness, just like It seems that there is a sun inside that is blooming with light and heat, purifying everything.

Jiang Xiaobai felt it for a while, and it seemed to be the feeling of the true yang marrow.

"Let's divide these up, and then smash the dragon head." Linghu Xiao said with a dark face, and his voice was extremely sad.

"Dream!" A sharp voice sounded, and seven people quickly pierced through the surrounding formation, but then the light on the four people's bodies lit up, screaming and being dismembered.

"Linghuxiao, you really left behind and ruined my four juniors, you deserve to die!" The leader turned out to be a woman, and two men lined up next to her, "Even the three of us are enough to deal with it!" you guys."

Linghu Xiao snorted coldly: "The effect is not bad, but it's a pity I didn't kill you, Shui Yuehan."

But the old man called out the name of one person: "Hong Ying, it's you."

His face was full of anger, Hong Ying was his disciple, and he had been specially arranged to leave before, but he didn't expect it to be Chao Yangxing's person.

"Not only that, I was the one who poisoned you when you were promoted to the star rank." Hong Ying sneered.

Qinglian cursed angrily, "You are not human!"

Grandpa failed to advance to the star rank at the beginning, and his vitality was backfired, his strength was greatly damaged, and his strength continued to decline, and now he has fallen to the second level of the planetary rank.

Unexpectedly, the culprit of all this turned out to be his eldest disciple Hong Ying.

Shui Yuehan glanced at the five people one by one, and landed on Jiang Xiaobai: "This is Jiang Xiaobai, who is famous in the star field, Mr. Jiang, right? Sure enough, he is a talented person with extraordinary talent. How long has it been?" , broke through to the late second-level planetary level, come to our Chaoyang star, and I can ask my master to accept you as an apprentice."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and said, "I'm sorry, but I'm a good teacher and don't like being an apprentice. I appreciate your kindness."

"Then you are toasting and not eating fine wine, Hong Ying, Jing Farewell, kill them."

"Yes." The other man obeyed and charged at Jiang Xiaobai.

Hong Ying was at the early stage of the fourth-order planetary level, and Jing Bie was at the late-stage fourth-level planetary level. The two shot together, and the momentum was surging. Jiang Xiaobai felt as if a turbulent wave was rushing, making him even short of breath.

Qinglian, old man Bai, and Linghu Ao all rushed over to help Jiang Xiaobai resist. Unfortunately, although there were many of them, the strongest was Linghu Ao's late third-order planetary level. , the four of them will definitely lose, and there is even a high probability of death in the hands of two of them.

Shui Yuehan chuckled: "Linghuxiao, we are the only ones left now, let's do it."

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