Dominate the world

Chapter 1088 Hunger

The light dimmed a little, and the sound quieted down.

There seemed to be faint traces of cold wind blowing from behind, and the six of Jiang Xiaobai lowered their bodies, quietly watching the two confronting monsters in front of them.

The two monsters are extremely powerful, one is like a tiger, and the height is almost three feet, which is not a big deal. Its pair of saber teeth protrude from the lower jaw, almost hitting the ground.The whole body of the saber teeth is golden yellow, and the inscriptions are shining, and it is easy to know at a glance.

The monster confronting him looked like a bull, with a tall body almost five feet tall, completely taller than the tiger-like beast by half of its body.A pair of ox horns looked down at the world, and the hind hooves kept churning, rolling up piles of sand and stones, as if they were about to attack at any time.

Its thighs are extremely thick, almost like four big pillars, not to mention being pierced by a bull's horn, even if it is hit by such thick pillar-like thighs, it will definitely be injured.What was even more frightening was its hooves. It was only at the moment of flying that everyone could clearly see the barbs under the hooves.

And the tiger-like beast on the opposite side obviously knew how powerful the strange bull was, so it just roared, but didn't dare to attack.

"This cow should be a mountain pulling beast. It is recorded in the book that an adult mountain pulling beast can be more than 30 feet tall, and its four hooves are enough to uproot a hill, so it is called a mountain pulling beast. The current one should be a juvenile It’s expected, but the mountain plucking beasts have always lived in groups, so this one should be alone.”

Unexpectedly, Zhang Chengwen turned out to be an old pedant, who was extremely proficient in various historical materials and legends. After a brief identification, he named the latter.

"This tiger is not simple. It should be the legendary saber-toothed tiger, but I didn't expect that saber-toothed tigers are still alive on this planet. As the saying goes, success also has teeth, and defeat also has teeth. These teeth make saber-toothed tigers extraordinary, but they are also Let them become the hunting target of the monks. This pair of saber teeth is born with an inscription, and it is also the natal inscription of the saber-toothed tiger. It is the most convenient for refining weapons. It is rumored that the saber teeth of the top saber-toothed tiger can be used for refining The Four Extremes Divine Soldiers."

Zhang Chengwen's eyes sparkled with excitement, and he pointed to the confronting saber-toothed tiger and said: "This is also a juvenile, if it is an adult saber-toothed tiger, as far as we can run, it is at least a cosmic level, or even a transcendent existence .But this little guy is star-level, a pair of teeth are just used for refining weapons, especially two-handed swords, because the materials come from the same source, and the inscriptions affect each other, and the power of two swords can be doubled, which is extremely rare."

"If brother Chengwen likes it, we will hunt it down later, and I will help brother Chengwen refine the double swords," Jiang Xiaobai said.

Zhang Chengwen was overjoyed: "Good brother, thank you very much."

"By the way, these two kinds of monsters are very difficult, and they are also afraid of each other. It is unlikely that they will confront each other, unless it is for some treasure. Everyone search carefully, it must be a natural treasure."

Soon, Longying Jingxian came back through voice transmission: "Is it that small clear flower? I always pass by intentionally or unintentionally, but it surprises me. What kind of flower can make me ignore it."

"That's right, sister Jingxian, you have a good eye. It's a breath-holding flower. It's still in its infancy, so it's no wonder that no other monsters have been attracted. This kind of flower is a tasteless flower to us humans, but to monsters However, it is a very remarkable thing. Once they eat the latter's roots, they may mutate, or develop some supernatural powers, such as invisibility. This kind of supernatural power is very strange. Maybe there are behind us now... ..."

Zhang Chengwen's words stopped abruptly, and he suddenly felt a chill behind him. He turned his head carefully, only to see a saber-toothed tiger staring at him a few meters behind him.

The anger seemed to be gathering, and the killing intent gradually spilled out.

"Run!" Zhang Chengwen shouted loudly, and ran away.

Everyone was also startled, and hurriedly followed, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't believe it, the monster was within ten feet of him, and he didn't feel the slightest sense.

"Brother Pan, I didn't notice it, let alone you didn't notice it either?" Jiang Xiaobai thought a little bit after the disaster.

The rear has turned into a big melee at this moment. Judging by the appearance of the damage, it seems that two monsters have started a group fight.God knows that they observed the two cubs at close range before, and it turned out that everything was under the observation of the adult beasts.

"They are just observing the juniors of the ethnic group, and they have not shown any malice, which is not enough to endanger your safety." Tai Chi Yuanpan gave an explanation coldly, leaving Jiang Xiaobai with a wry smile and speechless.

Indeed, it was their own fault, and it was fortunate that Zhang Chengwen had a wide range of knowledge, otherwise, if they really made a move and provoked the wrath of those adult monsters, they would really die.

Six people, you looked at me, I looked at you, and suddenly laughed.Thinking about what happened before, I feel extraordinarily exciting.

"We're still being careless!" Jiang Xiaobai said, and several people nodded repeatedly.

Consciously powerful, with a large number of people, besides Jiang Xiaobai's extraordinary strength, Zhang Chengwen and Zhang Xinyue are also star-level masters, and the three Longying brothers and sisters are all planet-level peak powerhouses. It is enough to be called a force not to be underestimated.

Because of this, they are proud.

"Forbidden Forest, how can we underestimate it, let's be more careful in the future." Zhang Chengwen said, and everyone continued to walk forward.

Maybe they were frightened before, but everyone's schedule slowed down afterwards, but their vigilance was greatly improved, and they were always vigilant.Jiang Xiaobai and Longying Wushuang automatically formed a group, and the other two brothers and sisters intersected, one star-level, and one line of peak star-level, and the range of defense was even above Jiang Xiaobai.

For three days in a row, the six of them finally had some gains.After picking some rare plants, Jiang Xiaobai still collected some seeds. These things can try to migrate to the earth in the future.

"Cuckoo!" Longying Jingxian, who was walking beside her, suddenly let out a belly cry. She was ashamed and explained embarrassingly, "I don't know why, the deeper I go, the more I feel a lot of physical sensations. Being magnified, like me right now, I'm hungry. I feel like I'm still full of energy in my body, but my stomach tells me I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, my legs are weak, my scalp is hot, and I want to rest, like Just like everyone else."

"Me too, I thought it was just me." Zhang Xinyue exclaimed, she was greatly relieved, she had been suppressing those perceptions with her cultivation, and she was about to be unable to suppress them.

In this way, several people have a feeling, but the strength is different.In terms of combat power, Longying Jingxian is indeed the weakest, and naturally the first one who can't bear it.

"Maybe this is the reason for the taboo?"

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