"Help me!" At this moment, he was completely terrified, and he felt the great terror of death.

However, under the effect of the gossip plate, Master Hexiang's voice was blocked and could not be heard at all.

Several other universe-level masters hesitated somewhat, they were not sure about Master He Xiang's current situation, especially instinctively, they did not believe that Jiang Xiaobai, a planet-level kid, could kill the universe-level He Xiang.

Just a moment later, Jiang Xiaobai had already come to Master He Xiang's side, pierced Master He Xiang's dantian with a sword unceremoniously, and shattered the latter's dantian with a violent stir.

Master Hexiang spat out a stream of blood, and he finally used this force to break free from the soul, wanting to escape.

A round of red sun rose from behind Jiang Xiaobai, the red sun was scorching hot on Master He Xiang's spirit, there was a loud hissing sound, Master He Xiang's spirit was directly burned into blue smoke.


"Junior, you dare!"

Several other cosmic-level masters were furious. They didn't care about Master Hexiang's death, but in front of seven or eight of them, a planetary-level kid beheaded their companions. To them, Definitely a great shame.

Once it was said, Master Hexiang was ridiculed, but they were also ashamed. With so many universe-level masters, they couldn't protect a single companion, and people would doubt their level.

With a loud drink, the three palms grabbed Jiang Xiaobai together.

Jiang Xiaobai resisted one person, Longying Wushuang flashed his figure, and took the initiative to hit him.

Brothers and sisters Longying Jinghua and Longying Jingxian, Zhang Chengwen and Zhang Xinyue, the four of them unanimously took out four black objects and threw them at the other palm together.

Longying Wushuang fought first, relying on the strength of the Tianyuan battle suit, Longying Wushuang directly pressed the latter to fight.

Jiang Xiaobai was not at a disadvantage, not to mention the scriptures, even the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu, which is also the top kung fu of the monsters and monsters.The kung fu practiced by Longying Wushuang is not weak, but it is still not comparable to the eight or nine profound kung fu.

The power displayed by the Eight Diagrams Disk is slightly worse than that of Tianyuan Shenbing, but it is not much worse.The universe-level master who fought against Jiang Xiaobai immediately discovered Jiang Xiaobai's strength.

This is not a planet-level master, even ordinary first-order universe-level masters do not have such strength.

After entering the cosmic level, the improvement of skill is extremely slow. After all, except for the three holy places of practice, any planet is no longer enough to support the practice of cosmic level masters.

If you want to practice, you must fly to the vast starry sky, so most of the universe-level monks who stay on the planet are first-level universe-level monks.

But right now, this kid's strength has already reached this level, which frightened him to death, no wonder Master Hexiang would be beheaded by this kid.

He didn't dare to stay any longer, fearing that he would follow in Master He Xiang's footsteps, he slammed his palm to use his strength to retreat, and ran away without looking back.

Jiang Xiaobai was slightly taken aback, but couldn't help laughing. Although everyone was timid and afraid of death, they were still aware of current affairs. He stopped chasing, but looked at the other cosmic masters who were in the formation.

The faces of these people also changed. These six juniors actually blocked the three of them, and judging from the situation, they clearly had the upper hand. When did the disciples of the planetary level and the star level become so powerful?

At this time, strong winds blew, but monks finally rushed one by one, and more than 30 universe-level masters arrived.

"Hey, where's old man Hexiang? Where's old ghost Zhang Yu?"

"One died and the other escaped."


Jiang Xiaobai joined Longying Wushuang, and after defeating the cosmic level master who was facing her, he pulled Longying Wushuang, swept the other four, and the six of them rushed into the stone knife formation together.

"Hmph, if you want to escape, follow in." Everyone shouted and rushed in together.

Many people have been observing these blade-like stone pages for a long time. It seems that the atmosphere is formidable, and there are some mysteries of the formation.But in their view, it was just a little troublesome, and there was no particular danger.

Today's Stone Knife Formation is indeed like this. Before there was a refining stone book to promote the formation, the formation was naturally extraordinary and mysterious, and the monsters were so shocked that they didn't even dare to break in. The end of forcibly breaking in is that there will be no bones left.

Right now, the Artifact Refining Stone Book has been collected by Jiang Xiaobai into the inner universe. Without the impetus of the Artifact Refining Stone Book, the power of these stone knife formations will naturally be greatly reduced. As a cultivator, it is really not enough for a stellar level, or even a cosmic level.

It is confirmed that the formation is very ordinary, a group of people came out with some planet-level guards outside, and most of them rushed in.

Everyone has their own little calculations, but there is a stone book on refining tools, what if it is snatched by others?What's more, who said that he didn't have that opportunity, maybe the pie fell from the sky?

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know the calculations of these people. The biggest effect of entering the stone knife formation was to divide the minds of these people. Compared with finding them, these people were more eager to find the stone book of refining tools in advance before others.

Although the Artifact Refining Stone Book has entered Jiangxiaobai's inner universe, it can still easily control the outer formation. Seeing most of the people coming in, under Jiang Xiaobai's signal, the boy derived from the Artifact Refining Stone Book Directly opened the formation.

The planetary-level expert who was guarding outside was full of anger, but he had no choice but to guard the outside.

But suddenly, they felt a feeling of palpitation. They looked intently, and although they couldn't see the mystery of the formation, they felt that the formation seemed different from before.

"Quickly, contact the seniors of the sect." Some people are still clear-headed, knowing that the situation is wrong, and they are on the alert.

But the next moment, everyone changed color.

"Too bad, I can't get in touch."

"This is a game, Jiang Xiaobai lied to all of us."

"Contact Zongmen!"

These people became chaotic, Long Yinghao and Zhang Zhaolong hid behind them, they could see the movement of these people clearly, and they also felt the change of the formation.Both of them are at the cosmic level, so they naturally feel more real. The current formation is very dangerous. Even if they enter it and don't understand the changes of the formation, they will definitely be seriously injured, and there is a high probability that they will die inside.

"Good boy, you are ruthless enough to calculate." Zhang Zhaolong said with emotion.

Long Yinghao didn't take it seriously, he had always lived on the small island outside, and had seen too many intrigues, and the madness and ferocity of those people was commonplace to him.

If people are not ruthless, they will not be able to survive.

"Since the little guys have plans, we don't have to worry about it. We just searched in this forest to find our chance. We can't eat meat for the younger generation. We can't even get a mouthful of soup, right?"

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