Dominate the world

Chapter 1103 Bad Situation

The two went on their own, letting these people panic.

In the stone knife formation, Jiang Xiaobai led five people, circled around a few times and came out.The Stone Knife Array was originally a formation that was condensed by the Refining Stone Book in order to hide oneself and protect oneself. There is nothing good in it, so it is not worth nostalgic.

As for those people, after entering the battle, they will suffer a lot in it. Life and death are fate. If they are lucky enough to escape, it is their luck. If they fail to escape, it will be their punishment.

There are still many good things in the Forbidden Forest, especially a certain place. In the words of Senior Shangyu, it is a good place to practice, especially for monks below the universe level.

This time, he and Longying Wushuang gained a lot, while the Zhang family brothers and sisters and Longying brothers and sisters had almost nothing, Jiang Xiaobai didn't want to do that.Although everyone has a good relationship, they don't worry about being too few, but about unevenness.

The six kept going deep, and finally came to a huge lake.

Before walking through many forests, no one thought that this lake was hidden in the forest.There is plenty of vitality here, flowing like mist on the surface of the lake, and swimming fish jump up from time to time in the water, which is very agile.

"This is it, everyone has worked hard, let's have a good rest." Jiang Xiaobai said, jumping directly into the lake.

The other five people were also full of joy. Just by smelling it, they could feel the rich and pure vitality here.Moreover, there seemed to be something magical in the lake that made their acupoints open and their bodies began to breathe freely.

You must know that on the exchange side, they want to practice, unless there are a few secret places of vitality.It can only absorb cosmic energy, and the burden on the acupoints is extremely heavy, and even the acupoints are damaged because of this. It takes time and material to cleanse the acupoints.

It's not as good as absorbing vitality arbitrarily on the planet when the cultivation base is below the planetary level. The kind of carefreeness can last for half a year and a year after practicing and retreating, which is continuous and comfortable.

But now in this lake, they experienced that feeling of freedom again.

The five shouted and jumped down together.After occupying a position each, they began to practice.

Time flies, it is a month.

Finally, the voice of the tool refiner Shiye Boy came from the inner universe, and Jiang Xiaobai woke up.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"My stone knife formation has been broken. Those sect masters have come, and they have broken my formation by cooperating from inside to outside." The boy was a little upset. He has lost his personal control, but what he needs to fight against is a pair of cosmic level masters.

Jiang Xiaobai knew this would be the result, and he comforted him: "It's okay, being able to trap those people for a month is enough for the people from the exchange to come. Now, in this Meteor Planet, the situation of the natives It's not very optimistic."

He woke up the five people. It had been a long time since the five people had cultivated themselves to the planetary level, they had not practiced so comfortably. Each of them had greatly improved their skills, at least one step higher, and they were all very excited.

Knowing that there is another wave of cosmic masters coming to help, they also know that the time they can stay here is running out.After contacting Long Yinghao and Zhang Zhaolong, the six made a detour and jumped out of the Forbidden Forest, gathered outside, and rushed towards the station agreed by the exchange visitors.

The eight people came to the front of the station and entered the station by virtue of their identities.

Looking around, Jiang Xiaobai saw that this place looked like an army in front of the battle. Of course, it didn't have the momentum of an army, but it looked a bit like a battlefield.

Relying on the relationship between Zhang Zhaolong, Long Yinghao, Tanglong City City Master and Deputy City Master, they and his party were regarded as insiders, directly entered the depths of the garrison, and then accepted some tasks. After some experience, they finally found their resting place.

They allocated a tent whose internal space was dozens of times larger than the external space. They did not have any other magical powers, but simply enlarged the space deliberately.

Earlier, Zhang Zhaolong and Long Yinghao were invited to a meeting by a stellar senior, leaving six of them behind, and they rushed back until late at night.

"I didn't expect the situation to be so bad?" Zhang Zhaolong said with emotion.

In the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai and Long Ying Wushuang also walked around the station, saw some situations, and expected that the situation was not good, but Zhang Zhaolong's emotion still made the two of them feel more heavy and happy.

"Father, what's going on, I heard that even planet-level monks are going to participate in the struggle?" Longying Jinghua asked.

Now, several people have become star-level monks, and they can be regarded as having the power to protect themselves.Although Jiang Xiaobai is a planetary-level monk, no one really thinks he is a planetary-level monk.

Zhang Zhaolong explained: "The cultivators on Meteor Planet unite and want to drive out all the people in our exchange."

Long Yinghao smiled wryly and said: "I can't blame others, some people are really too arrogant, they don't care about anything, they just blindly kill and plunder, killing the local aborigines into a rage, and making other people become villains .Now, outside, everyone shouts and beats us as soon as we show up."

Speaking of this, Long Yinghao looked at Jiang Xiaobai and the others: "You guys are also famous."

"Huh? We haven't fought them yet? What's going on?" Zhang Xinyue exclaimed.

Zhang Zhaolong is a little complacent, but also a little worried: "It's not just what happened in the forbidden forest. You trapped more than 30 universe-level masters, and even involved more than 20 universe-level masters to rescue them, which resulted in the defeat of the natives." In the field, at least a dozen cosmic-level masters were killed or injured. These accounts are all on your heads."

"Nowadays, the names of the six of you are very famous, and of course you have been offered a very high price. So, be careful in the future, not only guard against the natives, but also guard against the people of the exchange, you know? "

The six nodded quickly. They were no longer fledgling young people, so they naturally knew this truth.

There are those who hate others, but those who laugh at others do not. The most important thing is that they do not see good people around them. More danger does not come from the enemy, but from the inside.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help asking: "But, I heard that everyone is going to fight in the afternoon?"

Several people also nodded again and again, saying that it is so.

Zhang Zhaolong said: "There is such a thing. We underestimated the strength of Meteor Star. We don't know how many cosmic masters there are on this planet, maybe at least a few hundred."

"There are definitely huge secrets hidden on this planet, otherwise it would be impossible to hide so many masters!"

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