Jiang Xiaobai's heart froze, and he recounted what happened in the Forbidden Forest.

Zhang Zhaolong was shocked: "Extraordinary?"

"Well, and Senior Shangyu said that there may be a master sitting in every forbidden area. Of course, the strength of those people may not be superhuman, but they are definitely not bad, at least they are all high-level universe."

"How is this possible?" Long Yinghao was also shocked, but he had to believe what happened to his niece.

Raising a planetary-level disciple to the peak of the star-level in just a few hours, this kind of combat power is destined to be able to be achieved only by a super-level master.

Jiang Xiaobai continued: "As for the place that gives us the greatest sense of threat, I can be sure that there must be a few transcendent level masters hidden in it. Maybe it is not the transcendent level that is suppressed, but the immortal level. Of course, it is not the real one. immortal."

"You mean Wutian?" Zhang Zhaolong asked.

The others were all surprised, the name Wutian was too mysterious, that is to say, Zhang Zhaolong, as the city lord of Tanglong City, had an extraordinary status, and he knew the name only after reading historical materials often.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said: "It is Wutian, maybe this planet is the main star that suppressed Wutian, otherwise it would not be so strong here. By the way, Uncle Zhang, Uncle Longying, people from the three sanctuaries can catch up with them!" Come?"

"Hey, how do you know, we only found out about this news during today's meeting?" Long Yinghao asked in surprise.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth: "I'm just making the worst guess. If the people from the three sanctuaries have arrived, it means that my guess is correct. This planet definitely has a huge relationship with Wutian. connection."

In fact, he had already guessed. After all, a forbidden forest needs super-level suppression. How terrifying would the real forbidden land be? There is no other possibility except suppression.

"They should arrive in three months, so our task is to hold on for at least these three months, hold on to this garrison, and not be beaten to flee."

Jiang Xiaobai knows how these people care. They have lived in the exchange since they were young, and that is their home.

Although they are proud that the Exchange is connected to the Starfields of the Heavens, compared with the three sanctuaries, it is obviously not enough, but the people of the Exchange naturally have their pride.

The eight discussed together for a long time, and finally stopped the topic and began to rest.

In the early morning of the second day, when everyone was resting in the tent, there was a long and rapid whistle from outside.

"Every universe-level master, fight with me."

Long Yinghao and Zhang Zhaolong calmed down the crowd with a few words, and flew out quickly. It was a matter of war opportunity. If they didn't fight, they would be beheaded according to the theory of escape.

Not long after, there was another long howling sound, star-level masters fought, and a lot of Ulala flew out again.

Jiang Xiaobai wanted to keep up, but he heard someone yelling that the peak planetary level was going to fight, so he simply rushed out following the voice, and came to the place where the peak planetary level gathered.

There are a lot fewer people here, about three hundred or so, and most of them have a heavy look.

Jiang Xiaobai stood at the end of the queue, looking at the person speaking in front of him.

That is a young man whose strength is at the pinnacle of the star rank, with a serious face and a strong murderous aura on his body.

"We all know what's going on here, so don't take chances. If you want to survive, you have to fight. But your strength is too weak, and you will die if you go out to fight, so calling you has other functions. Afterwards, you will be divided into teams, every ten people in a team, you choose the captain yourself, and then go to carry out the task."

"This side is full of missions. After the queues are divided, your captains can choose by themselves. Okay, let's start the division."

The young man spoke vigorously and organized them into teams of ten, without even asking them their names, as if they didn't care at all.

Jiang Xiaobai was unlucky, in the end there were only seven people left, and the youth directly formed a small team of seven of them.

In the team, there was a female cultivator who wanted to speak out, but was stopped by a simple man next to her, and her eyes signaled not to interrupt.

Sure enough, the star-rated youth sneered and said, "You should thank your teammate, otherwise you will die if you question my order."

The nun was frightened to death, her eyes were full of gratitude to the monks around her.

After the star-rated youth uttered such a sentence, he played tokens one after another.

Because of the actions just now, the simple man became the captain of the team without hesitation.Jiang Xiaobai didn't have any objections to this, anyway, he didn't intend to rely on anyone.

If these people don't hold him back, just take them with you. If these people are not strong enough and self-willed, then leave them directly and complete the task by yourself.

"You choose the mission yourself and imprint it on the token. I will naturally know what mission you have chosen. Let's start now." The star-level youth threw down a sentence and flew away directly.

As for Fang Yuan, the universe-level master had already left, and then the star-level master also flew away.

In the station, there are only planetary level cultivators like them left, and ordinary planetary level cultivators who are even weaker. These people are already logistics personnel.

The simple man's name is Jiang Tao, his eyes are a little dull, but his smile is very sincere.He didn't choose the mission self-righteously, but after discussing with everyone, he chose a mission of picking a material called ground fruit.

This is a kind of material needed for healing medicinal materials, and the demand is huge. There are few people in their group, and they think that the picking task will be relatively simple.

Jiang Xiaobai almost laughed out loud. The picking task sounds quite simple, but it often means entering deep mountains and old forests, or going deep into the hinterland, which is actually extremely dangerous.Especially in this meteorite where the natives are powerful and the monsters are rampant in the mountains, it is a dangerous task.

However, the geographical fruit is indeed very important, and Jiang Xiaobai is also planning to pick it on a large scale, so when other people said to accept this task, Jiang Xiaobai had no objection.

After cleaning up quickly, Jiang Xiaobai also told the remaining monks about his going to pick the earth fruit, and asked the latter to tell Longying Wushuang and others who came back earlier. Jiang Xiaobai followed the team members set off together.

The speed of the seven people was not fast, and the speed was even slower because they deliberately concealed their bodies. Jiang Xiaobai deliberately dispersed his spiritual thoughts and searched for dangers around him.Or maybe it was good luck, and there was no danger during the journey for five consecutive days.

This made the six people in the team relax, and they also started talking and laughing, feeling that this task was not that dangerous.

But danger often comes when people relax. One ordinary morning, when everyone woke up after meditating, a group of more than 30 indigenous people surrounded them.The two people in the lead are impressively astral-level cultivation bases, and the strongest one has reached the fifth level of the astral level.

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