Dominate the world

Chapter 1106 Star Origin Fairy

This man is tall, with round arms and a thick waist. His cultivation has reached the peak of the star rank, and he has entered the universe rank in half a step.But it seems that he is still tempering himself, still suppressing his cultivation, so he has not advanced.

The ax slammed down, bringing up a violent wind. Inexplicably, Jiang Xiaobai's vision changed, and he saw that there was only a big ax left between the world and the earth, as if he was going to open up the world, and he was going to kill him in an extremely ferocious manner. two halves.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyelids, his eyes suddenly shone with golden light, the illusion dissipated instantly, and the real body of the ax flashed again.Jiang Xiaobai raised a hand and grabbed it directly towards the handle of the axe.

With a slight puff sound, Jiang Xiaobai grabbed the axe, and all the momentum and brilliance were swept away in an instant, leaving only that hand, which shocked everyone's minds.

"The ax is not bad, but it's a bit lacking in momentum." Jiang Xiaobai commented casually, then turned and walked to the side.

The strong man retracted the ax in a daze, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai without any underestimation.Just now, he didn't use all his strength, let alone condense his killing intent, but that ax was not something that ordinary people could take.

Even the masters of the universe did not dare to underestimate him, but he did not expect to be caught by Jiang Xiaobai so easily.

The other two looked horrified. The name of the strong man's ax was Splitting Mountain Axe. No one knew his original name. He called himself Pan Jin, which meant it corresponded to Pan Gu.The strength of the whole body is very good. He once surpassed the ranks and killed the universe rank and became famous in the whole exchange.

The two of them had fought against Pan Jin before, and it was barely a draw, but they both recognized Pan Jin's strength very much.

Jiang Xiaobai is very famous, but no one knows his real strength. Now that he has shown his skills, the two of them are amazed.

"We still need to wait for one person, so Brother Jiang wait a moment, just take advantage of this time, everyone introduce themselves, and get ready for the next action."

The one who spoke was a young man in white, with a tall body and a long sword hanging obliquely from his waist, exuding a romantic and unrestrained aura.The other person is a seemingly honest middle-aged man, with a simple and honest smile on his mouth all the time, but in a pair of small squinted eyes, occasionally there will be a trace of ferocity, which makes people chill.

"This is Huang Jin, from Dangkou City in the inner three cities. This is Brother Shiye, from the real inner city. This is Pan Jin. You already know him. You two, this Jiang Xiaobai, need no introduction. Well, an absolute rising star."

Jiang Xiaobai and the others cupped their hands, and said kindly, "Xiaobai has met three of them. Xiaobai is young and inexperienced. Please take care of me in the future."

Huang Jin chuckled: "Jiang Daoyou, you are welcome, everyone helps each other."

Pan Jin came over wheezing, and shouted: "You are very good, but I am not bad, and we will compete later when we kill the enemy."

Shi Ye didn't speak, but just smiled honestly.

He couldn't see the depth of the three of them, so Jiang Xiaobai didn't say much, and when they fought later, they would naturally be able to see each other's reality.

"Who is the last one? We've been waiting for a long time." Pan Jin shouted, "It's so mysterious, it makes me upset."

Huang Jin smiled lightly and said, "Brother Panjin, please be patient. I heard that the last person is a fairy from the Holy Land of Feiyan."

"Holy land?" Shi Ye finally became interested.

"That's right, it's from Feiyan Holy Land. Brother Jiang should have something to say about this, right?"

Knowing that Jiang Xiaobai would become one of them, these people naturally thought of Jiang Xiaobai's birth. Naturally, the secret of coming from the earth could not be hidden, and they naturally knew about the arrival of tens of thousands of semi-sages on the earth.

It's only been a few years, but Jiang Xiaobai has reached his current cultivation base and strength. The three of them were extremely frightened, so they had Pan Jin's temptation before.

Jiang Xiaobai asked: "Flying Swallow Holy Land has three major sects, including Qinghong, Bailu, and Swift. Each realm will correspond to three strongest fairies, who are regarded as saints. I don't know what Brother Huang is talking about. Who?"

"Brother Jiang really understands. I heard that it is a certain fairy from Qinghongzong. Oh, here it comes." Huang Jin said.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart froze, he hadn't noticed it yet, but this Huang Jin had already noticed it?After a breath, Jiang Xiaobai finally felt the message from afar.

"Brother Huang, what a pure mind." Jiang Xiaobai praised.

Huang Jin smiled slightly: "I'm ashamed, that's all I can do. Brother Jiang's spiritual sense is also not weak."

At this moment, Shi Ye and Pan Jin just turned their heads to look over there. Obviously, the strength of their spiritual thoughts was half a chip lower than the two of them.

Two flashes of light flashed by, and a cosmic-level old man arrived with a fairy whose face covered Bai Juan.

"Oh, they're all here, very good, Xingyuan, can you say hello to them?" the old man said.

Fairy and the four of them nodded slightly: "Xingyuan has seen fellow Taoists, I have been waiting for a long time."

"No, no, we just arrived." Huang Jin smiled.

Shi Ye still smiled innocently, Jiang Xiaobai didn't speak, Pan Jin glanced at Huang Jin, and muttered, "Did you just arrive? We've been waiting for a long time?"

Huang Jin glared at Pan Jin, Xing Yuan smiled and said, "Brother Pan Jin is outspoken, it's Xing Yuan's fault."

"Okay, let's talk about the mission this time. This time your ostensible mission is to save people, but the real mission is to help them retrieve an object. If you can't do it, get that object and give them up. Of course it’s not that this old man is cold-blooded, it’s really difficult, and you have to make a choice, because the matter is of great importance. But if there is a chance, I hope you can save them.”

"Okay, the star map is in Xingyuan's hands, you go." After the old man finished speaking, he left directly, leaving five people behind.

Huang Jin didn't know where to find a fan, fanned two fans arrogantly, and asked softly: "Fairy, it seems that we will follow your lead from now on?"

Xingyuan shook his head slightly: "Xingyuan doesn't dare to do it, but since the senior has ordered it down, Xingyuan can only do his best, fellow Daoist Jiang, don't you think so?"

Jiang Xiaobai gave Xing Yuan a deep look, obviously this girl knew his purpose of coming in.Even if it was waking him up, it was also threatening him.

"I don't care, as long as you don't make stupid decisions." Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice.

Obviously, everyone in this team has their own calculations, and no one is convinced.

Pan Jin said naively: "Let's go, I've been waiting for a long time."

"Okay, let's talk on the road. The place we are going to this time is called the Remnant Star Fall. It is said that it is a secret realm formed by the fall of more than a dozen planets. It is the second most dangerous place in the entire Meteor Star. And the news from them Look, the falling of the remnant star is of great importance, even related to the entry of that forbidden area."

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