When Fairy Xingyuan said this, the four of them, including Jiang Xiaobai, became vigilant.

That forbidden place is nameless, not because it really has no name, but because the local aborigines dare not mention the name of the forbidden place. Gradually, when they talk about the forbidden place, they point to the most terrifying forbidden place.

During this period of time, they also sent people to visit the forbidden area, but no one found any way to enter, but now they seem to have found a way to enter from the Remnant Star Pendant, which naturally aroused the attention of the upper-level masters.

But whether it is true or not is a huge question, and it is even the news that the trapped people deliberately released to save themselves, so the people above asked them to search for the news first, after all, that place is also very dangerous.

Not to mention the gathered natives and monsters, but the danger of the remnant star pendant itself is enough to make everyone eat a pot.

Therefore, many people do not dare to venture forward, after all, this is related to everyone's worth and life.

Once they fail, or fall into the trap, what awaits them will be a catastrophe.

"Jiang Daoyou, please use your flying boat. After all, your flying boat is well-known among the universe-level seniors." Fairy Xingyuan smiled.

Huang Jin and the others looked over curiously. They really didn't know that Jiang Xiaobai had such a powerful magic weapon.

What is the origin of this guy?

Even they have never owned it, but a kid in front of him was lucky enough to get it.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly. He couldn't hide this secret from others, and he never thought about hiding it.He took out the flying boat with a wave, leaving the others dumbfounded.

This kind of flying boat is a special product of the exchange, and Jiang Xiaobai even brought it over, and no one has said that it is a skill in itself.

The five people got on the flying boat, Jiang Xiaobai pushed the flying boat and left quickly.

"It's so fast. It's faster than the universe class. It is rumored that Jiang Daoyou is extraordinary in both alchemy and weapon refining, as well as formation skills. Look at this flying boat, you can see it!"

Huang Jin talked a lot, and he was the glue for the five of them. Thanks to him, otherwise, the journey of the five of them would have been doomed to be lonely and silent.

Five days later, everyone came to a big pit, flew over the sky, and looked at the big hole below, inexplicably as if they were looking at an eyeball.

And this eyeball still has a mysterious power, it seems to see through people's hearts, attracting them to descend.

"The gravitational force here is strong?" Pan Jin shouted, he was heavy, and he felt it most obviously.

It was rare for Shi Ye to speak: "There is a big secret in it."

"Let's go down." Fairy Xingyuan said, and gave Jiang Xiaobai a look. Jiang Xiaobai made a urge, and the flying boat jumped directly into the big pit.

It was as if he had passed through a star gate and entered the big pit. The pressure on his body suddenly increased. Jiang Xiaobai retracted the flying boat without thinking, and shouted: "Resist with your own strength."

The gravitational force here has increased by at least thirty times, and it is so chaotic that even the treasures of the universe may not be able to withstand it.It's not that Feizhou can't protect the five people, but it's completely unnecessary.

The five people fell rapidly, and their bodies were pulled by various gravitational forces, which immediately showed the strength of each person's physical body.Pan Jin fell steadily like a large weight without spinning.

Huang Jin looked a little embarrassed, but he floated with his strength interestingly, and his body skills were also elegant.

Shi Ye was a little embarrassed, tumbling unsteadily, until he took out a certain treasure, and then stabilized his body.

Fairy Xingyuan is the most unrestrained, with a body as light as a swallow, and she does all kinds of fluttering movements like Huang Jin, but her body is graceful and graceful, much more beautiful than Huang Jin.

Jiang Xiaobai was just like Pan Jin, his body was unbiased, he just fell rapidly, but his body exuded a little golden light.

Finally, five people fell to the ground and hit the ground, forming five huge potholes.

The sound of "clicking" resounded, and the five people looked down, but the bones were broken by them.A thick layer has accumulated on the surface.

"Be careful." Huang Jin shouted.

The next moment, beams of light roared towards the place where the five people fell.

The beam of light shines, although it is not very thick, but it feels extremely dangerous. Once it is bombarded, the consequences can be imagined.

"Not good!" Pan Jin roared, and slashed at the light coming from the bombardment with his axe.

Everyone understood Pan Jin's anger, and the bone powder on the ground actually had the effect of bonding, sticking their feet together.Although they could only stick to it for a moment, they were forced to hold the beam of light hard.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't panic at all. When he landed, he started to run the Taoism scriptures. The non-attributed Taoism scriptures vitality envelops everything. Sure enough, there was a light under his feet in an instant, without any hindrance, and he easily dodged aside.

The four of them forcibly held the previous beam of light, and then moved away one after another, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a little more fear in their eyes.

"I want to see if it's that bastard, dare to plot against me?" Pan Jin shouted angrily, striding forward, and the four of them followed suit.

But they were some one-time formation puppets, and Panjin smashed these formation puppets with an ax in anger, and destroyed the energy column traction formation on the ground in a puzzled manner, so he stopped venting his anger.

Xingyuan frowned, and she said softly: "Panjin, this place is dangerous, there are many dangers, is it possible that you have to deal with everyone who has attacked you?"

Pan Jin yelled as a matter of course: "Of course, I will kill anyone who dares to block my way."

"What about me?" Jiang Xiaobai said suddenly.

The three of them were astonished. They didn't know why Jiang Xiaobai would provoke Pan Jin.But Pan Jin growled and said, "Did you not accept it before, so let's hit it again."

He screamed and swung his ax towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Crackling, the two fought directly.

"The two of them fought before?" Fairy Xingyuan snorted coldly.

Huang Jin shrugged his shoulders, and Shi Ye looked like he was watching the fun.

Seeing no movement from the three of them, Jiang Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a deep voice, "Pan Jin has been tricked, the bone powder or energy column just now was used to distract your attention, the real killer move is to confuse your mind , Panjin's mind has been completely confused."

"Shoot together and trap him."

The three of them were not stupid, they just watched it and found that Pan Jin was just like what Jiang Xiaobai said, his mind was confused and his murderous intent burst into anger. down.

And Pan Jin was still roaring, the mountain splitting ax had been knocked to the ground, but his hands were still waving non-stop, roaring in his mouth, shouting to kill, to kill...

"I have a Qingshen pill here." Fairy Xingyuan said, and stuffed the pill into Pan Jin's mouth.

The latter exhaled a few more times, opened his mouth and spewed out a cloud of blood mist, and finally regained his mind.

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