Dominate the world

Chapter 1109 We Are Here To Make Friends

After entering the sixth floor, everyone felt their bodies lighten up, as if they had returned to the previous outer world.

There are white clouds in the sky, birds soaring in the distance, mountains all around, and rivers flowing.

"It's not an illusion." Fairy Xingyuan said, she savored it carefully, she was confident that there were not many illusions that could be hidden from her.

Huang Jin released his divine sense, explored the surroundings, and nodded heavily.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart suddenly moved, and he remembered the little scientific knowledge he had learned in school.When the planet is large enough, it will distort the magnetic field, and time travel is an extension of this principle.

Of course, this place is definitely not as mysterious as time travel, but the Remnant Star Pendant itself is a strange land boundary formed by the superposition of dozens of planets falling together.Moreover, these planets are not ordinary planets, they all contain extraordinary origins, even if they have evolved into something mysterious, it is not impossible.

Maybe it's a photo of the magnetic field, but Jiang Xiaobai has strengthened his vigilance in his heart. In such a strange place, it is very normal for any mystery to appear.

"Weapons?" Huang Jin suddenly called out, he was indeed blessed with spiritual sense, and he discovered something that even Fairy Xingyuan hadn't discovered.

The five moved forward quickly, bypassing several mountains and rivers, and finally saw a battlefield.

The evil spirit was still awe-inspiring, and there were traces of blood floating in the air. If you use the soul to perceive it, it seems that you can still hear the unwilling cries of some souls after death.

"Back!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled, and the tool refining stone book in the inner universe suddenly reminded him that there is a formation that is activated here.

The five people backed away quickly, and there was a loud buzzing sound, and four huge pillars rushed up from the ground. The pillars were branded with inscriptions, which looked very complicated and profound.

As soon as the pillar appeared, pieces of runes bloomed, intertwined together, forming a net, covering the entire space.Just looking at the scale of the rune network, if they were a step late just now, they would have been shrouded in it.

And if you want to break it by then, I'm afraid there will be a lot of problems.

Coincidentally, a group of people rushed out, then froze, looking at the five people standing outside the formation.

This is still a group of sect disciples, their strength is not too strong, and there is no universe-level existence.After seeing that the five people were not trapped by the formation, the group turned around and ran away in a mess.

"Hmph, since you're here, let's stay." Pan Jin shouted, waving the mountain-splitting ax and charging forward again.

His strength was tyrannical, and it was mixed with anger. Soon two or three people were knocked to the ground by Pan Jin, and they were about to die in the next moment.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai made a move. He blocked Pan Jin with his sword, and shouted, "We are here to save people. If you keep killing people like this, the hostages will all die first."

Jiang Xiaobai looked back at the crowd, he bowed his hands politely, and then asked: "Everyone, we have no intention of being enemies, just want to ask, what is going on here."

The two survivors of the catastrophe exchanged glances, and one said, "Aren't you all from Outland?"

"Exactly, but there is no need for us to be enemies, is there? If my guess is correct, you have set up traps in ambush, so it may not be to guard against us, right?"

The two looked at each other again, both clearly terrified.They were also at the pinnacle of the star rank, and they were considered geniuses in the sect, but they couldn't resist Pan Jin's move.

"I'm Jiang Xiaobai, I think you should know who I am." Jiang Xiaobai directly revealed his name.

Sure enough, both of them were taken aback, and instinctively took a few steps back, their eyes filled with horror.

"I don't know how your sect arranges me, but there is an unscrupulous fact that I can use the formation to kill more than 30 masters at the universe level, but I didn't."

Not to mention these two people, even Xingyuan and the others looked over curiously. They always thought that Jiang Xiaobai was unable to catch him and had no choice but to leave!

Jiang Xiaobai took out the refining stone page, "You should have heard that the reason I took the stone knife array was to obtain it, but in fact, Senior Shangyu summoned it long ago and gave it to me."

These two are considered geniuses in the sect, so they naturally know who Shangyu is.Hearing Jiang Xiaobai talk about Senior Shangyu, the fear in the eyes of the two of them suddenly decreased a bit, and they were initially sure that they had escaped their lives for the time being.

"Then why didn't you kill them?" asked another.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "I'm not a demon who kills innocent people indiscriminately, why did I kill them, not to mention I know the purpose of your guarding on Meteor Star, everyone is talking about the same people, what we need is unity Unite, not kill each other."

"You know?" The two called out in unison.

"Of course, Senior Shangyu has already said it." Jiang Xiaobai said, "Wutian was suppressed in the forbidden area. You are the descendants of those sects back then, and those natives were secretly taught by Wutian, so you Naturally discord, isn't it?"

The two were overjoyed, "You really know?"

Jiang Xiaobai put away his long sword and signaled the two to stand up, "Of course I know."

At this moment, the companions of the two had already run away, and they were still a little scared after getting up.

"We are here to make friends, not to be enemies, so I hope you can take us to meet your leader, and we can have a good talk."

The two exchanged a look again, and nodded in response.

"Okay, let's go." Jiang Xiaobai said, and he turned to look at Fairy Xingyuan and the others.

Fairy Xingyuan came over: "Jiang Daoyou, it seems that everything you do is self-assertive, and the task above is not peace talks at all, but to get back news or save people back."

Jiang Xiaobai said via voice transmission: "I know, but it's obvious that the environment here is different, we can't even see people, how to save them."

Fairy Xingyuan was speechless for a moment. During this journey, she did not find out any news.

One was Zhao Qing and the other was Li Hai. The two of them also secretly made up their minds to bring them to the leader's side, and it would be easier for them to escape.

Soon, under the leadership of the two, the seven people came to the entrance from the sixth floor to the seventh floor.

A lot of people gathered here, and they obviously knew about the arrival of Jiang Xiaobai and his group, so they were ready for protection.

Guarding here are two cosmic-level masters, and the two burst out with momentum, killing Jiang Xiaobai and the other five.Zhao Qing and Li Hai hurriedly fled and returned to the queue.

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