Dominate the world

Chapter 1110 Leading the Way

But after the two returned to the team, they realized that Jiang Xiaobai and the other five didn't care about them at all.Ashamed and ashamed, the two lowered their heads to meet the disdainful eyes of the sect disciples.

Here, Huang Jin and Fairy Xingyuan flew up at the same time, facing the two universe-level masters head-on.Pan Jin and Shi Ye paused and became spectators. They also wanted to see the strength of their companions.

The fight of the four was incomparably wonderful, with supernatural powers emerging one after another, causing the vitality of the world to change again and again, but the people in the sect below watched the color change again and again.

Although Huang Jin and Fairy Xingyuan were at a disadvantage, they stubbornly resisted the attacks of the two cosmic masters, and the two of them became stronger and stronger. On the contrary, the two cosmic masters were impetuous, roaring again and again, trying to blow the two together with all their strength. A junior was defeated, but it was a pity that they couldn't do their best every time. The moves and magical powers were either blocked or hit in vain. The longer the fight, the uglier the faces of the two of them.

They are universe-level, and they can't beat two star-levels. It's embarrassing to say it.Afterwards, the disciples spread the news of the achievements of the two, and they were greatly disappointed.

Pan Jin and Shi Ye's expressions gradually turned serious. They only had their own judgment, and the strength of these two cosmic level wasn't too bad.The two asked themselves that they could also fight against cosmic masters, but in terms of battle scenes, they definitely wouldn't be as comfortable as Huang Jin and Fairy Xingyuan.

After watching for a while, the two were shocked to find that the two of them still had the strength, as if they were guarding against someone!

But against whom?

The two still had self-knowledge, and their eyes couldn't help looking at Jiang Xiaobai.

Among the five, although Jiang Xiaobai had only attacked Pan Jin once, he restrained Pan Jin with one move. They had no idea what Jiang Xiaobai's real strength was.

Seeing that the four of them fought more and more, their evil spirit became heavier, and if they continued to fight, they might be beaten to death.

Jiang Xiaobai felt that he couldn't wait any longer, his energy pierced through his dantian, and the surging and mellow vitality melted into his voice, and he shouted loudly: "Four, stop."

This sound was like the lion's roar in the rumors, which shocked the soul. Pan Jin and Shi Ye were caught off guard and suddenly felt the world spinning. Fortunately, they regained their clarity in a moment, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with even more fear.

The four people who were fighting were rushed by the sound wave, and they instinctively stepped back to avoid it, leaving a hollow space, only to feel that there was still a roar in their ears.

Huang Jin and Fairy Xingyuan were naturally happy to stop. After all, they are star-level juniors. If they really want to fight with universe-level seniors, at most they can take advantage of it. If they are not careful, they may suffer a big loss. .

Right now, no one dares to underestimate them.

The two universe-level cultivators landed on the ground with resentment, looked at Huang Jin and Fairy Xingyuan unhappily, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with displeased eyes.

"Jiang Daoyou, you are really powerful." Fairy Xingyuan exclaimed and flew to the ground.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded casually, as a greeting. He looked at the two universe-level masters, "You two, what's your name?"

Without waiting for the two to answer, he introduced himself: "In Xiajiang Xiaobai, these few are my friends."

As Jiang Xiaobai introduced the names of the four, Fairy Xingyuan frowned, a little annoyed at Jiang Xiaobai's overbearing, but the lion's roar just now made her say nothing.

"Zeng Yin!"

"Fang Huai!"

The two universe-level masters said angrily, feeling ashamed, but helpless, the strength of these five people is not weak, the two weighed it, and they were not sure about any of them.

If the five of them went up together, maybe two of them would lose their lives here.

Jiang Xiaobai clasped his hands and said, "You two Taoists are friendly. We are all people from the Outlands in what you say, but we have no intention of being your enemy, and there is no need for us to fight each other with swords. We must fight for a life-and-death one, don't we?"

Because Zeng was a little older and his face was darker, he snorted coldly, and said contemptuously: "I don't intend to be an enemy, so tell the ghosts of our tens of thousands of sect disciples?"

"Senior brother Zeng?" Fang Huai persuaded Zeng Yin not to get excited.

He looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a calm tone: "Jiang Daoyou, what do you want to say, just say it."

"Okay, fellow Daoist Fang, please speak quickly. What I want to say is that everyone can cooperate, instead of killing each other and letting others take advantage of it. Don't forget that your purpose of traveling thousands of miles to become the Lord of the Meteor Star was not possible. Became a native?"

"What do you mean?" Zeng Yin's face suddenly changed, and he shouted in surprise.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes froze: "As I said before, I have met the senior Shangyu of the Misty Heaven Sect. Otherwise, you think that your thirty-odd cosmic-level comrades can survive safely, but I dare not say that all of them can survive." Stay, but bury half of it, isn't it difficult?"

Zeng Yin was suffocated for breath and couldn't say anything to rebut.

"Brother Zeng, what's going on?" Fang Huai asked in a low voice.

"This matter is very important. Brother Fang, you are new to the universe class. It's normal if you don't know. It's not convenient to explain for now, but what this kid said makes sense." Zeng Yin gestured.

He looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "I can't decide this matter, Your Excellency should be clear, if you want to negotiate, it's best to go to our sect's residence, why come here?"

Jiang Xiaobai's face turned cold, and he said in a cold voice: "Your Excellency, why are you pretending to be stupid, there are monks trapped by us below, wait for me to leave so that you can kill them?"

"Jiang Daoyou, why bother talking to them, if you are disobedient, just kill them." Pan Jin shouted, he didn't know much, he was not interested in Jiang Xiaobai's words, he believed in the supremacy of strength, if disobedient, just kill him.

Shi Ye also chuckled lightly: "Kill!"

"Jiang Daoyou, hum, you said you are cooperating, is that how you work together?" Zeng Yin shouted, while gesturing for his disciples to leave quickly, he reminded the others.

Jiang Xiaobai grabbed the palm of his hand and grabbed the disciple back.

"When you are disobedient, that's how we negotiate and cooperate. You can try to stop us, let's go!" Jiang Xiaobaihe said, throwing the disciple on Zeng Yin's body, and walked into the Zongmen crowd in a hurry middle.

Involuntarily, these people stepped aside and watched Jiang Xiaobai pass by.But Pan Jin and the others laughed and walked through the crowd imitating Jiang Xiaobai's arrogance, and came to the entrance of the seventh floor.

Jiang Xiaobai jumped directly, Pan Jin and Shi Ye roared to keep up, Huang Jin and Xing Yuan hesitated, but jumped down anyway.

"You guard here, we will follow." Zeng Yin said, pulling Fang Huai and jumping down.

An inexplicable fear filled his heart, Jiang Xiaobai typed out the gossip disk without thinking, and the eight characters flashed together.In the void, a long sword quietly appeared, it was extremely fast, looking at the direction, it was stabbing at Jiang Xiaobai's heart.

But the moment the blade appeared, its speed slowed down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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